does the phoenix work for ed

1 real415 1 yr. ago Also, its simply a matter of getting older. As a man living with ED, I too felt like I had nobody to turn to when it came to figuring out what caused my erectile dysfunction. After the first recovery period, I could tell a little difference but not the huge difference I was expecting then during the 2nd recovery period it was like a light switch going off. Every time I had sex or wanted to have sex, the first thing on my mind was making sure I took a pill in time. Now my erections were shit before using The Phoenix. Even when I would ejaculate we both would be surprised because I would still be hard afterwards. So, The Phoenix device fixes the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. I declined and left heartbroken because this type of information is not something any man wants to hear about his penis. Want to learn the difference between acoustic wave therapy vs shockwave therapy? So the wave therapy machines, there's a few different types and we'll get more into that later. Now I ruled these other factors out because Im a nutcase and I go to the doctor for everything. The Phoenix follows the safe and proven protocols published in numerous acoustic clinical studies. Breaks Up Scar Tissue. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The Phoenix does work for erectile dysfunction. These shock waves are actuary acoustic waves that carry energy and they can be targeted and extremely focused on the blood vessels that cause erectile dysfunction in many men. While that's high, it keeps you out of the clinic, where costs can skyrocket quickly. GAINSWave & the Phoenix Pro both utilize what is known as low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT). This allows time for healing. That was me for the past 8 years! The Phoenixs acoustic wave therapy effectively breaks up the plaque in blood vessels that impedes blood flow. These erections dont go away for awhile even after sex. It may feel a little awkward, but you have to place the tip of the device on your penis, as in a full level of contact. It costs $879 to purchase a Phoenix machine but its much less expensive then getting shock wave therapy in a clinic of doctors office. Get The Phoenix 1 Every man will experience sexual decline. Sex is more spontaneous! If you would like to learn which pillar is causing your ED, you can also take our simple free quiz at The Phoenix can effectively address one of these pillars. The Phoenix is a device, not a medication, and it is designed to deal with ED (erectile dysfunction) and Peyronies Disease through the use of shock wave therapy. Get and use The Phoenix. However, the majority of men experience significantly more noticeable improvement after their first period of rest, which means it can take 60-90 days to see results. The GAINSWAVE & Phoenix treatment sets itself apart from many Erectile Dysfunction treatments. The GAINSWave therapy works by opening existing blood vessels in the penis using high-frequency acoustic waves. Well, depending on your degree of erectile dysfunction, the stress to get an erection or worrying about your ED before you perform can also make it even harder to get one. The clearing of plaque build-up and the increase in blood flow takes time, after all. This improves blood flow by effectively cleaning the blood vessels and creating new blood vessels allowing more blood flow to the penis. Gaining ground both in terms of acceptance at the clinical level and popularity from the men who use it. With The Phoenix, you can try it at home for a full 60 days. All rights reserved. Pharmaceutical companies realize this and try to push their products on us because they know well buy it because we care so damn much about our dicks and the fear of not pleasing our women. It will be clearly outlined in the supporting manual that comes with the Phoenix so you will know how often you should use the device. The Phoenix is the only medical-grade shockwave therapy device that you can use at home. The third pillar, the brain, can often be influenced with the help of a sex therapist. The Importance of Technology in Treating ED With Shockwave, or GAINSWave, Therapy. The Phoenix has absolutely zero side effects, making it all the more appealing for those who are looking for a solution for peyronie's disease that works and works quickly. 1015 Chestnut Street, Suite 405 Testosterone Insufficiency and Treatment in Women, Thyroid Disease A White Paper Monograph, Breast Cancer and the Hormone Receptor Model, How Regular Sex Can Strengthen A Relationship, Long-term effectiveness and predictors of success of low-intensity shockwave therapy in phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors non-responders. Shockwave therapy so far is the only current ED treatment modality that offers patients a corrective therapy with long lasting positive results. After all, the area that is being targeted is naturally a sensitive area for men. You will notice increased blood flow and stronger erections. No! Brittney Yevette Griner (/ r a n r /; born October 18, 1990) is an American professional basketball player for the Phoenix Mercury of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). Treatment also varies. The instructions say to use it only two times per week, three at the most. It is always recommended that any man experiencing erectile dysfunction or ED first speak to a qualified medical professional to ensure that other potential medical complications are addressed if present. You can also look around on the internet and find a number of coupons or coupon codes that will give you large discounts on the Phoenix. This site uses cookies to make the site simpler. Peyronie's is characterized by scar tissue in the penis that causes the penis to have a distinct, exaggerated, and painful curve. In this video, CEO of Novus Anti-Aging Center Stephanie Wolff, PA-C, and Center Director David Dumbroski answer the question Does The Phoenix actually work for erectile dysfunction? by covering a vital aspect of ED treatment: the 3 pillars of sexual wellness. Remember, when factors like high blood pressure, being overweight, diabetes, and hormone imbalances are present, these must be addressed with diet and lifestyle changes. PLEASE VISIT THE FDA WEBSITE (WWW.FDA.GOV) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, INCLUDING CONSUMER ALERTS REGARDING EXOSOME THERAPY, STEM CELL THERAPY, SHOCKWAVE THERAPY, PRP THERAPY OR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE THERAPY.MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: These videos or any videos on \"The Novus Center\" YouTube channel does not provide medical advice. Thankfully, many studies have been conducted on the underlying technology of low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave treatment.. 2016 Systematic Review We helped invent, design, and clinically test this acoustic wave therapy device. Its an acoustic wave handheld device that emits low intensity shock waves into your dick that can restore blood flow, break down plaque and make your dick more vigorous and vascular for sex. 2022 Philadelphia Urology Associates. EXOSOME THERAPY, STEM CELL THERAPY, SHOCKWAVE THERAPY, PRP THERAPY OR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE THERAPY IS NOT FDA APPROVED TO PREVENT, CURE OR TREAT DISEASES OR CONDITIONS. Used Resourses: Free Personalized Treatment Plan To Improve Your Sexual Performance: more about The Novus Center: for more sexual wellness tips: sexual wellness and feel young again. The Phoenix Review | Does The Phoenix Actually Work For Erectile Dysfunction? Not only does the skin density decrease, but solid blood flow decreases as well. It uses low intensity extracorporeal shockwaves. The Phoenix is a device, not a medication, and it is designed to deal with erectile dysfunction through the use of acoustic wave therapy (shockwave therapy) to repair blood vessels. The Phoenix Pro is a legitimate clinical treatment or home-use device that works the same way that the GAINSWave therapy does. All information presented in this website is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. But, Im here to tell you that if you do have problems getting or maintaining an erection, that The Phoenix will help optimize your dick and give you stronger and harder erections. We cant diagnose you. The blood vessels still need to be healthy for proper blood flow, or else it wont matter how much plaque is removed with The Phoenix. It has been tested in several clinicals and is shown to provide results in 94% of men after 12 weeks. If the others are not also addressed, you may not achieve the results youve been searching for. Finally, the increased blood supply results in a marked improvement of the ED patient's ability to achieve a natural or spontaneous erection (plus maintain his erection). You have a dick that can be restored by a device that actually worksUSE IT! This is because it is actually restorative, and corrective of the underlying problem involved with ED and the result can be the enabling of a patient's natural or spontaneous erections. The process has been well tolerated by patients. Throughout Philadelphia and the surrounding areas, patients seek his expertise to treat erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues. I had it bad to the point that even on Cialis or Viagra, I would get hard with stimulation, but I would lose it if I didnt penetrate or keep consistent stimulation. To find out more about the 3 pillars of sexual wellness and how The Phoenix works to treat erectile Dysfunction, contact Novus Anti-Aging Center in Los Angeles for a consultation. Here is our priority link to get YOUR Phoenix so that you can start treating your ED. There are 3 pillars to every persons sexual wellness, and all of these pillars need to be optimized to prevent ED. 1 high school women's basketball player by I get my hormone tests every year (mostly semi-yearly). I said no because I never was in an accident or had an injury there. As compared with the existing traditional treatments being used for erectile dysfunction, LI- ESWT is rather unique. The Phoenix Pro is an effective treatment system but to determine its value and worth, it's necessary to break down the cost. No, the Phoenix device has a lock out mechanism that only allow usage every 48 hours. I am happy with this product and would highly recommend it. Shockwave therapy is administered with a wand-like device placed near different areas of the penis. Before taking treatment you should ensure your penis is secure and placed properly. Plus all women are different. It works on reducing blood flow to the spleens. . During that period, if its not for you, return your device for a full refund. I have rock hard erections spontaneously now and even flaccid I am thicker and longer. Some need a little more and some need a little less. Does The Phoenix Work? All of the other acoustic wave therapy devices that you can purchase online are not considered to be medical-grade. As a man living with ED, I too felt like I had nobody to turn to when it came to figuring out what caused my erectile dysfunction. It actually feels really good on some areas of my dick. Joseph Edward Martin (Ed) Zary passed away on November 21, 2022, his seventy-fifth birthday. The Phoenix can help fix the leading cause of ED, which is naturally decreasing blood flow with age. The second thing on my mind was making sure they were mentally prepared to orgasm first before I got them off physically. 1 Take the quiz This can give the perception that your penis looks bigger. Remember there is a 36 hour lock out period between sessions to prevent overuse. Using state-of-the-art equipment and having extensive specialized education and training, Dr. Sloane will find the treatments and solutions that will work for you. Moreover, none of the men in the clinical studies cited above reported any treatment associated pain or any adverse effects or events during or after their treatment. Basically, all of the current treatment modalities for ED are on-demand therapies and their use is to improve a single sexual encounter. So there are ways to minimize the cost. Does the Phoenix System Actually Work for Erectile Dysfunction? Although the Phoenix is considered to be a medical-grade device, it is not something that you can get prescribed to you, so that insurance will pay for it. [CLINICAL STUDY] Safety and feasibility of platelet rich fibrin matrix injections for treatment of common urologic conditions:[CLINICAL STUDY] Testosterone Therapy Improves Erectile Function and Libido in Hypogonadal Men:[CLINICAL STUDY] Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction:[CLINICAL STUDY] MSC-derived exosomes ameliorate erectile dysfunction by alleviation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle apoptosis in a rat model of cavernous nerve injury: DISCLAIMER: THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA). Is Shockwave Therapy Effective? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The back of The Phoenix It is FDA-Registered to improve local blood flow And lack of blood flow can be one of the root causes of ED. I didnt know what was wrong with me considering I was taking ED medication. It is not a sprint but a marathon. The Phoenix is a device, not a medication, and it is designed to deal with erectile dysfunction through the use of acoustic wave therapy (shockwave therapy) to repair blood vessels. If you were to receive this treatment in a doctors office it would cost $500 per session. As some women may or may not understand, the first step to getting BDE is to admit to your problem and then doing something about it. The key is patience! During the aging process, hormone production naturally declines. GAINSWave & Phoenix Pro both help to improve blood flow to the penis by expanding the existing blood vessels and stimulating the growth of new ones, therefore offering the following benefits: GAINSWave & the Phoenix Pro are set apart from other Erectile Dysfunction treatments as they are completely safe and non-invasive. Get off the fence and improve your sexual health today. So its all about perspective and the Phoenix Li-ESWT is a very affordable alternative to in-clinic treatments, especially since it renders so many treatments before the device needs to be replaced. The Phoenix device is extremely effective at improving erection quality. Overall its a painless device to use and you will get accustomed device after the first two treatments. No guy deserves to continue living with ED or taking dick pills with nasty side effects. The Phoenix is a low-intensity acoustic shockwave therapy that is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those seeking regenerative medicine treatments for conditions such as erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease, and even joint pain. What Ive noticed so far: Increased sensitivity ( Blowjobs, handjobs and sex feels more sensational now), Bigger erections (I feel harder and at full length with increased blood flow). The Novus Center reviews The Phoenix, an at-home shockwave or acoustic wave therapy device. A overview video about the product was recently posted to YouTube: It was also hard talking to partners about it because it's embarrassing. Each treatment takes about 17 minutes, performed two to three times a week. It doesnt cause immediate or lingering pain as an after effect of the treatment area. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. This can have a negative effect on a persons blood vessels and their other tissues. When you think about it, bombarding plaque build-up and causing micro-damage sounds like something that is going to cause, if not a significant amount of pain, some level of soreness. How Long Does it Take The Phoenix to Work? After speaking with one of The Rockets representatives over the phone, I had made my purchase before the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the pump 1-2 times per day per treatment after using The Phoenix. Here is a cool story that I want to share with you guys. Although it may sound extremely complicated, the following physiological process is what actually takes place: The underlying functional cause of erectile dysfunction in many men is an insufficient arterial blood flow in the corpora cavernosa that contain most of the blood in a man's penis during an erection. I remember getting injected in my penis by my doctor and him telling me to get an erection while he waited outside. The Rocket/The Phoenix is FDA approved and listed as a device that promotes blood flow to the penis. The result is increased blood flow to the penis resulting in stronger, harder, and more sustainable erections. Now, it sounds like this sort of thing is going to hurt, however, its not like bodybuilding in that your muscles are sore when its over with. How long does it take for the Phoenix to work? It does cause a moderate level of sensation as the device does its work. Unfortunately, most The Phoenix reviews do not cover the conditions under which this state-of-the-art erectile dysfunction treatment is effective. Yet be aware that the Phoenix Pro is intended to be used under medical guidance and supervision only. The device is safe, and painless. The second pillar, chemistry, can be influenced and optimized with the help of a hormone specialist. National Institutes of Health (NIH) covers many of them in great detail. People are currently able to restore the blood flow circulation to improve the performance in the bedroom. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Dozens of medical studies show AWT treats: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Peyronie's Disease. Fluxactive Complete Prostate Wellness Formula, Beat Procrastination for Once and For All, Prostate Cancer Support - Erectile Dysfunction, What is intraurethral alprostadil MUSE and how do I use it, What are the side effects of PDE5 inhibitors, What is brachytherapyinterstitialseed therapy Who is a candidate What are the risks, What is the prostate gland and what does it do. For anybody on the fence, I hope this review helps you decide to purchase the Phoenix! No guy also deserves to feel inferior or inadequate when with their partners. Each session lasts only about 20-30 minutes, yet the benefits have been shown to last for as long as up to two years. Click here. The Phoenix is. How does The Phoenix work? 1. Check out the studies Here:,,,,, Whats up guys, Its Rich, aka your best friend Dick. Get $85 off with code OH365 What is The Phoenix? The back of The Phoenix It is FDA-Registered to improve local blood flow And lack of blood flow can be one of the root causes of ED. But the body reacts in the same way, rushing in to heal the surrounding tissues, developing improved tissues, and also adding on layers of new blood vessels, which will further improve the existing blood flow to the penis. Blog. In cases where issues like anxiety and depression are present, we recommend visiting a sex therapist to help you resolve them. The recommended protocol is to use the Phoenix twice a week. Sexual Health Assessment. Some may term this sensation uncomfortable. Having strong and hard erections is definitely considered big dick energy (BDE). I am writing to tell you how I used The Phoenix to treat my ED and why you should too! By correcting this in a non-invasive manner and without medication, they result in long-term beneficial effects. Shockwave therapy isnt necessarily new and its offered at clinics all over the world but can it be [], Over the last few years, acoustic wave therapy has gained a lot of ground when it comes to erectile dysfunction. We demonstrate how to use The Phoenix to help men improve their sexual health. There are more than three million reported cases of erectile dysfunction each year. My confidence came back and I am able to perform any time I choose. No injections, pills or painful treatments. It takes under 2 minutes. Medications for erectile dysfunction such as viagra can help with ED but come with many side effects: The Phoenix is a medication free method of minimizing the symptoms of ED without any of the horrible side effects. The home device is usually used for anywhere between 90 to 120 days before you begin to see effective results, even though results can start to show up as early as a few weeks. BDE Style recommends the Phoenix. I was definitely hesitant at first because anything penis related that you would see online is often perceived as a scam. Click Here. Im not entirely sure when my Venous leak will fully heal, but I can tell you with the quick results in just a little over a month is beyond my expectations. Yes. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Treating Erectile Dysfunction - Beyond Viagra. The Phoenix does not increase your penis size but what it does do is improve the blood circulation which makes erections stronger and last longer. The acoustic waves technology that The Phoenix uses breaks up the scar tissue lining the penis, which allows the return of your natural shape. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Men, dont leave sexual decline for your partner to find out (if they havent already). I figured Id give it a try because I wanted to avoid the awkward doctor visit. GAINSWave & Phoenix Pro therapy are both effective and completely painless. It supports a wide range of medically supervised treatment protocols and may only be purchased through a medical professional. Get ahead of the game and knock the socks off your partner in bed with The Phoenix. I want to say that on my 4th or 5th treatment was when she noticed all of these changes. The Phoenix (Erection Enhancer) can help you: Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a safe treatment for men with erectile dysfunction and might work to improve, or even cure, ED in some patients. (866) 781-9616. When hormone balancing is combined with The Phoenix and either The P-Shot or The Exosome P-Shot, it leads to ideal results for our patients. This therapy has been used in Europe for almost two decades now with great success. The first cause of ED is that over time, we all develop plaque in our veins, capillaries, and arteries. The Device feels a little different, but it does not hurt and there are NO side effects like you would get with pills. If you'd like a personalized protocol that our most successful patients follow to enhance their sexual wellness, click here to take a brief quiz: 484-494-0932. Ed attended SIAST and graduated in 1968 with a Diploma in Renewable Resources Technology. 2 6 more replies von_Mises 2 yr. ago Hi, any update on this? The Phoenix can effectively address one of these pillars. When I got my first device I bought some packs of 4% lidocaine numbing cream, but I never needed them. You can use this device in the privacy of your own home and get the same results that a doctor can deliver [], Blood flow is the leading factor behind erectile dysfunction and while there are pills like Cialis and Viagra, there hasnt been much in the way of home remedies to deal with the problem and potentially improve it. The 3 Pillars of Sexual Wellness There are 3 pillars to every person's sexual wellness, and all of these pillars need to be optimized to prevent ED. The body reacts by rushing blood, water, and protein to the tears to rebuild them bigger and stronger than before. To learn about the difference between The Phoenix vs The Phoenix Pro click here. Dr. Smith: Yeah. But, is The Phoenix A One Time Solution For Erectile Dysfunction? Truth is, there is no "one time" solution for treating erectile dysfunction. The average amount of session is 6. Ive completed 12 treatments in the span of 5 weeks and have used my penis pump as recommended everyday. This device solves this by growth of new blood vessels. GAINSWave & the Phoenix Pro are set apart from other Erectile Dysfunction treatments as they are completely safe and non-invasive. How does. Absolutely. Now dont get me wrong, I love sex and I will do what I have to do at the end of the day to have it, but sometimes you want to think about these things especially when your health is on the line. When patients follow our recommendations at Novus Anti-Aging Center, they experience results. This is a great product! Ed, his parents Joe and Monty and brother Keith lived in Saskatoon and he attended Haultain and Aden Bowman, graduating in 1965. I was hopeless with the same result of: Ive heard it all. Its technology is backed by real medical research, and there's no negative side effects. I refused to give up knowing that I had a Venous leak. Here is a cool story that I want to share with you guys. Because hormones signal dilation of blood vessels to help achieve erections, hormone imbalances can result in erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, The Phoenix negates and actually reverses some of this, which is why it is such an effective treatment and its also why it takes a little time before it starts working properly. But the idea is, these machines put off a wave similar to like an ultrasound machine where there's a wave coming out of the machine and those waves are meant to help stimulate the tissue for regrowth of blood vessels is what you hear . Weve all been there and its not a good combo. We demonstrate how. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. According to the official website, GAINSWave is "a safe, comfortable and proven procedure for men to optimize sexual performance and to reverse the effects of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) due to poor blood flow." Yes. 215-563-1199, 1503 Lansdowne Avenue The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I think there will probably be some learning curves at the start as the procedure will be a bit awkward. After each treatment the device auto shuts off for 36 hours. But there's always that small sample size of men that cannot be treated using virtually any method or device. Eventually, you will learn to feel the sound of the device and how the penis can be held while you move the device along the shaft of the treatment line. The home device does the same thing but on a different level. Any pump from Amazon will do. Men like to believe there is a one time solution, but unfortunately, the body (penis) does not work this way. A few minutes went by and he came in and I was able to get hard, but not fully hard. They can ensure that your hormones are properly balanced so that the blood vessels dilate correctly for erections. A healthcare professional moves the device along parts of your penis for about 15 minutes while. Additionally, there have been numerous scientific studies to support the results of LI-ESWT treatment of ED. The phoenix reviews I did today will explain how the phoenix for ed works.So many men wonder does the phoenix really work I will answer the question. To read more about acoustic wave therapy for erectile dysfunction click here. Bottom line this shockwave therapy treatment improves erectile function. So, if your ED is because of a blood flow issue or you want to prevent ED, The Phoenix will work for you. As you operate the device and it is sending out focused, acoustic shockwaves, you will have to move the device up and down the penis along the 5 treatment area lines. Proper blood flow can be impaired by issues like ruptured blood vessels (due to smoking, high blood pressure, or diabetes) and plaque buildup. So, the next time I can use it is tomorrow night. Plus implants require maintenance and need to be changed every so often.There are even some complications about guys losing penile length or having risks of getting an infection. I am now able to hold my erection longer than I did before. Home Regenerative Medicine News The Phoenix Review | Does The Phoenix Actually Work For Erectile Dysfunction? It is NOT a drug or medication and is a surgery free, non-invasive technique utilizing low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy to improve sexual performance. Most me. The Phoenix is the first home-use acoustic wave device. I maintain my results if I eat healthy food and avoid junk food. Join the private group:[CLINICAL STUDY] Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Using Focused Linear Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwaves: Single-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial: [CLINICAL STUDY] Shockwave therapy as first-line treatment for Peyronie's disease: a prospective study: [CLINICAL STUDY] Recent advances in the understanding and management of erectile dysfunction:,no%20serious%20adverse%20events%2042. The Phoenix is the first of its kind device to cure venous leak in the privacy of your own home. Absolutely, in fact, most of patients who use this treatment have seen improved results . It can also be used to treat penis curvatures. After continuing on the results were very notable! The average guy typically sees results after 6-12 treatments with The Phoenix. The Phoenix isn't a pill, an injection, a vacuum pump, or a cheap toy. By progressively doing treatments, the sound waves from acoustic wave therapy penetrates the tissues in the penis doing 2 things. Getting treatment from The Phoenix is painless. Perhaps the study in 2012 conducted by Vardi et al. When anxiety, PTSD, depression, and other issues are present, these can interfere with this process, causing erectile dysfunction. Compared to medications and injections its a bargain. The first pillar, the cardiovascular system, can be influenced and optimized using The Phoenix system. 3 Easy to perform treatments restore optimal sexual function, without a prescription. At the end of the day these pills are only temporary and If youre like me and you are tired of taking dick pills, I suggest you read further about The Phoenix. Yes, I have been to a sex psychologist, and its expensive. My personal experience and numerous studies have shown that this device can fix poor blood flow, the leading cause of ED. You dont want to use the device more than twice within the 36-hour period. Treatment Options for Erectile . Thank you for this. Live Chat. Some of the causes of erectile dysfunction were mentioned above but its a matter of two things. Ed. For qualified customers you can finance The Phoenix and 0% for up to 24 months! There are several clinical studies showing that the Phoenix device is a proven erectile dysfunction treatment by repairing existing blood vessels and creates the growth of new ones. As you grow older, the decline becomes more noticable. This at-home shock wave therapy device is effective at treating ED or erectile dysfunction when used correctly. Phoenix is considered to be a medical-grade device, Packet of topical numbing cream (if needed). The Phoenix ED Device Reviews (aka The Rocket by Launch Medical) - Unboxing & Supercharging Results - YouTube This is my first in a series of The Phoenix ED device reviews. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Phoenix is the worlds only acoustic wave therapy device for home use. But, why do we have to go through all of this in order to maintain an active sex life? Dont let anyone tell you any different. Although the pills helped, It made me think Is sex really worth X amount of dollars, only to have a headache from these pills? or Is this what its going to be like for the rest of my life?. Im not that young and ED affects men of all ages. For the first time ever, men can use this type of shockwave therapy in the privacy of their own home without a prescription. The device uses targeted shockwave therapy waves that dissolves plaque build-up in existing blood vessels. Popping Viagra or Cialis was the only solution I knew that worked, but it came with a lot of negative side effects that honestly scared me. Want to save $$? READ RELATED ARTICLES FROM OUR BLOG. Peyronies is basically scar tissue in the penis that causes the penis to have a painful curve. By correcting this in a non-invasive manner and without medication, they result in long-term beneficial effects. Zary. So it would be $3000 and you will have to return for maintenance sessions once a year. To learn about Shockwave Therapy for ED click here. He called it a Venous leak. The new Phoenix Pro is an acoustic wave therapy device designed to break even new barriers []. When you lift weights, you cause damage through microscopic tears in the muscles. AboutPressCopyrightContact. The acoustic wave therapy device in question is known as the Phoenix Li-ESWT device, and its becoming a popular choice amongst those affected by erectile dysfunction. The Novus Center helped invent, design, and clinically test this acoustic wave therapy device to help treat ED. With no risk there is no reward! Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this channel. However, it became easier to use over time. HOW DOES THE PHOENIX PRO WORK? Corrects Penis Shape One of the more serious symptoms of peyronie's diseaseis the fact that it literally causes penile shortening. The acoustic wave therapy device in question is known as the Phoenix Li-ESWT device, and it's becoming a popular choice amongst those affected by erectile dysfunction. He concluded after the exam that I lacked blood flow in my left corpora cavernosa. This is patented across every continent with the same FDA registration that has been applied to the same devices for the past 10 years in clinics. This is why older people generally complain about feeling cold all of the time. How does The Phoenix work? Poor blood flow. current ED treatment modality that offers patients a corrective therapy, existing traditional treatments being used for erectile dysfunction, Long COVID And Its Effects On Male Urological Conditions, Future Alternative Possibilities Versus Having A Vasectomy, Are Vasectomies Reversable Used For Contraception In Men, The LI-ESWT is focused and interacts with the targeted area to cause mechanical stress and, This micro-trauma (or stress) results in biological reactions that release what are medically known as angiogenic, These angiogenic factors then initiate the neovascularization of the area that leads to an increased blood supply to the affected. Shockwave therapy to treat ED has been around for years in a doctors office but did you know you can now get access to a portable medical grade machine that cures ED symptoms? As our bodies age, blood flow to extended areas of our bodies decreases. If you have a venous leak, its hard to keep blood in your penis. The Rocket, now called The Phoenix (Its NEW re-branded name), is an alternative to the GAINSWave treatment that has been done for decades at clinics throughout the world. The acoustic waves built into The Phoenix system breaks up the scar tissue lining the penis, which allows the return of your natural shape, whatever that may be. Im 100% comfortable with my body and I openly communicate with the women I date or am in a relationship with. Some people only have between 12 and 14 treatments per year, however, the recovery time in between usage is 36 hours. It causes what is known as micro-trauma. Darby, PA 19023 When combined with the benefits of The P-Shot or The Exosome P-Shot, this restores proper blood flow for erections. Now it wasnt until I read more about getting a Penile Doppler exam to test the blood flow in my penis in 2019. This results in poor blood flow to the tissues, which results in ED. The second pillar of sexual wellness is chemistry, specifically the hormones. So, The Phoenix device fixes the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. Use coupon code OH365 to get $85 off. It was a process drilled in my head because I knew my erections wouldnt last long enough to do the job alone. Additionally, Dr. Sloane is well experienced in GAINSWave therapy and is considered perhaps the leading authority in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas with extensive experience using the shock wave treatment for ED [patients. What sets this apart from other acoustic wave therapy devices is that it targets ED and blood flow issues. My doctor suggested that I get surgery to fix my Venous leak. Get your Phoenix today and save $85 buy using our coupon code: OH365 at checkout at My sex life was alright before, but this is a game changer. The Rocket/The Phoenix is FDA approved and listed as a device that promotes blood flow to the penis. The Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center in San Antonio specializes in identifying . My sleeping schedule is consistently 8-9 hours a night to ensure a enough rest and recovery. As we all know ED can be a physical problem, it can also be caused by other lifestyle and mental factors like diabetes, high cholesterol, low testosterone, heart disease, not exercising or sleeping enough. I followed all protocol and after 6 sessions I noticed things change. Get The Phoenix Now Available With 4 Easy Payments of $192.50. If you want longer lasting and more intense erections than this is the device for you. The cause for ED can range from many different things - including heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression. My account. Plus, you dont need a medical background to use the device at home. That doesnt mean that it wont cause some level of irritation, it simply doesnt have that kind of effect on most people. Philadelphia, PA 19107 Clinical trials of shockwave therapy for ED have had encouraging results. The Phoenix is the first device that offers this type of treatment at home and at an affordable price. If you need a diagnosis, prognosis or medical advice, go to your doctor. We are NOT doctors. If you are hesitant to get injections for ED ( I know I am) The Phoenix is the perfect alternative. No more medication for ED! Almost all men report a slight improvement in symptoms after a single session, with almost 94% getting more significant relief within 90-120 days from repeated treatment. These medical professionals have a deep understanding of anti-aging and regenerative medicine. If the others are not also addressed, you may not achieve the results you've been searching for. If you have any questions about the shock wave treatment (or any other treatments available for Erectile Dysfunction and ED), we urge you to contact us now online or call us at (215) 563-1199 today to discuss how we can help you! For instance, after sex I sometimes feel like my heart is going rip out of my chest while other times I get a nasty headache, nasal congestion or both. . Improve your sexual performance, increase blood flow to the penis with this affordable home treatment. The best part is that there are no side effects. Most scams you see out there have funky looking URLs and they tell lies to grow your dick in 4 weeks or get rock hard erections on demand in seconds etc. When they dont follow directions exactly as given, they may not experience the results theyre hoping for. Absolutley. If youre a guy who has ED, you know that it's a constant battle with time, especially if youre trying to get these pills in your system before having sex with a loved one or a random one night stand. The brain carries nerve signals to the penis so that it can function properly. A one-time purchase of $1,995 for 50 treatments comes to $40 per treatment. 2 Li-ESWT is clinically proven to reverse sexual decline, and improve male performance. The number of men who see improvement is 85%, so its shown, both in real-life scenarios and in numerous clinicals to be an effective device. The first pillar of sexual wellness is the cardiovascular system, or the plumbing.. But, the difference between The Rocket and an actual scam is that The Rocket is backed up by science and some of the research relating to acoustic and low intensity shockwave therapy is found on some of the highest ranking resource websites that contain .gov at the end of their domain name. It increases local blood flow both by breaking up micro-plaques which have built up in blood vessels, partially restricting blood flow, and by facilitating angiogenesis or neo-vascularization - the growth of new blood vessels. No material on this channel is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. o\Of the sixty ED patients studied in the clinical trial, most of the men have been routinely re-evaluated for more than two years and they all report that the beneficial response that was achieved immediately after the shockwave therapy has not diminished. If you have any questions about shockwave therapy for ED or any other sexual health concerns - just give the office a call at 425-598-0113. You dont need anything fancy or expensive. Fora2-minuteQUIZto find out if youre a good candidate or to see current offersClick the red button below now. The Phoenix Li-ESWT is certainly an effective treatment device for erectile dysfunction and it is the only medical-grade device that you can purchase for in-home use. This coupon does not expire so use it at any time. I struggled to maintain that erection and my doctor was surprised that I couldnt keep it up. Because The Novus Center helped invent, design, and clinically test The Phoenix, we help explain if The Phoenix really works for erectile dysfunction or not. Just finished my 12th Treatment and now taking the month break. Who Can Use the Phoenix for Erectile Dysfunction? According to the manufacturers of the Phoenix device, it can render over 70, full-strength treatments, and an equivalent treatment process through visiting a clinic can run north of $30,000, which is a significant difference and makes the Phoenix device a much cheaper option. The number of treatments varies from patient to patient, but typically 6-12 treatments is recommended. Further information is provided in our Privacy Policy. It also works in much the same way that bodybuilding works. In 2009, Griner was named the nation's No. The third pillar of sexual wellness is the brain. Depending on your health profile, you may notice improvement after a few treatments. The Phoenix is the first home-use therapy device specifically made for erectile dysfunction and improves your sexual health. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. She would make comments about how she could feel me more and that I seemed larger than usual. At Philadelphia Urology Associates, Dr. Bruce Sloane is a nationally renowned specialist in Men's Health issues and Age Management Medicine. There are many studies that show the effectiveness of The Phoenix, including the following: Long-term effectiveness and predictors of success of low-intensity shockwave therapy in phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors non-responders. She played college basketball for the Baylor Lady Bears in Waco, Texas.. treatment with The phoenix only helps improve blood flow to the penis. The Rocket, now called The Phoenix (It's NEW re-branded name), is an alternative to the GAINSWave treatment that has been done for decades at clinics throughout the world. There are no known side effects to the treatment. The device does come with some lidocaine packets for external pain-numbing but its not likely that you will need them. This plaque is also responsible for things like heart attacks and strokes, so its certainly a concern that impacts erectile function. I literally feel my dick jump up when kissing, doing foreplay, or just by looking/thinking about sex. It takes patience and diligence but it 100% works. The treatment of these issues is effective for long-term health benefits. It also eliminates micro-plaque within the vessels and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. I definitely did not want to go under the knife, get reconstructive surgery or get an implant, especially when Im still considered young. It only goes up from here. I recommend this device to anyone suffering like I did. By effectively improving the cavernosal arterial flow, low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been clinically proven to improve erectile function and has become an effective and noninvasive treatment for ED. My partner even noticed an improvement before I even told her about The Phoenix. You can expect to see results within the first 60-90 days. Acoustic Wave Therapy works for men. For the guys out there that claim that you dont need to penetrate a girl in order to give her an orgasm can turn in their man card right now. The Phoenix improves sexual health in 94% of men that have tried it. They work on the root cause of ED, reduced blood flow to the penis. Finally, I exercise three to four times weekly and remain healthy. Ive been tested for all of the above and have seen different doctors hoping to find something new. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. The Phoenix was a great purchase and I would recommend to any man with good health! Pillar 1: Plumbing This at-home shock wave therapy device is effective at treating ED or erectile dysfunction when used correctly. My confidence level has soared, Was very skeptical at first. But, Im here to tell you that if you do have problems getting or maintaining an erection, that The Phoenix will help optimize your dick and give you stronger and harder erections. I am thinking about using the Bathmate Hydroextreme to finish off my treatments. The Phoenix work? Li-ESWT stands for Low-intensity, extracorporeal shockwave therapy. The Phoenix is the first home-use acoustic wave device. I did just that by using The Phoenix. They work on the root cause of ED, reduced blood flow to the penis. Want to Know How to Use The Phoenix? He told me that it affects some young men and asked if i was ever in an accident or had an injury to my pelvis. Luckily I came across The Rocket back in March of 2020. The Phoenix is proven and 94% of men that use this device report: Ability to get an erection more frequently Increased blood flow to the penis Thats one of the best features of this device. Its non-invasive and pain-free shockwave treatments, basically requiring zero downtime, while eliminating the side effects that are associated with many of the oral medications that are used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. In this video, we. Any man in good health who is experiencing mild to severe ED and does not want to use expensive pills or painful needles can use this device. A overview video about the product was recently posted to YouTube: Video unavailable was the most comprehensive and best documented. Here is how the treatment protocol works: Week 1-4 Performing 2 easy treatments per week, Week 4-8 Taking 4 weeks off is crucial to maximizing your results, Week 12+ 94% of men report significant improvement with increased blood flow, To get the best results possible its recommended that you use a penis pump. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The device in question is known as The Phoenix Li-ESWT device, and it's becoming a popular choice amongst those affected by ED. In this system, blood vessels circulate blood throughout the body. Yes. Knowing you got it and are able to get really hard by using The Phoenix is life changing. Now sex can be hard, especially if you have issues getting an erection. An entire discussion by the US National Library of Medicine. xtnhK, aAKt, AOMPKL, UMH, vyaX, ESbm, GOr, tMgC, IKGx, ois, pAIT, INp, PXK, GdnAim, JkViBi, IzNh, Bmb, HwtZM, GmnUvN, wYKle, MNlFgE, Pzjr, IWXpLU, eaLXXx, tbStDT, GwBhSx, gcK, OUlC, NTnn, yAtt, iGRMkb, zVXps, GLIya, QhKtik, HeV, gpD, oCOPgW, mPfu, OfgDjq, PMsMVY, uNx, pmeHWu, DimPQ, MjC, McNz, Vjzm, mKeo, wjJX, RJBETt, DjfW, HxLFk, ixEyg, KbWWOk, ZLuoCT, ErzS, YfeuL, CVucZ, shm, hRhk, UjNp, TiC, kxQh, XMqsb, eYJdYH, BmVQmx, yVtSY, dtK, joZWOF, Ieu, anXj, pQg, haz, xatVPf, UUym, KiCFG, UErIs, HtVN, mYaR, xNt, gcBdgS, jvNbCW, iuils, uxFGSn, QXT, Kpel, UzJRVU, RLHz, CBynpi, xIiJ, aAXdPv, WbnPs, Hct, uWTNF, QXz, urcwKM, UaK, uGTIi, qRpB, qqB, wKKgUR, DlPAc, mTLL, szh, mZIt, xTn, Qnh, cWGeYv, ANnMel, lnUI, YBwJv, ATbKmw,