I iced and elevated it and early the next morning my husband took me to ER. At 7 weeks, x-ray showed virtually no healing. Not what you're looking for? The pain is often called pinpoint pain as it is quite well localised at the site of impact to the bone. I live in Cumbria, the lake district in the UK. 152 users are following. He said "Hi, it's been 8 weeks and my orthopedic doctor says it's healed. The fracture line of acute fifth metatarsal diaphyseal fractures typically extends into or towards the articulation between the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsal ( image 2 ). Keep me posted on all your updates. I run and pole vault and am 5 weeks into a spiral fracture 5th metatarsal. Let us know how you're getting on. How long was it till you could run? See what happens on monday. Most patients are able to run again between ten and 12 weeks following surgery. By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. Does anyone know what is going on with my foot? I tested very low in vitamin D on lab tests. After 2 weeks: can progress to a shoe, starting with weight on heel and then progress to walking normally. 9 years ago, I'm 42 and have broken my fifth metatarsal on my left foot over a month ago. ! Also crazy!!!. This has been my frustration with the doctors I've seen. Fifth metatarsal fracture (Jones fracture) rehab protocol Patient will be walking with crutches non-weightbearing until most of the swelling resolves. When I got home I took off my shoe and noticed bruising and a bump / lump on top of my upper foot in the metatarsal area. Goodness how could they have left it so long? Thanks for your time sharing your experiences. I can do some stretches and exercises to make it feel better but it's very annoying. 4 weeks casted NWB except the heel only, then another 4 weeks partial weight bearing in a cast. It's so frustrating having to depend upon others. & you don't really get much information. An avulsion fracture on the fifth metatarsal bone is called a "dancer's fracture." What to Expect If your bones are still aligned (meaning that the broken ends meet), you will probably wear a cast or splint for 6 to 8 weeks. Take care. If you are in the US Docs don't recommend surgery right away because the evil insurance companies want the fracture to try healing on it's own first. How? Overall I was encouraged. I'm in the UK. taking prescription or over-the-counter . . Fractures at the base of the fifth metatarsal can result from an inversion injury, with resultant avulsion of the peroneal brevis tendon or plantar aponeurosis. . Shouldn't have to wait long as he was going to fast track me in once I got referred again. I also sprained my ankle which is still a little sore but I do ankl excercises which has helped. There was no healing at all at 6wks. In some places they are starting to use bone stimulators here but not in my hospital but then they only use them if the bone hasn't healed after 9mths plus. It's easy to do. Was NWB for 6 weeks, started taking supplements including 3,000 IU of vitamin D, B complex and multivitamin. You may have heard of the phrase "5th metatarsal fracture." How is your pain? Hopefully in 3 mths tome it will be completely healed now it's knitting together. They surgeons stressed the importance to me on NWB for full 6 weeks due to possible refracture of bone even with screw fitted which would require surgery again. I see the specialist in two days and have no idea what he will say. At 90 days my insurance approve a bone growth stimulator which I use once a day. Walking rescue dogs, going to zumba, insanity and assault course's, they're on the back boiler now and I do miss them. James on here used a bone stimulator & he's pretty much healed. 4 weeks NWB, 4 in boot then absolutely normal!!! Metatarsal shaft fractures are typically caused during sports. It's helpful for those going through this bc most of the stories are nightmares and all you read about it a lot of non healing. Following treatment, it may take eight to 12 weeks for the bone fracture to fully heal, with a gradual return to normal activity within four months. Anyway you keep your chin up and take care. It's a shame we cant attach photos here would be interesting to compare fractures.I took picture of my xray when the images were displayed on monitor in hospital. Ive had a cast on for almost two weeks now and the doc said no weight bearing. A question for anyone: after starting to walk in shoes, how long does it take to get back to a natural walking gait (not limping)? The prospect of having to go no-weight-bearing might be enough to keep me focused 100% on what I need to do, and avoid. I have been wearing a new balance shoe bc it most resembled the surgical shoe as far as flat stiff sole. And well I do have a foreign object in my bone. Hi. My Dr said to bare weight as tolerated. The break has occurred in a part of the bone that normally heals without a problem, . Oh wow I can't imagine it not healing for that long. Limit unnecessary walking or standing for the first week to control swelling and pain. It doesnt bother me but I am not pushing off. That's great news that you're nearly fully healed. I'll ask about the bone stimulator, too. It's common to see bruising on the injured part of the foot and the surrounding area. If I am not doing alot better at my next appointment I will ask for it. Janine. May the good lord heal you all. I'm wearing stiff soled athletic shoes at all times. Take care and I'll keep you posted about my next appointment. I've had little pain, but this morning my foot was rather sore. Also I m having pain. If radiography. ortho says if there's tenderness esp it hasn't healed. Patients with Jones fractures that are treated closed should remain nonweightbearing for 8 weeks. Yes, I did that. or does that delay the recovery of the bone? Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. He feels the knee issue will go away in time as well. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are I quit my job specifically to spend some months getting physically fit again, and then I planned to get a non-sedentary job, like waitressing. I know someone who had the surgery after 9mths! Ive had a cast on for almost two weeks now and the doc said no weight bearing. and well the orpho hasn't said anything about how long. With acute fractures, the fracture line is sharp and the surrounding bone appears normal. Hard to do when u r in pain it doesn't seem natural and I am scared I am doing more damage . Have it checked by your foot specialist. Screw fitted into shaft. That's when he showed me the xray and then he said partial fixture! Were you awake when you had it done? I think that was my 2nd lucky break (haha) - I wasn't eager for surgery, and so commenced with conservative treatment. Using hypofractionated radiation therapy may allow pre-operative patients the opportunity to have the radiation in a shorter time span. Oh bummer I spent a half hour writing a post yesterday but I don't see it here. I'm told it is healing well. So, it sounds like, when a person has had enough, and they are ready to sit still for long enough, it finally heals. Kudos to you! I have been using a bone stimulator for the past 4 weeks, 2x per day. I was placed in a splint and ace bandage NWB for 3 weeks. The first weekend in Feb I was trying to avoid stepping on my dog, landed wrong on my left foot and heard a pop. This could last as long as six weeks (sometimes longer based on healing and other factors such as diabetes). Oh well hopefully soon it will be a distant memory. My goal is to get back to sports and exercise as I did before . but it is a journey! Can do one crutch ok. With the boot, I could only walk on heel. Good luck with your ultrasound. Metatarsal fractures are relatively common injuries of the foot. Why do you have to swim between the flags? Treatment of a metatarsal stress fracture requires a period of rest from your activity, usually at least 3-4 weeks. There's tenderness at the fractyre site. Hi Janine, we are offered physio here in the states, but I personally was not offered it at the last visit. I lost it emotionally, sure I was going to die, and now have to take anxiety meds daily. Keep us posted. I didn't get given any information on my first visit to the consultant as they were do busy and running late. And realized something bad had happened. But six weeks is not right for everyone. A knee scooter makes a big difference getting around the house. Take care James and keep working on your recovery. Should i have just opted for the surgery on my last follow up and been well on my way to recovery?! If you are looking for the best shoes to wear after sustaining this injury, read on! applying ice to the hand. I can also do "calf raises" without pain. He advised that The boot would not heal this fracture since I didn't come right in after I rolled My ankle. I'm fine when at home as I can rest when I need but work effects it. He doesn't believe it's moving. I will let you know how it goes. I'm wishing I'd been given the choice of surgery. Needless to say, I'm anxiously awaiting when I can safely get back to running. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Using nano technology and lining up wound care dressings in a manner parallel to skin has lead researchers to a novel way to enhance and quicken wound healing. A metatarsal stress fracture is a tiny crack in the long bones of your foot. My foot feels better than it has in months. I can only answer medical questions in a general form. Also, since minimal weight bearing on heel Ive had twinges of pain up top of my foot to lower leg. Buy Now Buy Buy iWALK Crutch Now Replacement Parts Buy iWALK3.0 Replacement Parts Instructions Find a Dealer/Distributor (USA & Canada) On the 3rd day I had my first appointment with the orthapaedic. Cut a 5-inch piece of tape. respect of any healthcare matters. I struggle walking a long distance. My fractures have healed - doctor told me after seeing the x-ray (10 WKS) but when I walk after few yards my hip and thighs hurt and start to limp. Look on youtube there's some good videos of excercises to do with a broken foot. At that time I had a displaced 5th metarsal just past the area that would be referred to as a Jones fx. When I got home I googled "Jones fracture" and everything I read about it was discouraging. I only have a few months I can spend being physically active before I will need to return to a sedentary job for income. I went to A&E the day after I broke it after falling down the stairs. I know someone who ended up going private after 12 weeks to have surgery on the same injury and her husband is a Gp. The treatment was to buddy tape it loosely during the day and tight at night. Never thought when it happened that it would take so long. It will be interesting to compare once I am using a shoe next week You must deal with pain really well. It helps to know others are having similar problems. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek And how does it feel when you walk? I know I don't understand how walking on it helps. It's on the 25th next week not the 12th! Crazy! Sorry you haven't had much healing. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Do you have a job where you have to be on your feet a lot? Every time I had a follow up appointment I'd get my hopes up thinking he'd take it off or tell me I can start weight bearing but he didn't for awhile. It's not constant but when it happens its like a shock. In July it didnt fuse so I have had surgery, 2 weeks post op in a hard cast for 4 weeks. What type of shoes are you wearing indoors and do you have pain when you push off that foot while walking? Very fortunate that he fitted me in this following week. Good luck! Is height a risk factor for certain diseases? Consultant did say I could start excercise, even though it's not fully healed yet. Have friends in UK and they seem to like it. I will listen to my foot. Shar leen, I kept my boot an extra week, I couldn't handle walking in a gym shoe. Luckly I only work 5hrs a day 4 times a week so can recover a little. Maybe you always have a chance to start over. What did Britain do when colonists were taxed? I was in shock and cussed like a sailor. I've found my opposite hip is painful but I tend to put most weight on that leg. If I don't show signs of healing at next visit I will discuss having surgery for a pin. I greatly admire someone like you who would donate and dedicate so much time and effort to helping strangers with no compensation. Hows your foot doing? I was wearing the cam boot for 6 wks. A 45-year-old member asked: Help with pain 4 weeks after metatarsal fracture? it is still painful, swollen and i walk incredible slow and purposeful. Recently I fractured my fifth metatarsal (base of the bone, non-displaced) in a crazy foot rolling incident. I've been weight baring from around the 4th day though with crutches but seemingly it's good for circulation. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Treatment involves relative rest and time to allow the fracture to heal. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? I'm walking better and can walk further but it is still painfull especially if I've been on it alot and like you other parts of my foot hurt too. My parents are both from the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. - Oregon and Washington state (Seattle) -- but, oddly, they met in England in the 60s. Can a 5th metatarsal fracture heal in 4 weeks? and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified Yesterday I was in such a good mood thinking it was healing, but then I went to the gym and did some handstands, and I hurt it. Locking up the foot and in mobilizing it in a fracture walking boot is a terrible thing for an athlete. I am an obese diet controlled diabetic. Also, this doctor came highly recommended. Closed treatment consists of 4-6 weeks in a below-the-knee walking cast. I am stillnon weight bear for 2-3 weeks then weight bear gradually and return after 5 weeks for x-ray and to bring my own shoes then. Tash - Yes the boot screws up the whole body. 5 weeks on and the swelling has pretty much gone away. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Ibhad an xray at my work one week ago and rhe fracture line went from 1.1 mm to 1.7mm so idk. so tired of wearing the boot but i dont want a screw put in either. Glad you're managing to do more James. Thursday, September 9, 2021 Seems like an awfully long time. Now I can walk faster but with a stiff shoe and sometimes I get a sensation like cramp which I suspect is my bone moving! I guess it didn't go through. I am 55 yrs old and almost at 5 months recovering from a 5th metatarsal mid shaft spiral fracture of my right foot. The problem I'm having, and wondering if anyone else experiences, is that I have virtually no pain at all, which leads me to walk on it excessively and do too much, and then it "tells" me, later, when it's too late!! Displaced avulsions may take longer to heal, but do so with low rate of complications. Some say WB helps heal faster; other say the more rest, the better. Im sure the people that heal quickly, have surgery, or move along rather normally dont post their issues. I'll post again in few weeks to give a further update.. 80 percent is great news. So I had xray after 9 weeks and it pretty much looked same as initial xray. Ill let ya know how I make out in 2 weeks once I start putting weight on it. Good luck and keep us updated. I think if I pushed for surgery my doc would pursue it, I'll see how next visit and xray goes. Registered in England and Wales. Good luck on the 2nd, do hope it's good news. Better see some bone fusion!! Nondisplaced fractures of the metatarsal neck and shaft are treated with protected weight bearing in fracture boot or postoperative shoe for 4 to 6 weeks. You will likely be able to bear weight on the cast after a few days or a week. Glad you're on the mend. I was non weight bearing about 8 weeks and started walking after that but it's been a gradual progress since then. So the next thing I am going to try is not wearing a shoe on the broken foot when I am out on errands, except when driving. [1] Clinical Relevant Anatomy The foot consists out of 5 metatarsal bones per foot. When I talk on the phone I always pace. please help if possible. Also believe people are scared of surgery. And realized something bad had happened. Look forward to hear how you're recovery is going. I can have ops and be fine but when I or I see others having stitches taken out I have funny do's! To protect the bone, and allow her to get out of her boot and back to activity, I made a rush of some custom orthotic devices and taught her how to use KT tape to circumferentially wrap the area. The toes as well may undergo changes which signify psoriatic arthritis. I don't smoke so that's one less thing against me. My boot had some additional pads that I could use to help make it feel more comfortable. FIFTH METATARSAL FRACTURES What is it? i was given the green light to first bike on the recumbant and recently given the ok to do eliptical. I am eager to hear how you make out at you're next appointment and hope that the xrays show more healing. The Bauerfeind Mobil Heel Relief Orthosis is ideal for supporting your foot while it heals from a 5th metatarsal fracture. The shoe had made normal day to day activities much easier, can wear normal trousers, put foot down for short periods and can shower. I was only given a surgical shoe My opposite knee is very irritated and I walk with quite a limp. This feels like hell. And what are you able to do at this point? They were wrong about the boot -- it causes pain, in my foot but also of course it throws off the whole body -- and if they had listened to me, they would have heard me say that my first 12 days I had absolutely no pain, and I was in the house, limping in stocking feet (no shoes) (I happened to be without a car a that time, so I wasn't doing much). Hope mine is too if that's the road I'm on. I'm trying to stay possitive but sometimes it is so frustrating as I'm usually so active. Good luck and I hope the physio helps. I know it's frustrating but isn't forever, though it feels like especially when you hear how long others have had to deal with it & yes it is hard depending on others. Janine - Do you mean he only showed you the x-ray because you questioned his positive outlook? A stress fracture is different from an acute fracture, which is caused . I am walking with one crutch, and have minimal pain, although at times it aches. Take care of yourself and your foot. Next week I am able to put a shoe on, and then I will have a better sense of how it will feel. Everyone's experience with Fifth Metatarsal seems to be different - and from what I understand it depends on where the break is along that bone type of break and how it is healing. In the states they tend to encourage none weight bearing but here in Britain they encourage weight bearing pretty much from the start to aid circulation. Posted samah22138 I suffered from 5th metatarsal fracture 24 days back. Got to know that I've 3,4,5th metatarsal fracture on right foot with a little displacement and a hairline fracture on the 1st. My latest xray shows some union and the surgeon has advised to not weight bear until there is no pain, and then only partial, with my boot and crutches. The break has occurred in a part of the bone that normally heals without a problem, . I feel like it's too soon. Just to drag it on a bit longer. i think i have the same fracture as you and even the 10 days after my injury, before i got myself to hospital to do an x-ray and needed surgery (i was in denial), i still managed to hobble around on it with only a bit of pain. I now pad and wrap myself, but I think it made all the difference. .I have been told that it is not hard enough to be cut off. In a non-displaced fracture of the middle 3 metatarsals, you can walk right away if protected with a cast and/or surgical shoe. I feel your frustration. I dont know what to do. She was 6 weeks in a removable boot with crutches when I saw her. My last follow up on the 23rd of April showed no signs of improvement so the doc ordered me a bone simulator. Ergh. I waited 4 weeks but it would have taken months to heal on it's own. Now blood thinners for 6 mo. Initial exercises to do 3-4 times a day Ankle and foot range of movement exercises. In fact, today's episode is based on a question sent in by listener. I can also report some good news. You'd think because the gap has widened that surgery would have been the best option. In the boot, it is not an option to walk this way. Think the best one is standing on one leg (the broken one) lowering your body and then raising. Can't wait to resume light training in gym and go out on mountain bike.. If I'd been given the surgery at the beginning I reckon I'd be pretty much back to normal. The issue with a lot of these posts, is that there are a lot of nightmare stories. I usually go to the gym and even compete in total warrior assault courses so I'm finding it difficult not being able to do these things. I rolled my ankle on 5 October and broke 4th and 5th. March, finally told x-ray shows healing but need to go another 8 weeks full weight bearing. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A fracture to this 5th metetarsal bone can be very complex and it appears everyone's recovery is different.. I actually haven't worn it - against doctors' orders, because I think it's the wrong prescription -- but the limping (now 12 weeks of limping) causes pain in the opposite hip. As far as the swelling goes, I also still have swelling, worse when I am on it alot or sitting for long periods without elevating it. If you need to vent your frustration then feel free to come on here. If the fracture fails to unite or subsequently displaces enough to become symptomatic, a resection of the fifth metatarsal head can be considered. I have been going in circles because I can walk around my house all day long and have no pain, so I think the foot is doing great, and based on that I spend a whole day out shopping, and then by afternoon it feels pretty bad, and so I then return to staying home. The fracture clinic gave me a fibreglass walking cast and said I can bear weight with crutches but not too much. In the morning it's not too bad but as the day goes on it does get very sore and also if I do too much, it's not as painful as it was for the first 14/15 weeks. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. You may notice pain walking on uneven ground for weeks, or months, after the break has healed. I'm going back to my physio soon, so see what he suggests. Dr said last time that there was substantial bone growth but there is I a large gap to fill. It was a closed fracture. The pain is still terrible i'm wondering when will it go away. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I will James. Surgery, two weeks ago to fuse, two screws. I always tell people, my parents' love affair didn't last --they divorced after 13 years -- but my mom's love affair with the British Isles has endured. Janine. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. I also have a clicking and stretching-popping-grinding sound in my good knee on the other leg when I go up and downstairs. How long will it take to heal? Released from docs, but today my foot is swollen, no pain. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. There should be no flex in the muscles when you apply the tape. One of the complications of diabetes is the increased risk of heart disease. Mom thinks kids are for doing housework, so I cleaned her deck, her bathroom, and wasn't wearing the boot most of the time. The doc said I won't be back walking or working till 01/27/17. Take care of yourself. Post fracture: Many times after a metatarsal fracture a foot can stay sore and swollen for months. My doctor wants me to ice the bottom of my foot 3 times a day for plantar faciiatis, but getting ice in Portugal is tough. So I am doing pretty good: saw Doc: said 99 percent healed and could slowly return to all activity. How is the fracture area feeling at this point? Any help would be very highly appreciated, as I just don't want to damage my foot further and either permenently injure myself or hinder the healing process. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-medrectangle-4-0');MedlinePlus. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The break was non-displaced, and my Orthopedic Ankle and Foot Specialist put me in a boot Non Weight Bearing for almost 2 months. Today was the first day I gave it a try, with minimal pain. Fractures may involve the metatarsal neck, shaft, or base. I am going stir crazy. One day after work I decided to go get and X Ray because it was painful after working. When I first landed on my foot it was my ankle that was the most painful so I put some oce on it and then my break hurt and came up like an egg, I knew I'd broken it as I couldn't put any weight on it at all but then again I sprained my ankle which didn't help. I broke my 5th metA,, closed fracture, 5 mm distance. I would like you to discontinue use of crutches or any other assistive walking devices as quickly as possible. So its been 9w and 4 days. It's so frustrating! Fracture was in between where a dancer and jones intersect, not many blood vessels there and notorious for bad healing. Had a non union 5th metatarsal fracture. An accident such as the drop of a heavy object on the foot or sudden bend of the forefoot (i.e., a trip and fall on uneven ground) may cause a metatarsal fracture. college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. Symptoms of a fifth metatarsal fracture. using a splint to hold it stable while it heals. Haha.. How lovely that your parents met in England! I'm hoping if I do end up having the surgery that I won't have to wit too long as yes it's already been 24 weeks! I'm 24 weeks down the line and one minute it feels fine & I think great but then next minute I think oh yeah it's still broke. Remember, i waited 3 weeks to get looked at, and was walking fully on it, with pain, like you describe. Base of the 5th Metatarsal Fracture You should remain immobilized in a walking boot/post-op shoe until 4 weeks from the initial injury. If you have severe pain when walking, try wearing shoes that add support under the ball of your foot. The metatarsal bones are the long bones in your foot that connect your ankle to your toes. I will be doing my utmost to ensure I follow their advice & instructions. If I hadn't been there my mam would have been sent home with a broken arm so no I don't feel confident about him. Sandi - I figure every woman has experienced buying a pair of shoes that feels perfectly comfortable in the store, and for the first couple hours even, but then suddently after a certain number of hours wearing them, pain!! I just ended up going back to using a crutch then after a week I wasn't using anything. I asked the radiographer yesterday if they could still see the break & they said yes so I assumed it hadn't healed & when the consultant walked in I said to him I know it's broken by the way he feels but he said it had healed but I said but how can it feel like this? . I think ligaments can take longer than bones to heal and get strong again. However, it may take three to six months for your symptoms to settle completely - these can include pain or discomfort, stiffness, decreased strength, and swelling. 3 users are following. I'm nearly at 13 weeks spiral fracture of mid shaft 5th metatarsal. I was 2 weeks in a moon boot and four weeks in a cast which came off Tuesday. I felt no need to xray since the fracture line never looks great on xray for the first 3-4 months. Zone 3: Proximal diaphyseal fracture. Like now it's summertime and well we had nice sunny days but the last couple have been a bit stormy! appreciate it. A stress fracture is a break in the bone that happens with repeated injury or stress. I fractured my fifth metatarsul on March 22, 2013. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-box-4','ezslot_6',801,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-box-4-0'); Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation. Anyway keep doing the excercises and take care. Terry. A lot more than my surgeon. It can take a. I was to try to start making a fist during this time. Have got some orthotic inserts. The patient is immobilized in a below-knee cast or fracture boot for 4-6 weeks. Please consult a podiatrist, therapist, orthopedist, or sports medicine physician in your area for specific questions. I broke my 5th metatarsal 8 weeks ago today. I also am very active, and this has been a real shock to my system. Hi Pam. I saw yet another different Dr at my appointment yesterday but found this one very helpful, he explained my fracture to me and drew diagrams to show what healing there was, I wish I'd seen him in the first place as I had heard good things said about him. I had to go non weight bearing and use a bone stimulator to get bone growth. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You know how stretched our nhs is though so they seem to leave surgery as a last resort with this injury. I'm not in pain but still get sore after walking for a bit. They gave us a wheelchair to use around airport and assisted us on and off the plane. She lives for it. My point is that I feel the bone stimulator is something you should ask for (I personally do it 2x per day and its called an exogen bone stimulator). i'm hoping this is a positive sign but i'm still confused as to how long i need to wait before getting back to running and my yoga practice. am 10 weeks today, 5th met isn't sore to press on, but at some angles I can feel a bit of a pinch. Notes on 5th metatarsal fracture, almost 4 weeks, how long will it take to remove the cast?? October 16, 2016, I rolled my left foot in a pair of Dansko's clogs, heard the pop! I can't believe they don't have a standard one-pager they give to broken foot patients with all these things I have had to figure out on my own over the past 12 weeks. Most fractures heal without any problems in about six weeks. Take care. Jones Fracture of the 5th metatarsal non-displaced. What do you recommend I can do? . Anyone else out there deal with the whole blood clot mess? It is very uncommon to be placed in a cast. Least I could see it is healing which is good.Good luck everone with your recovery & keep us postedhow you are getting on as I wil you. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? That's another reason I'm not confident as you can still see break even though there is growth. So I went from no pain to sharp pains everywhere. I continue PT to stretch and improve strengh in my foot. At that point was told fracture 85% healed and I could go ahead and walk in boot without crutches. He only discharged me 3 wks ago as he couldn't keep my place open any longer. At the time of the initial physical therapist evaluation, review of the patient's most recent radiographic findings demonstrated nearly complete healing of the fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal. It's 7 weeks since my last appointment so there should be some more growth and hopefully starting to knit together. When you bear weight, the bones spread (move). A stiff soled shoe, walking boot, or even a cast may be used. Hya James & Terry how are you both doing? I didn't really get told much on 1st visit as they were rushed off their feet and I was full of cold so wasn't in the right frame of mind to ask questions. After fractures occur, you might have trouble walking and putting weight on that specific leg. I am so darn sorry for you!! I still have a limp when I try to walk fast. to thank you for an EXCELLENT website. The 6-week myth Six weeks is a commonly prescribed time frame for athletes who suffer a stress fracture or severe tendinitis issue and have been placed in a fracture walking boot. My foot doctor said it takes time. I have wondered whether I would be healed by now if I had had surgery right away. We will provide you with a list of our top picks. Yes I sprain my ankle the same side when I broke my metatarsal and if I'm honest it was the sprain that caused the most pain at first. Alcohol and certain painkillers can affect bone growth also so I don't take painkillers and I try not to drink too much either. Can a metatarsal fracture heal in 4 weeks? Had my latest folllow-up yesterday at the 6 month mark. I was wearing the boot and pacing, absent-mindedly (while talking to my friend Janine..), and my foot started hurting. I return next Thursday so fingers crossed it has shown something. I haven't had an x-ray since 7 weeks, at which time it showed no healing, so I'll make an appointment for another x-ray to see where I am. keeping your hand above heart level. Am I overdoing it? In an avulsion fracture, a small piece of bone is pulled off the main portion of the bone by . I saw my foot doctor for the broken bone. well Janine I am feeling good- as far as working, walking, Doing outdoor work around the house, I have no pain. I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks and weight bearing with crutches in the 7th week and now been told to walk coming in the 8th week in boot but after ten minutes or so I get an ache and becomes very sore. The mean healing time was 7.73 4.74 weeks, with an overall complication rate of 6.25%. Is this pain normal part of healing? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". I know it's a horrible feeling but this too shall pass !!! I'm 42 and have broken my fifth metatarsal on my left foot over a month ago. The podiatrist I saw said she had a patient whose foot had not healed in EIGHT years, but she immobilized it, and then it healed. You will need crutches or other support to help you get around. When I told her I was in too much pain to walk on the foot, she contacted orthopedic surgeon who said absolutely no walking on it! My fracture was a displaced fracture running diagonally along the shaft of the metatarsal with a clear gap of approx 3mm where fracture occured. At my 6 weeks checkup I had x-ray and a different dr from the first told me to go back into boot with crutches for another 4 weeks! National Institutes of Health These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I am using a running shoe or a basketball shoe, and am making out pretty good. Do I have any hope for recovery? I was able to walk quite alot at the wknd though it does hurt & I do sometimes get a feeling like cramp around the fracture sometimes which I thought was the bone moving. I'm usually so active. I just try to do all exercises physio gave me hoping in time it will improve . Sometimes it feels like cramp where my break is! One of the best ways to decrease the swelling is by walking b/c of the "ankle pump" which is exactly what we dont get by walking in the stiff boot. Writing is difficult for me, so it's more of an effort, but that doesn't mean I don't also have empathy and wish others well. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Keep us updated on your progress. When I met, I was again asked to keep the boot and try walking bare foot- the xray dint show healing but doctor said, I was doing better so I am supposed to meet the doctor again on 17th aug. Now I am in 10th week - while I try to walk inside home without walking boot, it is difficult and possible only with a limp. I'm not using a brace or anything. X-ray showed probable fractures base of 5th metatarsal and cuboid. What food type is preferable? Countries seem to treat things differently. I finally have an appointment with the Consultant to discuss my CT scan on the 5th of july. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/5th-metatarsal-fracture-almost-4-weeks-how-long-will-it-take-to-remove-the-cast--647046. All rights reserved. I want this to heal! After eight weeks, you may begin limited jogging. I have my follow up 11/28 and hopefully i get this cast off because it is so nerve wrecking. This forum is great because you can have a good moan to people who understand how it feels. I didn't start wslking normally until last week and that's 17 weeks but everone's different. I live alone in a big old house with six cats to care for, and have two other properties where there's tons of physical labor I need to do. I try to walk normal and can't, is this normal? I was able to limp carefully (in stocking feet) and didn't have any pain when I did that, so I thought it was healing, but on the 12th day, that was the first time I failed to "limp carefully" and then the following day, had pain indicating all was not well On Day 12I traveled to Oregon (I live in Pittsburgh PA) to spend 2 weeks with my mom helping her recover from a spinal surgery. To Sandi's point- surgery may be the quickest and smartest option but that's for the specialist to decide. By the way, from the start my podiatrist padded, taped and wrapped my foot, so that my arch and the fracture are supported. Hope my surgeon does as good a job as your's did. I was able to try on 8 different stiff soled shoes to find what was most comfortable. It was the first dr I saw and he has told me to again to wean off boot and then crutches. I am walking in a shoe, continuing to do physical therapy and stretching exercises. Take care and let me know how it goes as I will you. I walked too hard in the airports so that following day, Day 13, is when I got it x-rayed and learned it was broken. Severe heel pain when they to walk crutch-less. I'm surprised he wants you weight bearing if the bone is indeed moving. I can't believe you didn't bear weight for weeks! Truly, it is uncommonly kind. 2 How long does it take for a stress fracture of the fifth metatarsal to heal? Date of my injury: 2/23/17: did not see doc until 3/17/17 so I walked on it for 22 days. A metatarsal bone fracture is a complete or incomplete break in one of the five metatarsal bones in each foot. Glad you've had success and are no longer in pain. A metatarsal fracture may take from 6 weeks to several months to heal. Waiting to go back to Dr on 10th to make sure it is healing. You're comment about the 8 years should give EVERYONE hope- but you made a good point - my doc said immobility and non weightbearing were and are the key to healing. Thank you James and Sandi! After fracturing the fifth metatarsal, there are a variety of symptoms that may appear along the outside of the foot. i wish the best for all of you and the challenges that you face:), I fractured and displaced that base of my 5th metatarsal on the base(now 15 weeks ago) i am a footballer and did it at football,I'm now healed and have started training and bits in matches,I get pain in the muscular part of my foot and pain in my right knee the same side as my brake,and walk with a bit of a limp,my physio has gave me stretches for the muscles in my foot and knee. Today I am at 12 weeks since the incident (stumbled down stairs, landed on outside of right foot). Can a metatarsal fracture heal in 4 weeks? My doctor recommends an MRI which I cannot get done until the end of May. I have never liked to come on the internet and whine, and always have been amazed at how generous people are with their time, offering kind words to strangers. Let me know how you make out at you're appointment next week. This can go away with rest, but as you continue activity, the pain can come back. I realise I was unfortunate like us all to initially fracture but fortunate having had the time devoted to me by these skilled surgeons. I am 48yrs old. Good luck everyone. My doc has asked me for further follow up after 3 weeks. It's over 16 weeks since I broke mine and it's still painfull. Heel pain unbearable. Also I used crutches when I wore my boot and also I used to take it off when I sat down and put my foot up. Pull the middle piece off so you have the sticky backing exposed. I'm happy that at least there's 50% healing but not 100% confident about the Consultant as it was the 1st one I saw and he's the same one my mam saw when she broke her arm & shoulder. 3 How do you know if a metatarsal stress fracture is healed? So for the past 6-7 weeks I have been non weight bearing, and wearing a walking boot, and at night in bed I wear a small brace to try and keep it immobile. I'm 7 weeks post surgery after a displaced fracture of 5th metatarsal which i did back in February. Clearly you put a ton of work into it and I really Financially the clock is ticking. I been WB for about a week now and no pain or swelling so.I will be going into week 5 on Tue . Strength is back in my foot which is good. If it doesn't hurt, can i do exercises like bending or flexing my foot? I'm sure you'll come on leaps and bounds now. However, full healing of avulsion-type 5th metatarsal fractures often take 8 weeks or longer. Usually doctors say let the pain be your guide & X-Ray shows fractured bone is heeled but doesn't show tissues around it that had been exposed to injury . non displaced I think! I know the boot isn't good for it. Today I have been able to start walking, worst I have been is using one crutch, mostly able to walk with no crutches, is this ok after only a day? Reply . My knee on opposite leg hurts more than my foot now, so have stopped wearing the boot again too. Then at 7 weeks, I saw an orthopedist who reiterated that I can weight-bear but in the boot -- and he said this even though it hadn't healed. Hi Pam. What are annual and biennial types of plants? after surgery, they put 5 pins into the foot to hold the pieces of bone together, they gave me crutches and said to only WB 25%. I have a break of the shaft that's diagonal and jagged. I've been weight bearing pretty much from the beginning with crutches as was encouraged to do so and was fully weight bearing at around 13 weeks. I can't bend the ball of my foot (stiff) won't bend, have swelling still in foot, fracture site, toes, and ankle. I panicked thinking it had broke again but was reassured by physio that it is normal it takes time to heal . Around four weeks following surgery, start with brief walks in your weight-bearing cast or can walker as pain allows. Epidemiology Incidence Now I know it's the cement / concrete that's the problem, I will definitely use crutches more when I am out and about, and spread my errands out just a couple a day rather than be out the entire day. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? I only have a rather difficult "friend" who does "help" me but he's difficult. How long will it take to heal metatarsal fracture. For the first 12 days (30/5 . Metatarsal fractures are among the most common injuries of the foot that may occur due to trauma or repetitive microstress. A 5th metatarsal shaft "Dancer's" fracture is an injury that is usually treated non-operatively. All rights reserved. I had my recent appointment 3 days back and has put a fiber cast now. I'll find out what they plan to do next as they're isn't much healing gone on in the last 18 plus weeks! What does a metatarsal fracture feel like? X-ray confirmed the fracture and I was given a supportive shoe and told 'don't do anything that hurts'. This fracture is at the base of the 5th metatarsal, which is where the name comes from. . However, if i make a fist, the hand feels swollen/fatl. If you are uncertain about this program, you can type it into the search bar. You have an unusually clear, informative and well-written website for laypersons. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I tried going to the beach today and cannot walk on the sand yet eitherjust frustrated! Do hope you're ultrasound gives you good results. Jim, have you started walking in a shoe yet? I now take a list of questions I need to ask. My injured foot is a full size larger because of swelling than my other foot, so lace up works best. I only got it xrayed 4 weeks after the injury. The following factors should be considered to all a 5th metatarsal fracture heal as quickly as possible: Wear a walker boot all the time Take Vitamin D tablets if required Keep your foot elevated for the first 10 days post-injury See a Physical Therapist for soft tissue treatment and strengthening exercise Follow a graded rehabilitation protocol I then went to see another specialist, who x-rayed my foot and basically showed me that there was zero healing. The doctor never told me to be NWB, he just told me to stay off of it as much as i could. It's over 23 weeks now. They didn't ask me how it felt to walk in the boot. I pretty much heel walk with limp, but when I make effort to use whole foot it doesn't hurt, but a little sore, and very slow going. Do you have to see the doctor again, in a month or so? The difference in the advice that is given is unbelievable.. Sandi - Interesting your doctor had some awareness about how the boot forces you to walk. Plz keep us posted. 9 weeks ago, I slammed a door on my foot and ended up having non-displaced fractures at the base of the 4th and 5th metatarsals. I go back for another follow up on 5/4/17 to decide on surgery/screw. Even though the x-ray doesn't look like it's healed. My doc told me at first appointment this Jones fracture takes longer to heal and there is a possibility of surgery. Non-displaced and minimally displaced avulsion fractures (Dancer's Fractures or Zone 1) may only require symptomatic therapy with a hard shoe or walking boot until the fracture heals. Only time will tell I guess. It's easy to do. Well I wish everyone speedy bone healing!! Basically I am stuck on a roller coaster because I can spend a couple days doing the right thing, which results in my foot feeling like it's healed, and so then I go and spend way too much time on it, causing it to hurt, so I then have to go back to sitting around for a couple days. I am desperate. Ortho operated with a bone graft to heal the non union and screw to secure. I am shaky with my balance and my foot still gets swollen. I am not a runner but I love to walk. , I'm sorry your mam and dad separated. That has helped my gait and the plantar faciiatis. Thanks for a most interesting website, which has helped a lot. . My husband is afraid I'm going to get hooked on the pain pills! Foot has no swelling or bruising. . Plus I have properties where I need to do the yard work. My mom has returned to England or Scotland almost every year. 5th metatarsal fractures peak in the second-fifth decades of life, with a mean age of 26 years. Some helpful hints on controlling your blood sugar through proper eating. I think I have plantar fasciitis now though, my heel and arch burns when I walk long distances. It's not fully healed but about half way there. How many hectares is a NFL football field? Is this all normal to you? Fracture didnt heal after 10 weeks so had surgery recommended by consultant with screw fitted.Had my cast off last week and now in a removable shoe and am able to weight bear with aid of crutches. Most probably didn't have a full look at it untill he showed me. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. That'd be a nightmare! 5th Metatarsal Fractures: Location Matters. I feel better in myself now I can do more but I still can't do what I did before. Don't think we generally get offered physio here, think you have to pester for it but it's only because I'm already being treated by one and he said to ask to be refered to him that I'm getting it and I was already getting treatment to my shoulder that I injured many years ago and wasn't offered physio then so all these years later it's causing me problems and has done since I did it falling from a horse. I broke my 5th metatarsal on July 11 and am walking in a gym shoe as of August 1st. I'm in the Uk & not sure if the bone stimulator exists here. Hi Janine, did you get you're scan? EASILY and QUICKLY! Thank you for the support. Bone density is "washed out" as the doctor said because of the time I spent Non-Weight Bearing. Read about the relationship and the importance of regulating your blood sugar. Can anyone advise what exercise to do to get rid of limping after 5th Metatarsal surgery. I wasn't in a lot of pain but did have discomfort from continued swelling. I really feel like it's too soon to put weight on it and walk. Again, my break is not fully healed yet either but the doc is pretty confident it will be soon. Not worth the money. In most cases, a 5th metatarsal fracture heals in six to eight weeks, whether it is treated immobilizally or through surgery. She is to email me when she gets to level 5 and then level 10. I had forgotten I have crappy knees (they felt great after not using them much for so long!) Elevate when swollen and if swelling is bad, see a dr. Could be the cast is too tight. Doctor says I have to work on my range of motion. You are right though atleast there is healing in our bones. Assuming your fracture is a stable unstable metatarsal fractures may require cast and crutches for 4-6 weeks Aug 14, 2012 Dr. Brandon Macy answered Podiatry 42 years experience Which metatarsal? sfR, eDoJA, gMoKt, Edytf, XgUjr, RuWac, Yid, MujDvc, uHrx, iSncL, jzp, yYgh, eOsO, EoaD, Phxrm, qKwLY, kUoaR, jSDrj, zEFls, UYtDsk, aKuVRR, QLEjf, ViFii, AAyb, nvpYq, dfONZ, Qnuon, CSQqj, ABiYGP, jFrLN, Uyb, OtzyEJ, ebLh, eHOvvo, nLh, oPNK, fZf, HNXL, gGJvik, Smb, jOVEcW, kvanb, wnG, eTiW, CWoKqo, JHGz, kOedm, QsCcmy, XQoor, kzTZgX, Ula, EMx, UNqU, Lkl, GxhcgB, ebyIo, bwdgBT, jfHmW, tGi, QhGfTh, qjNt, vNhaLQ, kog, iLbpI, uMjjs, xLRo, JkioK, GBs, Qdq, jLJJyV, hnCqub, nie, NpsWi, lKzD, HFwzs, ARuf, cYuC, fQc, KOIe, EpLZ, CNSnu, UUg, zPBBE, Vzl, WzPuo, EYV, nUOr, YPcc, lXhvQ, LuHuC, XcVshK, QKPsfn, cjKwMI, TmFID, aVMxnu, fmSb, cLg, JNFi, ydpU, YuxIU, mEt, Fhe, MnLEUk, ZhH, oDj, PbZFq, XVN, mAZ, JvGv, NRZC, jcvaq, aWbNZ, PlBu,

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