The figure disappeared in the courtyard; the following day, the magistrates dug in the courtyard and found an unmarked grave. She was killed during the Sack of King's Landing along with her grandfather, mother and brother. Today were going to talk about what a trope and cliche are, look at some examples of each, and learn if, when, and how you should be using them in your writing! "Well-researchedthis book has enough sass to keep it lighthearted, and lots of vision about building the culture of the home and bringing dignity instead of disgrace to the vocations of wife and mother." I highlighted. The effort of getting Zira's attention is what ends up killing him. that as Targaryens, they must marry for the sake of remaining "pure-blooded". From the writing of "World of Ice and Fire", the writings of Grand Maester Pycelle suggest he hoped his presence there would frighten the "conspirators" and thought his presence at the tourney would win back the love of his people. Valyria, which the Targaryens have avoided to go ever since their departure to Dragonstone. A recent survey reports how often horror media is consumed: To assess frequency of horror consumption, we asked respondents the following question: In the past year, about how often have you used horror media (e.g., horror literature, film, and video games) for entertainment? 11.3% said Never, 7.5% Once, 28.9% Several times, 14.1% Once a month, 20.8% Several times a month, 7.3% Once a week, and 10.2% Several times a week. Evidently, then, most respondents (81.3%) claimed to use horror media several times a year or more often. For example, "people who like horror films are more likely to score highly for openness to experience, a personality trait linked to intellect and imagination."[38]. [37], In a sense similar to the reason a person seeks out the controlled thrill of a roller coaster, readers in the modern era seek out feelings of horror and terror to feel a sense of excitement. Exiled prince of House Targaryen and the older brother of Daenerys, who lives with her in hiding at the beginning of the series. Qrow barely holds himself back from attacking a police officer for uttering a racist slur. This implies that with Simba's ceremony in the original film, the beam of light parting from the clouds was likely Mufasa's father or mother blessing his or her grandchild. Forgetting the moving testimonial he'd received from his father's ghost, and. The movies are distributed by Warner Bros. and produced by Legendary Pictures in partnership with Toho, the Japanese studio that codified the Kaiju genre and owns most of the well known Kaiju IPs. By the way, if we have to take a look at the family tree, there aren't so many maniacs as one would think: That's only three crazy kings, two borderline crazy kings, one borderline crazy. You can return the item for any reason in new and unused condition: no shipping charges. Before the Sack of King's Landing and Aerys' subsequent death, she and Viserys were spirited away to Dragonstone, where she eventually died giving birth to Daenerys. Up until the graphic depictions of violence and gore on the screen commonly associated with 1960s and 1970s slasher films and splatter films, comic books such as those published by EC Comics (most notably Tales From The Crypt) in the 1950s satisfied readers' quests for horror imagery that the silver screen could not provide. When Jaune (accidentally) insults Cinder, Mercury wordlessly congratulates Jaune. So, First-Wave feminists held rallies for women's suffrage. I have brought five hundred with me. Sun later joins the White Fang after being convinced of Jaune's sincerity, mostly to make sure that Jaune keeps his promises. In fact, the first edition was published disguised as an actual medieval romance from Italy, discovered and republished by a fictitious translator. from his abusive mother Zira, while she blames him for Nuka's death. Ozpin is attempts to avert this with Team RWBY, pointing out that having them attack the Fang directly would look bad. She seems a like stern but reasonable manager for the SDC. See this one for their antagonistic primary cadet branch, House Blackfyre. Jaune himself grows increasingly frustrated with society after seeing how much injustice goes on. It is a now commonly accepted viewpoint that the horror elements of Dracula's portrayal of vampirism are metaphors for sexuality in a repressed Victorian era. Goodwitch and Blake aren't happy about the White Fang benefitting at all, but Ozpin accepts the compromise and commends Coco for her foresight, invites Jaune to the Vytal Festival and promises him protection. when Weiss learns that Bane's enraged attack on her at the docks was essentially a giant panic attack, she begins to quietly and sadly wonder just what must have happened to him to traumatize him so badly, Swan that her career will be over if she exposes what they did to her, she counters that her career is over anyway thanks to the holes in her ears and at least this way she can take them down with her, After their persecution of Jaune has destroyed their reputation and will most likely cost them re-election, the Vale government continues to railroad him out of wounded pride, Adam explains while hates Jaune, he admires the fact that he's sticking up for Faunus and won't be a bystander to injustice even if he quits the White Fang, Sun purposely joins the Fang to serve this role, is arrested after the Vytal Festival. The model is left bleeding and crying, and Coco is enraged when she stumbles upon them. Simba pulls a rather deliberate one on his daughter and her new friend. Anything goes in dialoguein prose, youre on thin ice. Twilight (2005); New Moon (2006); Eclipse (2007); Breaking Dawn (2008); The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (2010). Is this radical Christianity? If you have difficulty deciding which alignment a neutral-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral is not their lack of devotion to either good or evil, but the methods they believe are best to show it: . For a long time, she isn't able to accomplish anything of the sort. While it's known why the Targaryens were spared from the Doom of Valyria, it hasn't been revealed why other Valyrian dragonlords didn't; even the scattered few that survived did so for a considerably short time. Attractive teenagers in dystopian survival scenarios. ", right before he learns that Kiara has disappeared. the fallout from a worldwide rising of kaiju is surprisingly positive. The. [14] A significant amount of horror fiction of this era was written by women and marketed towards a female audience, a typical scenario of the novels being a resourceful female menaced in a gloomy castle. Normal day-to-day life with kids at early ages can be exhausting. She instigates a low point in the plot, implements her plan to attack Beacon, and even finishes off the Fall Maiden but in the end, she's beaten with little to show for it, and the author confirms there's still an arc left to go. S.L. "smelled Dornish", in front of her mother Elia and the entire court. Lisa Lavender wanted to be a hard hitting investigative reporter who acted as a beacon of truth in the world. streaming a variety of writing and life content on Twitch, What Makes a Good Villain (Plus 4 Examples to Follow), Dan Harmons Story Circle in 8 Easy Steps, Best-selling Book Genres For 2021 What Your Readers Love? Bane's size is the result of twisted experiments done on him while he worked for SDC, Blake admits her irrational hatred of Jaune is because she's trying to cover up her own shame for not reforming the White Fang, After he gets arrested, the story becomes a straight up drama, with Jaune enduring vicious abuse at the hands of the legal system, when Jaune needs it to stop Cinder's attack on Beacon. Coco sees Jaune as one, respecting his ability to turn public opinion about himself on his head. Nuka survives just one log falling on top of him and that is shown clearly, but the two logs that roll onto him fall at a pretty good speed. To illustrate, Im going to pick random works from my bookshelf and list the first tropes that come to mind. Except for books, Amazon will display a List Price if the product was purchased by customers on Amazon or offered by other retailers at or above the List Price in at least the past 90 days. .orange-text-color {font-weight:bold; color: #FE971E;}Enjoy features only possible in digital start reading right away, carry your library with you, adjust the font, create shareable notes and highlights, and more. Castlevania is a 2017 Animesque adult animated series for Netflix produced by Frederator Studios and animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios (with assistance from Mua Film/Tiger Animation and Hanho Heung-Up in Korea, and D'Art Shtajio in Japan). Zira clearly mentions that Kovu was the last to be born before their exile, and hand-chosen by Scar to be his heir. All while allowing you to maintain control of your bookand its royalties.Learn to publish a book to grow your impact, income, or business! Theres nothing like a wedding to make emotions run high. Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazons store. [43] Radcliffe describes terror as that which "expands the soul and awakens the faculties to a high degree of life," whereas horror is described as that which "freezes and nearly annihilates them.". As is stated by Maester Gyldayn, the dragon's link to the Targaryens was a given by the time of the Dance of the Dragons and the link to other dragonriders was hit-or-miss, so the secret to hatch and bind might had been lost even as early as that or even earlier. Examples of this include: almost every superhero movie and rom-com, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. We know that cliches arent all badhow do we know if were using them well? It dismisses the pencil-skirted and stiletto-heeled executives of TV, the outspoken feminists freed from all that hinders them, the brave career women in charge of their own destinies. One of H. P. Lovecraft's most famous quotes about the genre is that: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. How do you raise great men, ready for work, marriage, worship, and suffering? The Faceless Men, as shown when there were tensions between Jaehaerys Targaryen and the Sealord of Braavos over three dragon eggs that were stolen by Elissa Farman which she sold in Braavos. Tywin Lannister, largely has his. Avenging the Villain: Scar's former follower Zira is trying to raise her son Kovu up to kill Simba for killing Scar and become the new king. The fat kid of the group. "I tried" is spoken at least twice in the movie, both time indicating that a character failed to do something. You cant score points until you have the ball. Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. The amount of persecution, vilification, and hatred Jaune gets from the Vale and Atlas authorities, Ilia even talks about how even when the White Fang. Scottish perspective on news, sport, business, lifestyle, food and drink and more, from Scotland's national newspaper, The Scotsman. That doesnt mean you cant use tropesin fact, it might be impossible to write a story without any tropes. He fears he not only screwed himself, but his own associates with his tirade. Both Kovu and Nuka are far less swift and formidable than the female outlanders, though ultimately far less vicious and deluded, with Kovu ultimately becoming a. Novella that details the last days of a character introduced in Eclipse. "Rhaen" is a common female Targaryen name prefix. Lisa eagerly joins Jaune's cause, mainly to advance her own career. Sun as a transfer from Mistral due to the fact that he doesn't button his shirt up. I wanted to high-five someone several times while reading this." the waterfall which presumably kills Zira at the end, the logs when they fell, and it is primarily Nuka's own fault, as he already knew that Simba was having trouble climbing the logs, not attacking Simba on the logs is enough to say that Kovu is responsible for his brother's death. Subtle Spices Fashion, a fashion and modeling agency is known to force unfair contracts and poor working conditions on desperate Faunus who want to get into the modelling industry. Roman even sneaks Jaune a knife so he can escape, and Jaune in turn orders his gang to treat Roman gently, He screws up a raid on the bloodsport ring because he wants Atlas, not the White Fang, to claim all the credit. Jaune acknowledges he did commit crimes, albeit for the greater good, and he has no real defense against them, This is exactly was happened, but for a completely different reason, The judges at Jaune's trial are willing to send him to a low security prison but the Council override that decision out of pure spite, In private, she is a remorseless serial rapist who exploits prejudice to force herself on Faunus men out of lust and her supremacist ego. Without relying on any of the usual mommy-blog tropes, Merkle gives us a reason to be truly excited about what we get to do and be as Christian women living in the 21 century." House Lannister says hi. They often married brother to sister and other intra-house close relations throughout their rule for several reasons: keeping their dragon blood and magic as pure as possible, retaining their elite and beautiful looks, and reminding the Faith of the Seven that the royal house was above the dominant religion of Westeros. Roman, out of sheer disgust with Cinder's cruelty, gives Jaune the means to escape his confinement, are technically correct in wanting to arrest Jaune. (In the book, though the characters spend much of the third act preparing in case of a fight, the final stand-off Kovu lets out one after Zira blames him for. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of my favorite books. Emerald is shocked at his betrayal, but he spells out that he never had any real loyalty to Cinder and just went along with her to stay alive, Swan, the model whom they've just tortured. Breaking the fourth wallWhen a character or narrator addresses the audience/reader. While she sees him as a criminal, and won't hesitate to bring him down if he threatens Beacon, she has no personal enmity toward Jaune, and even respects the work he does for the White Fang. When one designer tries to say that it will be the end of her career for legal reasons, Swan points out, Cinder gets confused when the White Fang show up because she told Neo to tell her if someone else arrived. He gave away his most prized possession, Daenerys, to the leader of a horde of warriors that value strength in combat and arms, expecting to become their leader in spite of lacking both; Daenerys tries to make a conscious effort to integrate Viserys into the people he's supposed to be leading, only for him to staunchly refuse, as he considers them filthy savages; His final threat, he has to pay dearly, as he threatens a pregnant Daenerys with cutting Drogo's unborn child in front of him and his Khalassar. After Jaune's success at. Targaryens named Viserys and Visenya tend to be overshadowed by someone greater. Vitani is shown to be genuinely hurt when it seems Kovu has turned his back on the Outsiders for Simba. Lets look at some examples from film and television. Elizabeth Tanner tries to force herself onto Jaune, threatening to have him thrown out of the camp with Trifa covering the whole of their debt. First, they are the last words of. Kovu has just been kicked headfirst into a rock. Timon and Pumbaa may be frustrated with each other and with Simba on occasions, but they'll drag Simba back to Pride Rock when he's injured and both valiantly join the fight against the outsiders. In private, she is a remorseless serial rapist who exploits prejudice to force herself on Faunus men out of lust and her supremacist ego. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 22, 2018. Ozpin lampshades that Blake's idea of a disguise is to wear a bow over her ears but otherwise keep the same appearance and name as when she was a White Fang terrorist. Using tropes in your writing isnt necessarily wrong (and in fact, doing them correctly can help you create a full-time fiction income), but you should be careful to write with tropes in a way that isnt trite or done-to-death. before trying to blame him for a death he had nothing to do with echoes Scar's line to Simba after Mufasa's death in the first movie. in Ungaria suis cum regibus compendia data, Typis Academicis Soc. Inciting Incident: Causal. House Lannister says hi. Brian Stableford, "Non-supernatural horror stories tend to be psychological thrillers, often involving criminals of an unusually lurid stripe." Once he's no longer under Mettle's influence, Ironwood proves to be a rather levelheaded official. Though they mostly relied on incest for practical purposes, there are members of the family whose preference tended to incest regardless. She's not afraid to praise Jaune for his efforts. While in the original film they practiced human sacrifice to ward off Kong, and in various other adaptions they're monstrously deformed, in, Toho has to give Legendary explicit approval to use specific, The MonsterVerse's iteration of Skull Island also adapts out the dinosaurs of older, Godzilla has always been described as ancient, but in this continuity he survived the Permian Extinction, which happened. It is so refreshing, encouraging, and challenging. Though if she were lying, how come none of the lionesses (who likely lived with Zira and Kovu during Scar's reign) called her out as a liar? Rebekah is so on point! Then she sees fire in the distance. She even dances with him, offers him some PR advice, and gives him a friendly kiss for good measure. If you want things to change, you have to get up off your butt and try to make them better. When not engaging in violence, many of the White Fang's soldiers are quite amicable towards each other. [47] The Australian Horror Writers Association presents annual Australian Shadows Awards. She absorbs a ton of punishment before going down, but doesn't do any real damage back, disfigure a faunus model by putting holes in her ears in an attempt to emulate Ivory Tooth's designs. Jaune has no genuine desire to do any of these things. He was rejected from Beacon, but that was due to being, When discussing how some members of the Fang were, To quote Couer in the Author's notes of chapter 8: 'Jaune running a terrorist group. Mistreating and dehumanizing people over race is. Ruby notes with some frustration that Vale's attempts to help the faunus isn't being done out of altruism, but solely to discredit Jaune himself and steal his thunder. Coco declares herself this to Jaune. Because of these beliefs, we offer books on Christian living, encouragement, contentment, raising kids, healthy marriages, educational choices, classical education, homeschooling, politics, government, feminism, identity, manhood, womanhood, singleness, virtue, and so much more. Since (as with most British peerages) the Grantham title must pass to an "heir male of the Modesty. In the meantime, Kong is conversely much, Madison has apparently gotten this between, Both the MUTOs and the Skullcrawlers are merely animals acting on instinct, but while the MUTOs are portrayed as somewhat sympathetic, When it comes to the human antagonists, the films do this more than once and ultimately go slightly back and forth. Lisa Lavender has become mostly aloof to scandal and oppression, but, Coco is a lover of fashion and is driven to win a major fashion show, The security official at the fashion show is horrified when he sees. During it, Kiara tells Simba straight up that she's afraid her destiny as queen will come at the cost of her own identity. He also has elements of the Trojan princes Paris and Hector from, In the vein of Paris, he has similarities to Sir Lancelot of the Arthurian legends, including his renown for chivalry and his. Sienna admits to Jaune. Of course, theres some overlap between satire and parody. Rebekah Merkle focuses on Gods design for women, encouraging you to be a godly mom, a loving wife, and a bold entrepreneur. Taught by a Bestselling Author with YEARS of experience doing JUST THIS! Adam stuck around inside Jaune's head after his death, Barely defied. The press, Samantha, an average doctor the White Fang talk to, decides to help them expose a corrupt hospital that's damaging their patients. Some examples of tropes from Pride and Prejudice are: Try again. Originally they were termed the seven deadly vices (which are the opposite of "virtues"; Ah-ha, Theme Naming!).. Though served ably by Tywin Lannister as Hand of the King, Aerys nonetheless managed to destabilize his own kingdom, eventually leading to Robert's Rebellion and his own death. : Or a Tale of the Twenty-Second Century (1827), Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831), Thomas Peckett Prest's Varney the Vampire (1847), the works of Edgar Allan Poe, the works of Sheridan Le Fanu, Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890), H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man (1897), and Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897). Then, he not only threatens Dany's life but also to cut her unborn son out of her. It was created by Tom Warburton (credited as Mr. Warburton). Zigzagged with Zira's pride. I learned about ye knowledge while stuck under the sea for 698 days while only being able to watch Virtual Youtuber content and From Nobody to Nightmare: House Targaryen of Valyria were just one of countless minor houses in their original land. Awesomeness by Analysis: Pinocchio comes up with the idea of building a big fire on the boat to get Monstro to sneeze. The Countess Yolande commissioned a werewolf story titled "Guillaume de Palerme". driving nails through a donkey Faunus model's long ears and weaving a golden chain through the holes left behind. A straighter example with Kovu. one can't blame Varys for wanting to bring the Targaryens back to Westeros via his "perfect prince", as part of the wedding female guests undress the groom while male guests undress the bride. Examples include, His purported manner of death - a royal infant brained against a wall during a regime change - recalls that of. , Paperback --Nicole Mahaney Whitacre, co-author of Girl Talk and True Beauty, "Fresh and edifying perspective on a woman's role in the world. Among other more dramatic uses, he sometimes turns into a bird before drinking so that his tiny bird body gets smashed on a fraction of the alcohol his human body would, saving a lot of booze money. After he drunkenly threatened Daenerys' unborn child and she tells him that Khal Drogo will give him the "golden crown" he's always wanted, Dany notes the complete change in Viserys' behavior. No. Some+where floating in there is an intended message about how she doesn't need to worry about either losing herself or not being a good queen because. [34], One defining trait of the horror genre is that it provokes an emotional, psychological, or physical response within readers that causes them to react with fear. It leads to more people being willing to publicly call out the racists that they see, meaning that Jaune's words have begun to inspire people much like Adam inspired him. Tropes should be used intentionally, because your reader will have preconceived ideas about most tropes. Once those fictionalized stereotypes are out of the way -- whether they're things that make you gag or things you think look pretty fun -- Christians can focus on real women. Rich, screwed-up, full of pride, often cruel, and usually considered good-looking? Simba ignores this, delivers about six irrelevant life lessons in lyrical form, and ends by telling her that she'll "understand someday", addressing none of her concerns. Junk drawer? Distantly, as he was dipped low, he realized he had become the woman in their little show, and that, "What was that, Miss Rose? Jaune begins the story with a rosy view of humanity and a neutral view of faunus, but finds himself distrusting authority and sympathizing with the White Fang as he bears witness to injustice. After losing so many children in the womb or cradle, Aerys smothered Viserys to the extreme. Inciting Incident: Causal. Development pushed wilderness back from settled lands. If you were looking for a character who uses a warhammer, that's Drop the Hammer (though the setting certainly isnt lacking in this).. Warhammer was the generic name of a number of tabletop battle and roleplaying games marketed by UK firm Games Workshop. Doing so will cause awful repercussions. Stannis Baratheon, a descendant of Aegon the Conqueror, is unique among the Rebellion and the Five Kings for appreciating the Targaryens role in Westerosi history and for showing the same reformist bent. Theres nothing like a wedding to make emotions run high. I have twenty thousand more. On that matter, it is heavily implied that all of the adult Outsiders really. Since (as with most British peerages) the Grantham title must pass to an "heir male of the Turning Point Progressive Complication: Active. Zira pulls a rather nasty one on Kovu and Simba by falsely congratulating Kovu, immediately sending the message to Simba that this was a deliberate scheme. The Seven Deadly Sins is a classic interpretation of seven basic concepts that will lead your soul to ruin. Today, Third-Wave feminists stand firmly for nobody's quite sure what. Captain Torres: Ahoy mateys, it be me, Captain Torres, and I'm here to tell you that ye can prevent like 99% of all wars by nuking the capital of Osea. Zira later proceeds to blame Simba completely for putting them in the Outlands where they don't have a lot of food and water, but her leadership style shows that she could have easily just accepted that punishment and actually focused on getting food and water, but instead decides to get revenge on Simba. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from ; Aw, Look! The movies are distributed by Warner Bros. and produced by Legendary Pictures in partnership with Toho, the Japanese studio that codified the Kaiju genre and owns most of the A powerful wake up call to see and live out the true beauty and glory of God-honouring feminity. "Warhammer" was a tabletop battle game that began in 1983 and was previously known as Warhammer Fantasy Battle Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. The lions have no difficulty gathering the population around Pride Rock for an official announcement, without anyone fearing predation from anybody else. These are our top sellers, presenting Gods grace and truth for every person at every moment. Girls using Halloween as a cover to dress skimpy, Frenemies dynamicnearly every friendship at some point in the movie, Consuming multiple forms of media in your genre, One-on-one conversations with minority groups included in your story that you yourself are not a part of, Hiring a sensitivity reader of that minority. She remains completely unaware that Jaune is trying to do the exact same thing. Aerys refused to be shaved or have his fingernails trimmed, so his hair and beard grew wild and tangled, while his fingernails practically turned into claws. The Tarquins were, like the Targaryens, not native to the place they ruled, being Etruscans. Bad-Guy Bar: The Red Lobster Inn, where Honest John and Gideon discuss business with the Coachman. The reason? Even though it was done to avoid unfortunate, It is not clear where Zira and the future Outsiders were during the. Unlike Dany, he lived as a prince in his childhood and knew his family, but was still very young when he lost everything overnight. Jaune initially uses fear that he'll also be violent to take control of the Fang, but he wins over his followers through respect, his successful reforms, and his genuinely genial personality. The author weaves through the history of the feminist movement without the rhetoric and explains how we as women are called to more, much more. The second born and eldest surviving son of Aerys II and Rhaella. Required fields are marked *. On the other hand, Simba not being particularly wise by any standard is a big part of the plot. There was a problem loading your book clubs. In addition, you will notice that the tropers have signed their recommendations. Set in Mississippi at the height of the Depression, this is the story of one family's struggle to maintain their integrity, pride, and independence in the face of racism and social injustice. The moment it becomes clear to him that they're on the losing end, he surrenders, disarms himself by removing his legs, volunteers everything he knows about what Cinder is doing in the school, and promises to give testimony exonerating the White Fang for the false flag attack in exchange for a lighter sentence. Tonight, you escaped under the watch of five Bullheads. After escaping, Jaune makes it clear to the rest of the White Fang he owes Roman for releasing him, especially since he's just as trapped by Cinder, and asks them to let him go if any of them encounters him. Mense Sepembri Die 8. p 188-193, quoted by Farin. The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory which states that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews, to promote miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence, and As an adult, Vitani has a low, raspy voice, courtesy of Jennifer Lien. Her violation of Jaune exposes him to the depths of corruption and exploitation found in Remnant. The New York Times best seller is now a major motion picture starring Lily James and Sam Riley, with Matt Smith, Charles Dance, and Lena Headey. Think of a fantasy story with an ogre. Classic Villain: Chick Hicks is the Envy and Pride version of this combined with Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy. They Really Do Love Each Other:. I've read this book twice now and I have loved it both times. : Codename: Kids Next Door (2002-2008) is an original animated series from Cartoon Network about a team of five ten-year-old 4th-graders who are members of an international organization that fights adult tyranny. Zira has a deep husky voice, granted by the late Suzanne Pleshette. Madge Sinclair died before the sequel was made, so Sarabi was relegated to a background character, with no dialogue whatsoever. One of the most well-known and polarizing characters of the show. Anarchy will be expunged with utmost prejudice, wherever it might hide, and replaced by Order. Daemon's nephew King Aegon II and niece Queen Helaena had fraternal twins, Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Jaehaera. Vale's law enforcement proves to be utterly incapable of solving the same problems that Jaune's White Fang and Beacon's Huntresses have been. ; Aw, Look! Jaune has been barred from Vale indefinitely, racism against Faunus still exists, and he's in the crosshairs of Faunus extremists after exposing his human identity, Jaune has avoided a large prison sentence, his movement is still popular, Ruby's own political movement is gathering steam, and Jaune and Sienna finally consummate their relationship. Viserys lived and died without knowing about it, however; Danerys and Barristan Selmy conclude he was kept ignorant for fear that, had he known a beautiful Dornish princess was waiting for him, Viserys would have gone to Sunspear as soon as he was old enough to marry and brought Robert's fury down on himself and House Martell. Bad-Guy Bar: The Red Lobster Inn, where Honest John and Gideon discuss business with the Coachman. Mothra has a strange connection to a family line of identical twins, Listen closely, and in every movie, a character says ", Whereas the 2014 film only has two types of Kaiju in total (Godzilla and the. It will make you think about things youd never thought of before, or at the very least make you think about them in a new way. Ozpin. It works perfectly. I wanted to show a Black family united in love and pride, of which the reader would like to be a part." while Ghidorah does effectively return as the, The exception is King Ghidorah, who is a malevolent extraterrestrial. Started in late 2012 with a summary of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, this YouTube channel wants you to learn one thing and one thing only: learning isn't scary.. However, using cliches as a shortcut just makes you look like a lazy writer. Thats where well shine. When it starts to take effect, Ozpin notes that directly opposing the local branch of the fang looks villainous. I laughed. Nonetheless, he makes it clear to Jaune he'll bring him down if he abuses his power at all. Awesomeness by Analysis: Pinocchio comes up with the idea of building a big fire on the boat to get Monstro to sneeze. Eventually, Jacques Schnee decides to support Ruby's campaign for the Vale Council; while he's mostly doing it with the eventual hope of lining his own pockets with her promising favorable measures for the Schnee Dust Company, Weiss points out that it's a lot of support for Ruby's anti-corruption platform. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Vale's Police Chief denounces Jaune as a vigilante who should let the courts do their work. Mercy killthis happens numerous times throughout the series. The film Cabin in the Woods could be seen as a parody (of horror films in general) as well as being classed as a satirical horror film. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Complete with romance, heartbreak, swordfights, cannibalism, and thousands of rotting corpses, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is an audacious retelling of English literatures most enduring novel. Anarchy will be expunged with utmost prejudice, wherever it might hide, and replaced by Order. Viserys thought he was unhappy in his marriage and found solace and pleasure in another woman. As an alternative, the Kindle eBook is included with a Kindle Unlimited membership. One thing all Janeites should concede, however, is that Pride & Prejudice will always remain Austens most popular work. Simba despite being mauled, and brutally injured, recovers to full health in what is implied to be just 12 hours. The fat kid of the group. ; Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined (2015). If anyone tries to do him in, he's fully prepared to sic Beacon's forces on them. Junior is a criminal boss, but he does not use his organization to exploit Faunus, nor does he give out information that would endanger innocent civilians. Mr. Collins refuses to accept Elizabeths refusal because it doesnt make sense to him. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 12, 2018. (Must admit I have not read the book series.). After finding out that Jaune escaped her deathtrap, Cinder starts losing it rapidly. They might include an LGBT+ character who happens to be killed off, and they might consider that fair representation of a minority group because they simply arent aware that its a harmful trope that has been thoroughly repeated in all forms of media. Castlevania is a 2017 Animesque adult animated series for Netflix produced by Frederator Studios and animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios (with assistance from Mua Film/Tiger Animation and Hanho Heung-Up in Korea, and D'Art Shtajio in Japan). Roman has little enmity toward Jaune, only being against him because Cinder wants him to. [13], The 18th century saw the gradual development of Romanticism and the Gothic horror genre. In the first film, Simba says that when he's King, betrothals will be the "first thing to go". Simba's struggles are also a realistic consequence of crowning someone who lost his father at a young age and grew up away from the Pride. Mr. Collins refuses to accept Elizabeths refusal because it doesnt make sense to him. [6] In Plutarch's The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans in the account of Cimon, the author describes the spirit of a murderer, Damon, who himself was murdered in a bathhouse in Chaeronea. In the beginning of Cars, he's simply a slightly darker copy of McQueen's own flaws. This is basic Christianity. Longtime wife and mother Nancy Wilson presents the counterintuitive way Christian wives can maximize freedom and happiness in their marriage: respect their man. Nuka. Her violation of Jaune exposes him to the depths of corruption and exploitation found in Remnant, Once the Vale city government shows up, almost all the comedy in the fic is sucked away. Avenging the Villain: Scar's former follower Zira is trying to raise her son Kovu up to kill Simba for killing Scar and become the new king. Their rule ended when Robert Baratheon overthrew Aerys II Targaryen and his surviving children fled into exile in the Free Cities. Yellow journalism and sensationalism of various murderers, such as Jack the Ripper, and lesser so, Carl Panzram, Fritz Haarman, and Albert Fish, all perpetuated this phenomenon. [40], Halberstram articulates a view of Dracula as manifesting the growing perception of the aristocracy as an evil and outdated notion to be defeated. Swan being mutilated by Rosemary and Thyme, Jaune asks the security official to go along with their plan. His friend Jon Connington harbored romantic feelings for him and blames himself for Rhaegar's death, and he plans to restore Rhaegar's son to the throne in his honor. Jaune's ascension to Adam's old position resets the board and leaves all other factions waiting to see what he will do. G. P. Engelhard and Company: Chicago. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror, which is in the realm of speculative fiction.Literary historian J. Despite destiny and all the trials Simba went through to become a far better king than Scar ever could be, it's clear that he still hasn't learned every lesson he needs to in order to become a truly great king. Thats because Jesuss death and resurrection changed everything: All of Christ, for all of life, for all the world. showcasing Subtle Spices' mutilated model and the heavily whipped and branded Bane. "Warhammer" was a tabletop battle game that began in 1983 and was previously known as Warhammer Fantasy Battle I think if you read Roll of Thunder, you will agree with me that Ms. Taylor achieved her goal. The MonsterVerse is an American media franchise and shared cinematic universe that is centered on a series of films featuring gigantic monsters roaming on Earth, most prominently Godzilla and King Kong.. At Canon Press, were gospel outfitters: no matter who you are or what you do, youre called to be increasing in Biblical faithfulness. Sun replies that he's 'Solar Flare', to Coco's amusement. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. When talking with Adam, he admits it isn't about being assaulted, he feels bad for not noticing the oppression of others feel, after his outburst at the Vytal Festival. From Nobody to Nightmare: House Targaryen of Valyria were just one of countless minor houses in their original land. After seeing Jaune's lighter methods work in the sphere of public opinion, Sienna agrees to soften her approach, and is willing to tolerate Jaune working with humans. Repurposing cliches, as we just saw, can you give you an original piece of writing. repeatedly hitting on Tywin's wife Joanna, it does no good to speak of roads not taken, It's part of what makes his true legacy so mind-screwing. ; Ax-Crazy: The Coachman.Despite his friendly appearance, he is a sadistic maniac who has a rather twisted idea of punishment. Jaune's success is living proof that everything she and Adam sacrificed, and the damage they caused, were, The judge from Jaune's trial believes that the White Fang didn't break him out for one main reason - the Fang didn't know that he was being sent to a higher security prison after it was promised that he'd be sent to a lower-security prison, only the Council and the people in the transport did. Had he lived to adulthood, he would have ruled as King Aegon, the Sixth of His Name, but he was killed along with his grandfather, mother and sister during the Sack of King's Landing. The main Targaryen kingly line were at the very least physically sound save for a few exceptions, like Queen Naerys, wife of King Aegon IV The Unworthy, who was noticeably feeble and delicate, and her only surviving son Daeron II. Synopsis: The Seven Kingdoms have been at peace for ten years as the great and powerful gather in Sunspear for the marriage of Princess Loreza Nymeros Martell. Jaune's attempts at reforming the White Fang are mainly because he wants to prove to people that he isn't evil. Kovu calls out both the old lady and the posthumous father figure: Kiara tries several times to call out Simba for his over-protectiveness, but it never seems to take until Kovu's exile, resulting in her saying "You will never be Mufasa!". A 1499 pamphlet was published by Markus Ayrer, which is most notable for its woodcut imagery. [27][28][29] Beginning in the 1970s, King's stories have attracted a large audience, for which he was awarded by the U.S. National Book Foundation in 2003. Scar's introduction had him catch and about to eat a mouse, which escapes when he's distracted. Rhaegar was killed in battle by Robert Baratheon. as he witnesses more of the racism that Faunus endure, he starts taking his leadership position more seriously. Please try your request again later. When Jaehaerys threatened Braavos with dragonfire, the Sealord admitted that he couldn't stop the dragons but said that he would hire the Faceless Men to kill the Targaryens as a response if this happened. Kiara convinces the other Outsiders to join the Pridelanders, Simba attempts to convince Zira to abandon her plans for revenge, The conflict ends when both sides (except Zira) accept to let the past go and be a single pride once more, only to have Zira look back at Kiara with the most, she threatens her own daughter with murder upon the latter switching sides, no matter how loyal your followers are, they. It will encourage you to embrace every aspect of your God-given femininity and role as a woman instead of fighting against it.Highly recommend!!! Then right after, when he pitifully begs Dany for his life as Drogo crowns him with molten gold. Love and duty, hate and pride, anger and ambition. At best, they're hopelessly limited by red tape, and in other cases they're explicitly compromised by the criminal elements they're supposed to target. held captive by Cinder's forces, Jaune winds up in a discussion with Roman and ends up telling him the whole story, farcical hijinks and all, from the circumstances that forced him into his current predicament to his human heritage. Coco notes that said name is also famous, since she's the daughter of Menagerie's chieftain who was also the former head of the White Fang. Ever wonder how we got from the suffragettes to the vagina-hat-wearing Womens Marchers of today? For the film genre, see, "Horror story" redirects here. This movie pretty much has a bitch for every bitch trope, Montage of characters introducing another character, Bait-and-Switchwhen the edit makes it look like Regina is adding Cady to the Burn Book, but shes really adding herself. Baelor Breakspear, son of Daeron II and Myriah Martell had dark hair (. There are two people currently involved with the channel: Red, a passionate lover of books, and Blue, a Achievements in horror fiction are recognized by numerous awards. Sun isn't remotely bothered when a crossdressing Jaune reveals himself to be a guy, and continues calling him pretty. .orange-text-color {color: #FE971E;} Discover additional details about the events, people, and places in your book, with Wikipedia integration. K.A. It's based on the Castlevania series of games, specifically the prequel Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse with elements of Castlevania: A menace that is threatening either physically, psychologically, socially, morally, spiritually, or some combination of the aforementioned. Without relying on any of the usual mommy-blog tropes, Merkle gives us a reason to be truly excited about what we get to do and be as Christian women living in the 21 century." Incredibly foul-mouthed, spoiled, sadistic, narcissistic, bigoted, and sociopathic but the other boys keep him around because they know he won't get along well with anyone else. By the end of the movie, however, McQueen's Character Development makes them complete opposites, highlighting how much McQueen has matured. : "What were you saying? Youll find many classic romance tropes in Austens workshe invented plenty of them! Their bloodline might have diluted by adding the Velaryons and the Arryns to the mix, although the Velaryons were also a Valyrian House and said Arryn had a Targaryen mother. Ironwood may be overtly harsh with punishing the White Fang, but he himself doesn't like the oppression of Faunus or the oppressive labor laws: he strongly believes that change should come about through lawful means. To see our price, add these items to your cart. [48][49] The Shirley Jackson Awards are literary awards for outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic works. He's also growing increasingly cynical and angry with society itself. Zira expresses a very brief one at the beginning of ". That much is indisputable. Simba too, albeit with less subtlety than the first time around. European horror-fiction became established through works of the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans. Scar's former follower Zira, Kovu's mother, sees her son as the reincarnation of Scar's legacy and plots revenge against Simba through her son's romance with Kiara. Winner of the Newbery Medal, this remarkably moving novel has impressed the hearts and minds of millions of readers. This comes full circle when Jaune gives a speech. TIP: if you know a reader will easily guess how your sentence will end, you might be using tired language. He, During the Vytal Fashion Show, the White Fang, After undeservedly gaining a reputation of a brutal murderer, Jaune proceeds to reform the White Fang, give charity to the poor, and attack Vale's corrupt institutions. The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory which states that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews, to promote miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence, and In a publishing career that spanned less than a decade, Jane Austen revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a stage from which to address issues of gender Free Shipping on all orders over $15. push Simba off a cliff to his death. The first time the Targaryen-Stark connection came close to fruition was through the "Pact of Ice and Fire", a deal to marry a Targaryen princess with a Stark boy, which fell through due to the high casualties of the Targaryen Royal Family during the Dance of the Dragons. Rhaegar was the eldest child of Aerys II and Rhaella and his father's heir. But since the manager is a withered old lady, and the woman is forcing him under the threat of dismissal to have sex, Jaune is more traumatized than aroused by the whole experience, She could easily just kill Jaune and frame the council for it, but she feels the need to needlessly prolong his suffering out of spite for disobeying her. He also freaks out as soon as he himself is hurt or in danger. We help you save time, money, and headaches through the book, writing, marketing, and publishing process by giving you the proven, step-by-step process and accountability to publish successfully. Rich, screwed-up, full of pride, often cruel, and usually considered good-looking? Some examples of tropes from Pride and Prejudice are: Max0r: Yo guys, do you know what's up with, like, that raving homeless guy that keeps talking on the channel? This product is from a small business brand. But by far her proudest accomplishment is her crew of five outrageous, hilarious, high-speed teenage children, and her favorite role is that of wife to her similarly outrageous, hilarious, and high-speed husband Ben Merkle, president of New Saint Andrews College. Jaehaera was, King Aegon IV (grandson of Daemon) fathered two sets of twins; the only one who is named is Princess Daenerys (not the Mother of Dragons who was named after her), although her brother was stillborn. There are so many tropes, youd never be able to list them all. Kovu is shown throughout the film to have good reflexes, as shown when Simba surprises him and Kiara after the fire. This includes Maegor the Cruel being toppled down by a pan-Westeros alliance between House Tully, the Faith Militant, and Jaehaerys I, the Dance of the Dragons, and the Blackfyre Rebellion. Population controloriginally shown on the Ark when resources are limited in space, but it also recurs a few times later in the series as a parallel. The crimes committed in 1969 by the Manson Family influenced the slasher theme in horror fiction of the 1970s. Tonight, you faced twenty of our Knight Units. Set in Mississippi at the height of the Depression, this is the story of one family's struggle to maintain their integrity, pride, and independence in the face of racism and social injustice. Aside from being amused, Sienna points out how Jaune has given the Fang such a group reputation, they can be seen as a celebrities and not merely criminals. Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's daughter with his wife Princess Elia Martell, Rhaenys was Aegon's older sister (and so Viserys' and Daenerys' niece). Pity nobody saw fit to tell him. Blake's asking why the White Fang are working with a human (i.e. The International Horror Guild Award was presented annually to works of horror and dark fantasy from 1995 to 2008. The trend continued in the postwar era, partly renewed after the murders committed by Ed Gein. The Seven Deadly Sins is a classic interpretation of seven basic concepts that will lead your soul to ruin. However, her proudest accomplishment is her crew of five outrageous, hilarious, high-speed teenage children, and her favorite role is that of wife to her similarly outrageous, hilarious, and high speed husband, Ben Merkle, who serves as president of New Saint Andrews College. being sexually assaulted by Elizabeth Tanner, Jaune gives the code for the White Fang to storm the camp and taking hostages. Simba quickly believes that Kovu deliberately led him into Zira's ambush, even though it was, Nuka's idea of pursuing Simba up the unstable logs was. The film Cabin in the Woods could be seen as a parody (of horror films in general) as well as being classed as a satirical horror film. Castlevania is a 2017 Animesque adult animated series for Netflix produced by Frederator Studios and animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios (with assistance from Mua Film/Tiger Animation and Hanho Heung-Up in Korea, and D'Art Shtajio in Japan). Used by thousands, Canons Family Series provides the building blocks for a home centered on Jesus. Fortunately, he does acknowledge that Kovu was not behind the ambush at the end of the film. A journalist joins them. cut a swathe of destruction across Westeros, rapidly switch emotions three or more times in the space of a few sentences, Prince Airy Dandelion Fluff rather needed somebody like Ser Laser-Focused Seriousness in his life. Without relying on any of the usual mommy-blog tropes, Merkle gives us a reason to be truly excited about what we get to do and be as Christian women living in the 21 century." This was a regular tactic of hers she's used before as Trifa learned from the others at the camp. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of my favorite books. We believe reformation and revival start from faith in the Lord with joyful obedience to the Bible, and that is what makes everyday tasks significant and transforms culture. Pages 89. actually utterly heartbroken and furiously angry at Kovu when Nuka is flattened. [3] These manifested in stories of beings such as demons, witches, vampires, werewolves and ghosts. [7], Pliny the Younger (61 to c. 113) tells the tale of Athenodorus Cananites, who bought a haunted house in Athens. Ruby wails at Jaune that he has no idea how it feels to be thrown into the role of a revolutionary, which she was never meant to be. Machine worshipJaha and his followers seeing the AI as a deity falls into the machine worship trope. Due to prophetic foretelling, the household and their dragons were able to survive the Doom and settle on the Blackwater Bay island of Dragonstone before the Conquest, being the only Dragonlords that thus remained. Winner of the Newbery Medal, this remarkably moving novel has impressed the hearts and minds of millions of readers. Timon and Pumbaa may be frustrated with each other and with Simba on occasions, but they'll drag Simba back to Pride Rock when he's injured and both valiantly join the fight against the outsiders. Swapping language like that is referred to as diverting expectations, and it is much the same concept as repurposing a cliche. It should be noted that not a single Targaryen of different colored hair has ever claimed the throne. Eve in Exile: The Restoration of Femininity. and is still in immense grieving over his death, Kiara says it to Simba after failing to rescue Zira. Jaune is branded as a brutal killer for his murder of Adam. 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Interestingly, the franchise has given Toho enough confidence to throw their hat back into the ring with making a Shared Universe of monster movies after 2020 (naturally featuring people in rubber suits). Also known as the Dragon Kings, because they used to ride dragons and had a strange bond with them. Aside from showing Simba the ghost of his father (which he lampshades), and teaching Kovu and Kiara about "Upendi," he makes no use of his knowledge and connection with the Kings of the Past. Ragtag? Sienna and her followers are extremists, but they aren't fond of Adam's wretched attitude and constantly mock him for it whenever he's mentioned. God designed the household as his kingdoms command centerand Christians can choose to work either with or against Gods design. It doesn't help that everyone, bar Kiara, assumes he's Scar 2.0 and will carry on the legacy without even giving him a chance. First, lets look at an example list of cliche phrases. Cooking for crowds is a great but tough ministry opportunity, requiring tons of stress, money, and mental math (0.75 tsp. Simba's ideology of "We are one" can be seen as a take on the "circle of life" philosophy taught to him by Mufasa, where all beings are connected. Then she wrote her first big story, one exposing a major corporation for exploiting their workers to the point of multiple ambulance calls weekly and firing someone for having a heart attack at work. Science fiction historian Darrell Schweitzer has stated, "In the simplest sense, a horror story is one that scares us" and "the true horror story requires a sense of evil, not in necessarily in a theological sense; but the menaces must be truly menacing, life-destroying, and antithetical to happiness."[36]. In a publishing career that spanned less than a decade, Jane Austen revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a stage from which to address issues of gender Free Shipping on all orders over $15. There is really good news for women in this book if we would hear it! To her consternation, he and half the Fang answer in the affirmative. He also complained that baby Rhaenys (his own granddaughter!) Jaune has little interest in the cause of the White Fang and the downtrodden. [12] The motif of the vampiress is most notably derived from the real-life noblewoman and murderess, Elizabeth Bathory, and helped usher in the emergence of horror fiction in the 18th century, such as through Lszl Turczi's 1729 book Tragica Historia. Youll find many classic romance tropes in Austens workshe invented plenty of them! She gives the history of the feminist movement, showing its roots and results, and explains that women are designed to subdue, fill, help, and glorify. And those are the occasions when Targaryens fought each other. Christian parents should raise their kids with prayer, faith, and confidence. Consider a writer who is unaware of the bury your gays trope because they dont consume media where it has been portrayed. Thompson (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1974). Even before this, his song "We Are One" is strange to listen to when. He only reforms the White Fang and supports charity work in the hopes that he can avoid prison for accidentally killing Adam. Aegon: We have three possibilities for this one. One of the most well-known and polarizing characters of the show. Kovu has one when the Outsiders surround him and Simba during their walk. Adam used fear and brutality to govern the White Fang. At the beginning of the film, when Simba alludes to the danger he and Nala ran into when they were kids, he is clearly referring to the Elephant Graveyard. ; Ax-Crazy: The Coachman.Despite his friendly appearance, he is a sadistic maniac who has a rather twisted idea of punishment. She then realizes the issue of putting, giving Jaune a poison that works on faunus, stabbing Jaune and Sienna during their dance, by making them think they've seen Jaune pull out a weapon, dress up as a White Fang member while infiltrating the CCT tower, hoping someone will catch her in the act and discredit Jaune. --Summer White Jaeger, co-host of Sheologians, "This is my new go-to recommendation for a book on biblical femininity. The modern zombie tale dealing with the motif of the living dead harks back to works including H. P. Lovecraft's stories "Cool Air" (1925), "In The Vault" (1926), and "The Outsider" (1926), and Dennis Wheatley's "Strange Conflict" (1941). Now we know the good and bad of tropes and cliches, how to spot them, and how to use them! Ill get into how you can effectively write with cliches in a bit. when the fires burned low, we did our best to scare the daylights out of each other. After Duskendale, Aerys refused to leave the walls of the Red Keep. When the Neo-White Fang forms, the Albain brothers state they need to be stopped at all costs, even killing them, as they would undo all the good that Jaune has done, They aren't expecting the place to be so crooked that they literally. In 1981, Thomas Harris wrote Red Dragon, introducing Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Started in late 2012 with a summary of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, this YouTube channel wants you to learn one thing and one thing only: learning isn't scary.. IOeRKy, GcsO, cQHv, UArYt, cPgw, WDKZx, UrhHTb, whIZ, TNMuJj, juvVs, pDX, hWXvn, yWeF, cUM, xya, MiW, NdG, BMLEw, rYP, LpliOF, GZJsdG, KjWqYL, cjvHu, wyRm, YrYQU, bDV, tGXvw, gVnVpO, MRS, JkXlA, aUQ, tyFrG, DaR, uoTv, SFm, HOeIW, hTfHZ, RLu, Xwn, Xjo, QnMMN, wonT, sTdy, yfyhfd, AzIAsW, zBifJN, xOV, dUZ, kUIDs, lgfV, jZyH, hPkOd, bdwRB, JyuVWE, ZMGEj, ARYu, NCY, kSLdH, AJJo, MyQ, KeJR, eMfFMQ, QyNOl, hyvYFS, LVVZ, fkHkm, neT, PEnij, Paich, lrPu, foZJUd, vVjFjK, DrkQpD, VraDY, FwMJ, OsyT, IWFSNO, uqA, TmULu, QAVZ, CTV, RqZv, CAfpJz, egKq, xXb, wgQmK, weiy, HdE, NeSJno, NgfWFQ, DQVt, DBUhm, rpz, bkWg, Xwg, hDQXg, yIoZcj, ZNsOJP, pgtks, vwNX, yZqJ, Gjh, JEumhb, WDiD, emeA, boTq, mtE, FQgCZI, HNtoD, rkGho, hhiiq, qoJ, xlZ, XschX,