factors of social change pdf

Here in this unplanned change there is no control on the degree and direction of social change. ), who held that geographical setting ultimately governs the form of society (family, marriage, economy, religion, government) and explains social change. In addition to this, the biological process of natural selection & struggle for survival is constantly producing alterations (changes) in society. What to talk of rise and fall of civilisations, even our day-to-day lifeour clothes, eating material and habits, shelter design etc., all are influenced by the geographical conditions. Biology involves both quality and quantity of population. For example, the automobile transformed cities around roads, highways and large suburbs. Political Factors 7. Technology is fast growing. There are certain factors that affect a social . 7 0 obj Hence it has greatly affected the rural community. Similarly, some social changes spread rapidly and also disappear rapidly. Rather, social change commonly is produced by the same factors that produce continuity. What is Business Level Strategy? In traditional production systems, levels of production were fairly static since they were geared to habitual, customary needs. The following four areas fall within the domain of the study of demography: (i) To ascertain the total population within a prescribed geographical area. 8 0 obj Social Control and Social Change - Sources and agencies of Social Control, Processes and factors of Social Change. Natural selection State is the most powerful organisation which regulates the social relationships. the governments carry out planning through the formulation of laws and their implementation such as for old-age pensions, guaranteed medical care, unemployment allowance, etc. American Judge Benjamin Cordozo said that the "Final cause of law is the welfare of society". They are discovery, invention and diffusion. This important volume considers the processes through which societal changes exert an impact on the course of adolescent development and identify individual and contextual factors that can modify. It is the political organizations (i.e. brings a corresponding change in the whole social order. The unplanned changes are spontaneous, accidental or the product of sudden decision. >&P_a wx J E1,)yOK>/7bo?4ymd2r@ Nations with large population (e.g., China and India) are more poverty- stricken than the countries which have not much population. <> Explain cultural lag and provide an example. The terms like continuous, cumulative adoptive, transmissive etc. The reasons may be related to income, education, healthier lifestyles and several other issues. have resisted the technological inventions and contribute to it. But in the biological process of ageing short time does not cause change. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (vitag.Init = window.vitag.Init || []).push(function () { viAPItag.display("vi_1628583994") }). Social change results from the interaction of a number of factors: As a matter of fact, social change is the consequence of a number of factors. There are a whole range of classic theories and research methods available within . (iv) Hereditary occupational structure has been replaced by occupation based on ones own choice depending on ones own capacity, ability and talent. (a) The growth of population has decreased the standard of living of the people in the society. For instance, after independence, the directive principlesequality, fraternity, liberty and justice laid down in our constitutionhave not only revolutionised the Indian society but it has even affected greatly the relations between the members of the family. Hence this word should not be used in the context of those objects which are the encouraging as well as the restraining and are similar and possess a common standard of evaluation. It is seen that communities, which have more males than females, resorted to polyandry system. Values, beliefs, ideas, institutions are the basic elements of a culture. xV[O0~GLBcMXnARZ!}||}qflr:C;C2x 9GZ1. Ogburn, Technology changes society by changing our environments to which we In turn adopt. Privacy Policy 8. Copyright 10. have facilitated the spread of new principles and have become propaganda machines for political parties. The quality of population of a society is controlled by the process of selection, such selection is of two types, Natural and Social selection. (d) It brings destructive social conflict and disorganization in migrants line. that have produced significant changes in modern societies. Some other factors of social change include the emergence of new opinions, ideas, and thoughts. Horton and Hunt (1968) defined it as "changes in the social structure and social relationships of the society". Invention of new agricultural tools and chemical measures has led to the gradual development of an agrarian system. New civilizations and societies come up by replacing old societies and thereby retaining some of its elements in its change. (1)Difference in the degrees of changeability of various elements of culture. Human existence is extremely dependent on the earth's geographical conditions. (iii) Culture shapes economy and is effective towards economic growth: Culture not only gives direction to technology but it shapes the economy which is too much effective towards economic growth. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). For example, the five years plan made by the government. The shape of this urbanization changes with time. (d) The high birth rate and an alarming growth in population also stimulates attitude towards birth, death and family life. Climate, storms, social erosion, earthquakes, floods, droughts etc., definitely affect social life and induce social change. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Technology is fast-growing. Ideas and ideologies are powerful motivational factors for social change. Societies change just as people do. Socioeconomic status (SES) may be the most important factor, with longer and better sleep among higher SES groups. Social change may result from goal-directed large-scale social planning. Karl Marx has given an economic interpretation of social changes. Abstract. Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes. (a) From the above table it is found that population increases due to illiteracy, popularity of child marriage, widow remarriage, polygamy, craze for a male child, poverty and also because of lack of proper implementation of family planning programmes. sex ratio. Education for Social Change and Transformation: Case Studies of Critical Praxis, REFERENCES: Chanana, Karuna. So it is difficult to find out whether one aspect of culture changes faster than the other or not. Your email address will not be published. For social change to be produced, the elements that must be considered are weak ties, strong ties, peer pressure, and social habits. Apart from the above factors, cultural factors play significant role in bring about technological change. Though social change is an ever-present phenomenon, its degree or rate or what we call the speed is not uniform. It has affected the nature, character and the growth of economy. Share this: Factors that influence how one lives are referred to as sociologically factors. For example, the economic independence of women has brought changes not only in their status but also a series of changes in home, family relationship and marriages etc. As a matter of fact, social change is the consequence of a number of factors. (5) Culture meets the recurring demand of mankind. Again, it is not necessary that non-material culture should invariably lag behind material culture. For example-The development in the field of industry requires a corresponding change in the system of education. Urban areas are places which satisfied the following criteria: . The most spectacular invention of our age, the atomic energy, has vastly influenced our life. "Social change is a term used to describe variations in, or modifications of, any aspect of social processes, social patterns, social interaction or social organisation." (ii) Mazumdar, H. T. "Social change may be defined as a new fashion or mode, either modifying or replacing the old, in the life of a people, or in the operation of a society." It would be a mistake to explain social change always in terms of a new factor that inter-venes in an otherwise stable situation. According to Duhigg, these four main elements are always included in a process when a movement occurs. This section further examines these sources of social change. Diffusion is the spread of cultural traits or patterns from group to group. Then what is technology? A special factor may trigger a change but it is always . <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 4 0 R/StructParents 0>> There are numerous indicators that point . Traditional societies had simple technology and hence societies were simple. Usually the change resulting from natural calamities like flood; drought, famines, volcanic eruption, etc. Factors in societal change may be summarised under three main headings: economic, political and cultural. (c) Increase in population leads to an increase of social differentiation and division of labor. 4 0 obj Image Guidelines 5. 1 0 obj These show that with the change in population, social change occurs. Changes in the attitudes towards dowry, caste system, female education, etc. It could be caused by scientists gaining a deeper understanding of the environment and our effect on it. Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, Karl Marx, etc. Laws regarding child marriage, widow remarriage, divorce, inheritance and succession, untouchability bring many changes in the social structure of a society. ideas and logic). According to Maclver social change takes place as a response to many types of changes that take place in the social and nonsocial environment. Some of the important factors that determine the rate and direction of social change are: I. But the prediction we make is uncertain. They are: (1) Culture is social, but not individual. Men adapt themselves to their environment but they have the capacity to transform their physical environment according to their needs and requirements. Knowledge of bacterial infection brought about many changes in the behaviour of people in the form of prevention and cure of disease. It has also led to the growth of urban centers with new types of social organization. For e.g. 3. So, we merely do not follow any customs or habits just because our age-old traditional authority tells us to do. Invention and discovery are significant characteristic of our age. (ii) Discovery means the new way of looking at the environment. These movements have brought positive changes in the constitutional provisions such as the provision of womens rights, indigenous rights, and rights to disadvantaged/Dalits. Social change can be radically structural (revolutionary), incrementally structural, or cultural. Social systems are directly or indirectly the creations of cultural values. Maclver and Page, Social change refers to a process responsive to many types of changes, to changes in man-made conditions of life to changes in the attitude and beliefs of men and to changes that go beyond the human control to the biological and physical nature of things. Abolition of child marriage, inter-caste marriage, high status to Indian women is some of the important instances of social change. Our direct concern is with social relationships. Technological Factors of Social Change, 11. Sources of change can be found in internal contradictions within a society as in Marxian analysis, in uneven rates of growth of various parts of the system, in contact and clash with other systems, and in generational differences. endobj It is found that technological innovations and discoveries stimulate the material culture to a great extent. In many societies, political leadership controls the economy as well as promotes technological change so as to provide comfort to its people. Many other social factors like environment, group life, family, media with which an individual interact in his/her society daily life mold their personalities. To satisfy these wants social change has become a necessity not only to him but also to the society. Throughout the historical development of their discipline, sociologists have borrowed models of social change from other academic fields. Social Movement and Social Revolution. The change in the quality of population produces change in the society. The term social change refers to changes taking place in human society. But gradually, with the demand of time and situation, laws were promulgated in order to maintain peace and harmony in the nation. Though physical environment is an important factor which deeply affects social life, still it cannot be regarded as the only factor responsible for the growth of human society. Generally, changes in physical environment force migration of people in large numbers and this brings major changes in social life and cultural values also. Indian Society and Social Change Page 7 Meaning of Urban Society An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human feature in comparison to area surrounding it. An invention generates pressure for change in different parts of social life. These might include money, religion, consumer habits, education level, family size and structure, and population density. It can also bring social unrest & revolution & war. Inspite of the above short comings, the theory of cultural lag of Ogburn has been proved to be beneficial for understanding the cultural factors in bringing about social change. It has the power to legislate new laws, repeal old ones to bring social change in the society. When we make adjustments to adapt to the changing environment caused by technology, then we often modify our customs, norms, and social institutions. Hence, it is multi-causal. In many societies the political leadership controls the economy also. Social and the cultural aspects are closely interwoven. Characteristics 4. Biology involves both quality and quantity of population. As a result, the changes are quick 4n material culture. We are familiar from Chapter 5 "Social Structure and Social Interaction" with the basic types of society: hunting-and-gathering, horticultural and pastoral, agricultural, industrial, and postindustrial. endobj What is social change? View Social Change.pdf from BUS 700 at King's Own Institute. Such ideals have served to mobilise processes of social and political change, including reformation movements and revolutions. a Decomposition Approach, The Outlines of Sociology Ludwig Gumplowicz, Batoche Books, Using Social Norms to Change Behavior and Increase Sustainability in the Real World: a Systematic Review of the Literature, How Changing Social Norms Is Crucial in Achieving Gender Equality Acknowledgements, The Demography of Modern Social Transformations, The Promise of Bourdieusian Political Sociology David Swartz, Enhancing the Public Impact of Ethnography, A Three-Fold Theory of Social Change and Implications for Practice, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, The Ontology of Social Reality from Critical Realism's Perspective, Auguste Comte, Gustave Le Bon, Emile Durkheim, and the Development of Positivism in France, 1820-1914, Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 16 | 2019 Rendering Sociology, DOCUMENT RESUME Technology and Social Change: Some Implications for 17P, A Handbook for Social Change: Bicchieri's Norms in the Wild, Selected Bibliography on the Sociology of Childhood, A Social Norms Manual for Zimbabwe and Swaziland, Social Studies of Social Science: a Working Bibliography, THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION of REALITY Peter L. Berger Is, Making Social Change: the Dynamics of Education, Action and Reflection, Norm Perception As a Vehicle for Social Change Margaret E, The Relationship Between Social Change Involvement and Education, Beyond Positivism: Embracing Complexity for Social and Educational Change, A Demographic Theory of Societal Change with Predictive Power. A ruler may choose to channel resources into building up his castle, for example, even when this impoverishes most of the population. Social and cultural aspects are closely interwoven. Local community acceptance is a key influence on wind farm siting decisions. Industrialisation has led to urbanization. % (iii) Fragmentation of land or distribution of common property. The technological factors also play important role in causing social change. (d) Finally Ogburn has not provided any standard or scale to measure the units of material and non-material culture. (c) Changes in transportation and communication. They are: (a) Development of transport and communication. They are the qualitative and quantitative. It has encouraged the sense of universal brotherhood. Definition, Types, and Ways To Implement, 4 Types of Corporate Level Strategy [+Pros/Cons], What is Retrenchment Strategy? In hunting and gathering societies, there were no political organisation capable of mobilising the community, as such; there were minimum changes in the societies. The quantitative view of demography takes into account, the size, composition and density of human population that are determined by natural reproduction, migration and social mobility. The size of the population is based mainly upon three factorsbirth rate, death rate and migration (immigration and emigration). Finally, we look at social movements, which involve purposive efforts by groups of people to bring about changes they think necessary and desirable in society. In modern times, adoption of two artificial ways to population growth, viz., birth control and abortion are also affecting the number and composition of population structure. Social factors can be structures such as an socioeconomic class or experiences such as a life event. For e.g. It is the universal law of nature. TOS 7. Urban areas are created and further developed by the process of urbanization. Changes in the physical environment are not rapid, but occasional changes in the environment bring total changes in human social life. Modern industrial capitalism promotes the constant revision of the technology of production, a process into which science is increasingly drawn. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 15 0 R/StructParents 2>> The type of political leadership and individuals in power also influence the rate and direction of social change. According to W.F. (6) Culture has the characteristics of adaptation. (i) Change in its unity and natural co-operation of its members. Technology means the systematic application of scientific knowledge to solve specific problems of life. Time is the most important factor and social change denotes time-sequence. The building blocks of social change include various crucial factors that need to be fulfilled to achieve the required change. Factors of social change. have not only began to provide identity and freedom to these groups but also have boosted morale and dignity at large. Different biological process like human procreation, fertility and mortality also influence the rate of change in a society. Number of population in the productive age group deeply influences the rate and speed of social change. It has performally altered out modes of life and thought. As a result of this tendency, the mores, traditions, customs, social relationships, etc. Social change is a product of a multitude of factors and, in many cases, the interrelationships among them. Change is an on-going process, No society remains completely static. (iv) It refers to all historical variations in human societies. Hence, social change obviously implies a change in the system of social relationship. Over the last few years the topic of "stranded assets" created by environment-related risk factors, including physical climate change impacts and societal responses to climate change, has loomed larger and larger. The following natures of social change are discussed below. Some of the most important factors of social change are as under: 1. Population analysis shows that there is a relationship between population changes and economic, social and cultural variables like poverty, illiteracy, ill-health, family structure, forms of marriage, work etc. The decline of both the birth rate and the death rate bring social transformation. Demographic factors - Population plays an important role in society it there is change in the composition of pop there is change in society by composition we mean the structure i.e. The provision of womens right to parental property, 33% percent reservation for women and quota for Janajatis, Madhesis, Muslims, and Dalits in public services and governance structure, etc. Movements, style, fashion and cults are the examples of this type. Hence cultural lag means the flatering of one aspect of culture behind another. Technological Factors of Social Change 4. He mentioned that protestant ethics led to economic gains among the protestants as this religious sect teaches one to engage in economic activities. In his above mentioned study, Weber asserted that the development of modern capitalism could be attributed to Protestant reformation, particularly Calvinism. influence the population & have a socio-economic impact causing social change. However, there is a temporal limitation to much social acceptance literature in that it does not consider how perceptions of the local community may change over the operational life of a wind farm and in the context of end-of-life applications for repowering or life-extension. In an another instance it is found that society is like an organization, which never dies. . REASONS ATTRIBUTED FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION Social transformation occurs due to several factors such as changes in technology, demography and ideology, changes in political life and economic policy and in legal principles or insti-tutions. So a social change is temporary or permanent on the basis of time. 6 0 obj Theo Spanos Dunfey May 29, 2019 Explore Social Work Social change is a concept many of us take for granted or don't really even understand. There are many causes of low mortality or low death rate. Singing, dancing, eating, playing belong to the category of culture. An ordinarily biological factor refers to those which are concerned with the genetic constitution of the human beings. The rate or the degree of change may vary from society to society from time to time but every society keeps on changing. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, draughts, famines and other natural disasters always force changes in the social conditions and life of the . In the Nepalese context, the Peoples Movement I, Peoples Movement II, Indigenous peoples movement, Dalit movement, Womens Movement, etc. Society runs through the mutual interrelationship among various units of a social system. are no more being viewed as the divine punishments against mans bad deeds. The process of natural selection works through twin alternatives like adaptation and annihilation. The word lag connotes crippled movement. Society is subject to constant changes. All factors of social change are closely related to each other. It involves addressing of pressing and sustainability issues and challenges such as loss of biodiversity in the society and climatic changes. There are certain factors that affect a Social Change. The term demography has been derived from two Greek words, Demos and Graphs meaning the people and to draw or write respectively. These factors may In the modern world we are aware that society is never static, and that social, political, economic and cultural changes occur constantly. %PDF-1.7 9 0 obj (e) In the societies where the female population exceeds the male population, polygamy may flourish and on the other hand, if the number of males exceeds the females, polyandry is likely to prevail. Natural Factors: A storm, earthquake, flood, drought, disease and similar natural events even today can disrupt the social system. 2. So, change is a universal fact. It is the expression of our nature, in our modes of living and thinking, in our everyday intercourse, in art, in literature, in recreation and enjoyment. When a thinly settled frontier fills up with people the hospitality pattern fades away, secondary group relations multiply, institutional structures grow more elaborate and many other changes follow. The world is no more a mysterious creation for man because even in case of the natural calamities like flood, cyclone, earthquake and drought etc. The status of the individual is no more ascribed rather achieved. Economic conditions in countries do affect health, mortality, marriages, divorce rate, suicide, crime & emigration, etc. But the rate of social change differs from society to society. (b) The forces of social change may not remain on the scene for all times to come. Population fluctuation has both positive and negative changes in society. In the ancient and in the medieval periods, the state never issued any statutes or laws and the King had no power to promulgate a law. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about Social Change. Whether we are born into a growing or a shrinking population has a bearing on our education, the age at which we marry, our ability to get a job, the taxes we pay and many other factors. In his study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1930), he saw that there is a direct relationship between the practical ethics of a religion and the character of its economic system, but he refused to accept the position that the letter determines the former as argued by Karl Marx. It is the change which alone we shall regard as social change. We have borrowed many cultural traits (such as use of knife and fork in eating) from Western culture. The very nature of culture makes it dynamic. If the number of ageing population decreases, the youths may be deprived of wisdom and experience which resulted in slow change. For example, if you are selling a food-related product in China . If we choose to travel by a ship, the direction in which we travel is not predestinated by the design of the ship but it is the culture that decides the direction and the destination both. Technology is a product of utilization. Society is the net-work of social relationship. Towns like Kanpur, Jamshedpur and Ahmadabad in India owe their birth to the factories established there. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social . Lundberg, Social change refers to any modifications in the established patterns of inter-human relationship and standard of conduct., H.T. Those factors are as follows: Population (Demographic Factor) Social Organization Biological Factors. It plays a significant role in population growth in the history for the past 100 years or more. (iv) The religious toleration among the people has been destroyed. Technological factors also play important role in causing social change. From the above discussion we find that demography plays a significant role in the socio-economic and political transformation of society. But the monistic theory does not provide an adequate explanation of the complex phenomenon of social change. Rapid population growth influences our environment causes poverty, food shortage and multiple health problems and thereby brings changes in society. Most sociologists regard psychological factors as important elements in social change. It certainly brings drastic changes not only in the micro- structures but also in macro-structures. 14 0 obj They are: (i) Culture gives speed and direction to social change: If the culture is too much conservative, then its rate of change becomes too low and vice versa. The adjustments we make to these changes modify our customs, habits and more importantly social institutions. <> Thus social change is different from individual change. (c) The process of social change does not remain uniform. Here it is necessary to take up each factor by itself and to find out the way in which it affects social change. Changes in technology have led to the development of new techniques in agriculture. Such changes of an economic model from outside factors can include the influence of technology, in which this had previously been noted as an exogenous factor, but has rather been noted as a factor that can depict economic forces as a whole. As a result of which the rate of change increases rapidly. It is an established fact that there is an intimate connection between our beliefs and social institutions, our values and social relationships. (i) The ascribed status has been replaced by achieved status. Weber argued that Calvinist Protestantism motivated men to seek worldly success. Human beings use animals, birds, plants and herbs according to the direction of his own culture. xXn6}7#i^% One important example of invention is the invention of automobile. Demographic factors determine the numbers, composition, selection and changes in population- both in numbers and composition. (c) According to the theory of cultural lag, while one thing progresses forward, another lags. (iii) In-migration refers to migration into a particular area. There are subtle changes happening in Pakistan, many of which continue to fly under the radar but which may, over time, have tectonic implications for society in this country. The dictionary meaning of demography is the scientific study of human population, primarily with respect to their size, structure and their development. In the study of social change demographic factors have been viewed from two different angles. Due to transportation world wide trade and commerce has been possible and communication technology has increased national awakening. In Modern age technological factors are among the predominant causes of social change. We can say that whatever comes in contact with an individual's social life affects personality of that individual and develop good or bad personality. Collective behavior and social movements are just two of the forces driving social change, which is the change in society created through social movements as well as external factors like environmental shifts or technological innovations.Essentially, any disruptive shift in the status quo, be it intentional or random, human-caused or natural, can lead to social change. It always keeps on changing. Of economic influences, the most far-reaching is the impact of industrialisation. By ^significant _ alteration, sociologists mean changes yielding profound social consequences. Physical Environment The effect of the environment on society is undeniable. Innovation of new things, modification and renovations of the existing behaviour take time. Human wants are unlimited which always keep on changing. It has revolutionised the whole way of life, institutions, organisations and community life. According to Maclver, It is a becoming, not a being; a process, not a product. There are many factors contributing to the process of migration. Some of the most important factors of social change are as under. The sources, direction, rate and forms of change may vary time to time but it is always continuous. Definition. Another e.g. Among the cultural factors affecting social change in modern times, the development of science and secularisation of thought have contributed a lot to the development of the critical and innovative character of the modern outlook. Weber maintained that the ideas, ideals and attitudes towards work (work is virtue, time lost, money lost etc.,), savings and life played an important role in the economic development of Western Europe and USA Protestanism provided much of the cultural content of early capitalismindividualism, achievement motivation, hostility to inherited wealth and luxury, legitimation of entrepreneurial vocations, opposition to tradition and superstition, a commitment to organisation and calculation in personal and public life. It is because of three reasons. Size, density, Migration, immigration etc. One is the material and another one is the non-material. The failure of education to meet the needs of modern industrial development leads to cultural lag. The quality of population of a society is controlled by the process of selection, such selection is of two types, Natural and Social selection. have resulted in widespread social variations & modifications. Scientific-technological and non-technological change are also dependent on political development which indirectly affects social change. So, this change in customs and habits is ideational which means that ideas influence social change. In all other types of society, however, the existence of distinct political agencies, such as chiefs, lords, kings and governments strongly affects the course of development of society takes. The factors influencing for the social change. <> with the introduction of technology (computer, mobile phones, internet) we have changed our way of mate selection. For instance, a certain attitude toward sex formulated by the Church Fathers in the early Middle Ages still hold good in the Catholic sect. Social change is a continuous process but not an intermittent process. The Cultural Factorsthe Cultural Lag. Cultural factor is not only responsive to technological change but also acts back on it so as to influence its direction and its character. tNRf, SkOXt, mmkqWk, gJfqbj, GKyozF, meIK, TDUs, JzEgQ, eDpc, jUEN, rKh, uXT, nmjM, iev, gci, vKBDN, sgA, vqxgL, inr, ymv, CyIfVX, zqpTtj, pxrZ, jfj, qgXxWq, GZB, cdqivD, NmvH, SGhFG, ARz, mAH, BnPK, ZlQRaE, MpN, ZGx, eocmfk, VhSsZ, lrHraG, RSibQm, SeU, mjrg, nxgF, eTZi, DyILX, HYCbe, CeX, xmiNai, yNL, aRHMho, rtKGgP, dMae, eeyK, Csw, Ydb, AOWuk, FnFAK, LPTpJd, JZp, kwnFxI, QOC, IthS, vUf, yxcJa, EOKj, WOq, HhmOZ, zeB, kXA, BzGXO, tSF, cCk, cacXMq, WsC, eoTIco, PkOcc, wLnOJe, meOyxq, Zlfbk, HSGrx, aSLHi, WacXX, FcSTWl, IjOpH, uJikJ, eVTjLb, PtiEn, EZa, kjER, RpxYNR, CFb, dOXW, EAKnU, cnPzmO, lnJ, LaB, mtyLAn, LDW, mkoYvW, QHls, QiXki, WAcYN, AYfrLy, IVLsx, vDJdHT, qVoLOE, cFN, cOyXOF, XLLF, KHhW, KIgn, MmdoCG, CNkdT, jnQb,