My handyman is extremely dyslexic and struggles with writing because the letters move around on him. Not gonna lie, all these stories about switcheroo scams are pretty heartwarming. I interviewed for my job via Zoom and had to show photo ID (passport) to an HR person before the interview started. Gumption is an enthusiasm about doing work, a synonym for initiative, drive, or self-motivation. I imagine Real John thought hed get the job by using Fake John to do the interviewing, then once he was safely ensconced behind a desk surely it wouldnt be that hard to figure out how to do the job. We went with the other candidate, and speculated whether the person had hired someone to be their phone self. He sent everything back nice as you please. Several years ago I served on a first round interview panel and interviewed a man Im 100% positive I had dated many years previously. It turned out Mara had interviewed for the job but I guess didnt end up wanting it and gave it to her twin sister who went and performed the duties until she was found out. I have not heard of this happening since the start of the Great Resignation, but it was pretty common that first summer of Covid. Should we end this now? I decided to roll with it just for practice. Kinda like catfishing on the dating scene. When asked, the person acknowledged it. People had to bring in proof of age and a passport size photo. Contractors were hired over email, after completing a paid test assignment. With the proliferation of email, live chat, social media, Zoom calls, chatbots, and more, you might think phone support is old hat. I was wondering if Smart John wanted to have two jobs, figured he could hire Other John to cover for him during working hours (go to meetings and take notes, sit through the onboarding training, etc.) But then in the interview the guy was not any good at all. I went to a coding bootcamp to change careers. Just imagine the montage of both Johns, LWs husband, and HR chasing each other back and forth across a hallway. People also will sometimes subcontract their work (on freelance dot com and similar), so they can take credit for the work while sharing a tiny percentage of their wages with some poor bloke in south Asia. I think my boss might have been afraid Id say the wrong thing, and get us sued. If you want to permanently hide your phone number, you may request your phone service provider. Also, what happened after he came clean??? My guess is you could probably make 65-70k a year stringing these scams together. Unfortunately, a police officer (father of nine) was killed in the holdup shot in the back with what is called a dum-dum bullet. And the easiest way to prove that they werent discriminating on the basis of age is to be able to say that interviewers didnt know their age. Sorry, yes, this is John. Date was fine, but not awesome and I never heard from him again. What about ID provided? Camera distortion is a heck of a thing even if the nearest clothing texture+color stay the same, the makeup is the same, the hair color and shape are the same, and the physical health of the subject is precisely the same. And also he met a woman and, in a whirlwind romance, married her and is now living with her and his new step-kids! In my state (and others, Im sure) you only qualify to draw unemployment if you were involuntarily terminated (fired or laid off) from a job; voluntary resignations dont qualify. HR said theyd give him the rest of his orientation period, and if he didnt improve to the level he demonstrated during the interview, wed have to meet again. I dunno, I used to know a guy who I am pretty sure kept re-injuring himself (same bad knee) every time he started a new job. The interviewer gets a percentage of the salary offered. Its like at least one other commenter said, I wouldnt ever do this, but if I were to do it I could do it better than this dumb guy who did it so poorly. On the phone, excited about a long-term role at the organization. It would certainly select for a particular personality type, as well as knowledge of the field. Thats weird. I can prove Im Linda Kim, but how do I prove Linda Kim and Lee Kim are the same person? And knowing that you were likely to be looking at that problem again meant that (motivated) students were going to be working the dog out of those problems and asking lots of questions about them in class. Kramer gets fired from a job he doesnt even work at, We all thought she was lovely and would fit the vibe of this upscale, pricey store. The Takeaway: What Your Should Know When Hiding Your Phone Number. As part of my library science degree, I took a course on public libraries (the history, administration, etc. I wanted to disappear when I worked out who he was). Maybe real John was going to do the same thing?? She is better known as the creator of the official ChatlineNumbers, which has helped singles in North America to interact and bond through private phone lines since the 2000s. I wouldnt be surprised really. If youre in the UK, our phone number search function can help you to identify unknown callers. (And conversely, if you need back-end code both fast and right, you ask me rather than him.). Though I wonder how that works in practice, since theyve got to figure that if your score was good, youd have submitted it, and draw the obvious conclusions from the fact that you havent. WebDownload Just Dance to your laptop or desktop and also add the app to your phone. Theres a huge range of music from disco to Disney. boss wont leave me alone about her romantic problems, Ive become the office seamstress, and more, updates: employee cries at feedback, coworker doesnt want me to lift things, and more, updates: Im drowning in work, the fan accounts, and more, update: my boss made me fire my boyfriend and then hired her cousin, a truly hilarious company holiday party story, told in bullet points, updates: company says theyll fly me to another state if I need an abortion, and more, update: my whole office works from home except me and Im getting stuck with everyones admin work, my good employee is angry about my bad employee, boss insists I get my tonsils out, and more, updates: the coworkers who asks what my clothes cost, the sleeping boss, and more, updates: the bigoted university, the catfishing, and more, updates: boss wants me to be upbeat all the time, the bathroom monitor, and more, update: my new coworker keeps staring at my breasts. My boyfriends work uses a recruitment agency that does all the interviews. This is capitalism eating itself to death. When youre not just memorizing exact answers, last years test can function as a good practice test to show you what areas you still need to study better. So Ive never done this, but Ive fantasized about him doing the interviews and me showing up to work. We then check it again when they arrive as part of the onboarding to make sure its the same person we interviewed. This just happened to my brother and I was blown away by the story! They had interviewed the candidate over zoom, and then the new hire came into the office to train for a few weeks. I paid extra attention to proofreading that semester, and I dont think I slipped up, but oh, the paranoia! They recommended connecting to Mac and doing a reinstall of OS from there. Apparently it had happened MULTIPLE times at this one company. But how could they expect to get away with this by claiming specific technical skills John simply does not have? :). Like if I were looking for a programmer who knew Python, Docker/Kubernetes, and the Atlassian suite of tools. You give Mickey one of your jobs. So Mickey went to work for the government under his brothers name and no one knew a thing for 20 something years until they had to do a background check to send him to Europe for some post WW2 nation building and he had to come clean. This is right up there with the live-time updates on the hunting down of the iPad-stealing manager. No matter what (else) happens to me this week, at least I dont have to clean up after Doppelganger John. Outgoing minutes are included based on the license purchased. If someone knows how to efficiently find reference documentation or a relevant Stack Overflow question or whatever, thats going to be a big plus on the job. You can do this by simply adding *82 at the beginning of the number you want to call. You could maybe figure out how to pull data into a separate system where it could be compromised, but to do that without detection, youd still need to be a skilled Mule architect. Beware of Scammers posting fake Support Numbers here. It was clear to a number of people right away that he wasnt who he was supposed to be. Nobodys expected to have the entire standard library of every programming language they work with memorized. Even when i was desperately searching for a position when i was unemployed, i only wanted to be hired for a job that I had a reasonable expectation that i could actually accomplish. The individual was working in the US (I dont know his status) in a coding job in a hybrid role. He took a remote consulting job but rather than doing the work himself, he hired a developer in another country for a fraction of the pay to do the actual work. Once she started doing actual work for us, it was awful. I go by my middle name and sometimes I get flustered when doctors or whatever call and I answer Hi, this is canadensis and they say Oh, I was trying to reach Cercis. You forgot who YOU were. I hung up and scratched him off the list. But to actually do this on a job that requires you to relocate to another company. When I was working from home I had the privilege to overhear an interview just like you describe. This similar hiring experience happened to us except the panel interview and coding exercise with the hiring manager was onsite rather than virtual. He also said the stress of said situation was getting to be too much, explaining his lapse in skills/memories. Or even a sufficiently small company where I work, everything except the legal hiring paperwork was handled by the hiring manager, because theres only 1 HR person and she is busy doing other things. Completely different field, we just needed to know she was organized, reliable, and had experience answering to someone. Ive had candidate trot out textbook perfect answers and not be able to explain how it works or be able to write a test for it. Likely they thought J2 would not interact much with the people who hired him especially if it was a fully remote position and didnt share notes on names, interview questions, and appearance. This means that youll have lesser chances of receiving prank calls and unimportant calls from random people. @armchair expert, Im imagining Tom Haverford in his Skymall-blinged tent on Parks and Rec season 3 ep 8. The first two are highly practical and display useful skills, the third not so much. Im pretty sure I caught someone doing this a few years ago. Guess why were ex-friends.). Note: I have two names one is. They explained that they had mixed me up with another candidate who had the same last name as me. Generally, the person is on camera and moving their lips in time with someone who is off-camera speaking the answers to the interview questions. second divorce (put my maiden name back in as a second middle name but kept the last name) Maybe John has an evil twin Skippy who showed up and blew the job. This is applicable for both Android and iPhone units. The machine is USB powered, the slowest machine is the speed is 1 time in 2 seconds. Yes, ghost interviewing happens all the time (just like ghost writers who will write your novel or nonfiction book for you). Maybe Im missing something here, but I dont see why it would be an issue if you provided I-9 documentation proving that youre Linda Kim at hiring and then told everyone you prefer to be called Lee. He did apply again once or twice a few years later (applied using a nickname and different email) and I caught it and he was rejected promptly. Nowadays a lot of companies dont pay recruiters until a candidate has passed their probation, to avoid this exact problem. But that couldnt be further from the truth: according to our 2021 report, the majority of customers resolve issues using the phone. I need closure!! It turns out they wanted a lot of my other skills and knew I could learn the technical stuff. I have so many questions, but unfortunately theyre all for John, so its highly unlikely my curiosity will ever be satisfied. Ill link to something about it in a separate reply. Thanks for this last update! Id also have to lie (which I dont do because of said memory issues) or radically change the circumstances of my life in a way that I couldnt explain. It seemed so weird to me that I refused purely on this basis, but now I see why theyd want to do that! How desperate do you need to be to make a crib sheet on your sanitary napkin? Like, how do you think this will play out if you do something like this? I ordered some deionised water for use in my lab, but now the lab has been taken over by something occult, When I was teaching a marketing class, one of the most memorable copy and paste from the Internet essays was from a student who was writing about marketing athletics. You have to be very, very stupid to do this. The SSN needs to be backed up by documentation, though. This was a fascinating, albeit baffling story. Well, I didnt see the big boss for a month after my interview and I met so many new names and faces that when I finally saw him again in the kitchen I had no idea why he looked so familiar, never mind how important he was. Web24/7 phone support in English is offered for users of both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365; hours for support in other languages vary depending on country. One of my favorite quotes from a book (Septimus Heap Magyk by Angie Sage) that seems to fit with the this your situation and the OPs. First, thank you for this saga, which I found highly diverting. Fake John brought cheap-ass roles to the virtual potluck, And radically changed his appearance three times in one day, while making Hanukkah balls for all his colleagues, And rooting through their trash and poisoning the coffee. So my question is is this a thing?! this is of its time 1940, updated 1972. so the five Scoring is perhaps deceptive. You cant just leave it there. But Other John who would still need to provide employment documentation, and the paychecks would go to Other John, so Smart John would have to get Other John to pay him (as opposed to Smart John getting the paycheck and giving a cut to Other John). One of our recent new hires showed up on her first day looking entirely different than she did on the video interview (like, her hair was very short, dark, spiral curls on the video, then the first day she has elbow-length, very straight, bright blonde hair). Its like a 2 year old, holding the cookie and saying they didnt take it. Yeah, but, that was because Will (Matt) didnt want the job. OP posted as HBM- LW if you want to find the updates. They were largely told that its a terrible idea and most likely they would be caught. The initial interview with the client was done through zoom with the camera. John Smith and Jon Smithe were the two final candidates and HR called the wrong one. If it was a security-minded place like that, having someone wander off would be something to be suspicious of. but the insurance industry definitely takes security seriously. You dont ask me, you ask my same-level coworker. Off topic, but I had never heard of the professional bridesmaid until recently, when I hired her cousin and former assistant! Seconding! Or hire someone to do an interview for us, then interview them instead! Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos. CSCwa13755. Oh, right, Holly, who runs the Blah team that we talked about for half an hour? and Who are you? But if it turns out the call was a scam, which is very likely, then your bank may be able to take some action against them. This is bonkers! I would never, ever make it as a con artist. Waitall of this is absolutely insane. More to come. Perhaps John interviewed but John-prime showed up for the job? That is fascinating. With filters these days, who knows what people are getting up to. If you are calling a dating line or someone that you recently met on a dating app, there is nothing wrong with being on the safe side. at the end of the day, when you work a job youre shovelling money into someone elses wallet and depending on your makeup you may find this much more demeaning, hurtful and stressful than the thrill of pulling an elegant scam and coming out ahead unlike the other rubes. I do think this would actually be possible at larger companies like Google. Wait so the offscreen person wasnt just telling them what to say, they were actually SAYING THE WORDS and expecting the interviewers wouldnt notice? They think the company is being unreasonable but its really a compliance thing. And I bet if the new hire had been the coffee-maker-scrubbing woman, management would have backed down. Wonder if references were contacted- or even provided. So much so that they take photos of the person who does the interview so that they can compare them with the person who shows up for the job. Most interaction occurred via chats, emails, tickets. any proposed solutions on the community forums. Come to think of it, the whole arrangement would be a mess come tax time, and its hard to imagine how that would not involve fraud no matter how they arranged whose SSN the Johns used. Could also be that hes pulled that scam repeatedly in the past, and has decided that it beats working. In most states you can get a state ID issued by the DMV but without the requirement to drive. . Some tests are like that, but not the lower-level ones. He walked around whilst everyone cooed over the baby. It doesnt make the call untraceable. Enables you to make anonymous phone calls. Keeps your number off the call lists. I know that the system doesnt force people to do this. Although reading about it is a close second. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Press Xfinity on your remote. They also provide help for the first year including remoting into your PC, or taking control via screen share to complete tasks. That was not video lag! It is very common in the IT certification test world to cheat in various ways. Irish- American family, we really only used about 5 names up until the 1970s, so I dont know if Mickey said, yeah, please call me Mickey, George is just on my birth certificate. According to my aunt who told me this story he came clean and the 20 years of work and clear background check (no Communist ties) meant they kept him on, but I dont know. If the candidate washes out on the first day, the argument would go that its not the agencys problem. Yep. Luckily, I was qualified and good at the job. So, funny thingaccording to family lore my grandfather and his brother did something similar during the Depression. I walked out without buying anything; they got to keep their bedding and I went Beyond their store to get what I needed elsewhere. So Alison had been clear in the past that you need to pay people for time worked, even if they quit in training. Some have tried to have someone else take the exam for them, but the testing companies have done a lot of work to make that hard (multiple IDs required to take the test). _______________________________ Looks like Im not the only one who can relate pretty much any real life scenario to a Friends episode LOL. In the age of virtual interviews, it wouldnt surprise me but Ive never heard of anything getting this far! Best letter of the year so far. Id love to find out how these John types expect to successfully carry out the job duties given they needed assistance (or used a substitute) with the interview. Incompetent greedy people have no integrity. Sometimes, they actually are, they just dont have the education, or they have a spotty background and its being used as a barrier to the job. My boss finally let me design a test for our candidates (data analysis) and I made it DIRECTLY related to the exact same skills and (fake) data the person would be working with on a daily basis. So the wise guy comes in next morning, waves his doctored badge, starts to proceed, and the guard says, Hey, you, let me see your badge. The guard takes the badge, looks at the gorilla, looks at the guy, looks back at the gorilla, looks back at the guy, gives him back the badge, and says, Okay, youre good and sends him through, apparently all with a straight face. An, on the job, youd occasionally get John, instead of John or John. Im over here trying to find the energy to go for a run and weve got people getting three full time jobs, running fake jobs, getting hired long enough to get a paycheck and get firedyeesh. You cant just cover with a different software. That would have been smarter, but they were talking out loud! Hmm I wouldnt quite say that. Dial the number that you want to call. BUT there is less cheating now than there was when the FCC conducted exams. I mean did he think he could just fake it in IT? At least Ive interviewed a lot of people and cant remember any that didnt bring a passport as one of the forms of ID accepted. She had a deer-in-the-headlights look, but said nothing. This reminds me of something Ive heard about in other places and from a family member who works as a counselor with high schoolers: bypassing a criminal background check by using a family members ID (with their permission) to get a job. genuinely least stressful onboarding of my life. To be fair, my younger brother learned how to wield in his 20s by lying in interviews saying he knew how and then picking up the skills on the job until they eventually realized he wasnt as good as he claimed then firing him. Haha! Despite this probability, it doesnt hurt to learn how things work because youll never really know when this information would be useful. I dont know if we definitely hired anyone this way, but Im sure one or two slipped through. What about non-intuitive nicknames? The company should pay him from their entertainment budget. You can hide your phone number every time you make a call by changing your phones caller ID settings. That ishilarious tbh. if it helps, I started a new job remotely in the pandemic and actually found it way easier because everyones names are listed on video calls so by the time I met people in person I had had time to get their mannerisms, hairstyles etc down. Good chance some/many werent even in your same geo area. It certainly seems like it should be a crime. The criminal who thought that spraying himself with lemon juice would make him invisible. But i agree the ethical violation of cheating would make me think that person should not be in a position of trust/authority! Apparently this is becoming more common. CSCwb77024. At the end of the call, after the employee left, the HR person (who I adored, she always helped me through the weirdest stuff) just sighed heavily and said, Usagi, please just document everything, and send it to me, okay?. ), Did the interview guy mix up who he was covering for? You have to agree to it as a condition of service, though. Thanks for posting this truly, 100% insane. My jaw just hit the floor as I read this. That would explain why John didnt hide it better why would he ask Holly her role?!? is a public post in a public group asking for 10% of the salary offered once the candidate gets the job offer. WebIf a customer does not have access to a computer or internet, the Customer Contact Center can be contacted by calling 1-844-MYGADHS (1-844-694-2347). Needless to say, I have a hard time with coding interviews that want me to have stuff memorized, because I cant. While its great to find a unicorn, you wouldnt necessarily expect them to have the exact set of skills and experiences youre looking for to the exclusion of all else. Now Im wondering! I want a full-length book! Its all they can talk about. Its sad that scammers have better business plans than many legitimate companies. ), The third has practical advice on how to separate is awkward about video calls from is being fed the answers.. These call lists show telemarketers and robocallers which numbers are active and most likely to answer and return a call. I have an incredibly common surname (think something like Kim for Koreans or Singh for Indians). But the rational part of me knows that Ill never send off every single one of those by accident bc thats just not a thing that could happen accidentally, and I do have a poor memory and Im fine mentioning that. I work in Health IT and we would have to report a breach like this to sooo many different agencies. Its not like he abandoned an existing job for this, so this just gets added to the existing gap. And then theres the true story of a friend of mine who interviewed all gussied up in a suit, with a skirt and even (!!!) Ill call him James Paul Smith. He went by Paul, and I dont think I knew it wasnt his first name until he asked me to look over his resume, on which he was James P. Smith III. I advised him that if he was going to introduce himself as Paul, he should change his resume name to James Paul Smith or J. Ive been in IT for 25+ years and recently this type of behavior has become so prevalent that on a new hires first day, before they even begin to fill out their paperwork, we take 10 technical question from the previous interview (along with the answers the candidate provided) and ask them again. Still fascinating though! Of course, if you were really committed to a scam, you could just get a fake ID. The next day I reported the call to my high school guidance department. That was a wild ride for a Monday morning! You just took the stakes from a lower grade than you wanted to failure and possible expulsion, Ethan, at least try to commit to it? The Return of Martin Guerre for the digital age. Ah, AAM is crowd-writing horror novels now? George had two job offers, one from the civil service exam and one from the local telephone or electric company. Am I the only one whos never had a near reasonable drivers license (common form of ID in the US) photo that even resembles me IRL? Im glad this guy didnt get hired it would have become clear real soon that he had lied to us, but it would have been difficult to get rid of him. Its entirely possible that the companys passwords, etc have been stolen and a ransom attack is heading their way and possibly also heading to their clients or vendors, depending what business theyre in. The weird part is that we had interviewed him, in person, and he was able to answer non-canned technical questions about both knowledge and hypothetical troubleshooting situations thoughtfully and intelligently. Webex App And to tick boxes on HR recruitment forms, yup. A lot of these test seem to mostly exist so that big companies and the government can point at something and say Look! And he did try to contact me. Find out who called me before ringing back with our free service that helps you to avoid nuisance calls and scams. John should have done it that way instead of having a different-looking person do the interview. Answer (1 of 62): This just happened to me last night, but i was home and answered. Youll know that other people received similar calls so you dont have to worry about the legitimacy of the call. I suspect he hired someone to do the interview. While we did have an employment manager who helped polish resumes, arranged practice interviews, and help make connections between apprentices and the local tech community, he never did anything unethical like what youre describing. Right? Not sure how possible this would be today with all the enhancements in webcam and videocalling apps, but Im sure theyve found a way! My husband thought it was crazy, but it was actually the SECOND time it had happened to his boss. Coffee was nice enough. I think they then took the precaution of photocopying their pasted together pages so the actual product handed in didnt have little bits of paper stuck to it, but it definitely did have different fonts, sizing, etc. Kinda like faking your entrance materials to a school and then realizing you have to actually take classes that you arent prepared for. And sure enough, the next day she went back to the look she had in the interview. If t is true that the John who interviewed and the John who showed up/logged in on the first day of work are different people, you would think that they would make sure the biographical details match (married with kids vs single). Not possible to forward a message to a person if on a call with them in Webex App. Nicko inhaled his milk and started choking. This is the greatest saga of our time (or at least the last couple years). He is convinced this is not the person they hired. When my mom was in the hospital, I could cash checks for her using her ID. Just wanted to add to the comments that this is definitely a thing that happens in IT! I saw that as Interview John knowing that I have no family and can work all hours, here in this normal-looking office space was the correct interview vibe, while John 2.0, on top of being too incompetent to interview or to do the job, is not competent enough to keep a boring cover story going. I am completely baffled and hugely entertained at the same time. this. This is exactly the type of mental calculus I use when I am assessing job applications. Just what we needed this gray Monday. Yeah you have to agree but they still have the power to do so, whether or not you agree. Of course, the employee didnt improve, so at the end of the 90 days, we were in a call again, essentially leading up to and so were terminating your employment. But as soon as it became clear the employee was going to be let go, he starts going off about how it was a hostile work environment, that me and my team were targeting the new guy, stuff like that. Faceblind job applicants who dont realize that being faceblind isnt the norm. If its a side hustle, how does he schedule that many interviews around his day job? Had this same thing happen to a contract position with a major telecom provider back in 2014-15. It did not work, In settings to phone, under calls my phone ONLY shows WiFi calling, Calls on other Devices and Respond w/ Text, I do not have Caller ID, Call Waiting or Call Forwarding..HELP, Nov 9, 2020 2:52 PM in response to kime2020. my boss is infesting our office with fruit flies, my work funds the office BBQs, and more, updates: the terrible uniform policy, the acne, and more, updates: my coworkers a jerk to me because shes pregnant, and more. Apparently she saw him loudly arguing with an attendee visiting their booth, telling the attendee they were stupid for not understanding the significance of the work they were doing. IF I cant bring it to the interview, how can I possibly bring it to the job itself? ), Lol, even if pot is legal, toking up at lunch isnt a good idea. It never occurred to me to hire someone else to take the interview for me, but so many times I wish an interview was in writing. Im not qualified! Ive been working on it because this is objectively ridiculous (especially when the softwares are near identical or have such intuitive interfaces that I could pick it up in moments), but the idea of faking my way into a role feel ridiculous.. Im always so incensed by these poor crime choices. I never believed his excuses at the time and that was before I knew this about him. This was before my time so I didnt get the details. If only a name appears and they are NOT in contacts then they are a corporate (or spoof) caller hiding their number. Difficult, but possible. My family member has had a handful of students admit to letting older siblings and cousins use their identities to get jobs. OP, if you ever find out what happened, you HAVE to tell us; Im dying. Recent documentary on how, in communist USSR, there was a whole bunch of propaganda to convince the masses that all were equally poor (and its ALWAYS equally poor, not equally rich) while the party heads lived it up in fine Bezos / Gates style. This is very common in the IT consulting world unfortunately. Yeah exactly, if you have that excellent of a command of the material, you should be able to make small adjustments without completely falling apart. He asked how things were going and I gave a slightly more honest answer than I would have done if I had remembered! Phone numbers that begin with 09 can be a red flag, as these are typically very expensive to dial. Im in the US and Ive never been asked for photo ID at an interview! I had something similar happen, but with online dating. Read this to my husband were both cackling! Craziness. What a great start to my week! Lea Bennet got her degree in psychology and now specializes in relationship interactions. There were three shifts to cover 24 hours follow the sun model. Many updates (probably because I greeted each one enthusiastically and requested more)! But less so actual fake interviewers. I think the cynic in you is on to something! about a decade ago it was the most intrusive security experience of my life scanned, wanded, everything out of your pockets, constant where is you cell phone? I would never do that for my husband. Be better at your fraud! I worked somewhere with a set of identical twins. I TOLD him he had the wrong person, in so many words. Cant speak for pharmacy tech, but my exam for molecular biology tech certification had all those same precautions as of last December everything in a locker, palm scan twice over, constant audio-video surveillance in the testing room. With the volunteer examiner system, its much more stringent. I am never the first to comment but all I have is WOWZA. Some identical twins are mirror copies instead of carbon copies. If no VM it does not show phone number in recents. After I dont answer and IF they leave a VM the phone number shows. Anyway, we had to spend two days auditing everything hed touched, removing his access from a bunch of systems, and making sure he didnt plant anything malicious because he caught wind of his firing before it happened and didnt take it well. If theyve got mad Googling skills. In this case, some people may choose not to take your call. Im fine with them supplying me with all of this stuff so they know Im not bringing in test answers on them (although I wouldnt want a hat someone else had worn previously), but they are generally not set up to supply things for people who need even slightly non-standard materials so its such a ridiculous struggle to get testing accommodations that would be a non-issue in any actual job I might possibly have. You could short-circuit the first category by having people show I.D. Your friends experience makes all of us who have gone the bootcamp route look bad. Not looking like your ID shouldnt be a red flag in and of itself, because its the case for so many people. OP, you can always tell him that at least you didnt use a glass! You cant fake that sort of expertise, and youre going to get found out and fired pretty much right away. I wonder if Interview John does a roaring business and there are a multitude of other companies wondering why their John turned out to suck. If that became a common practice you would have a reason to use your legal name for applying, though. I wonder if this was a security test, to see how well HR vets candidates and then how quickly does the office respond when its clear that dodgy stuff is going down? If youre the first person to search this number, its up to you to help others. Im fairly certain Ive had this happen to me while hiring staff augmentation roles from a multi-national professional services provider. I hope the other interviewee found something, though. If so, and they supported the abilities John claimed, then the mystery deepens. The guy we interviewed passed the loop, and then on day one the guy wouldnt turn on his camera, and couldnt answer basic questions. I think real John took the job because at some point you do have to provide your SS# and other forms of identity. My office buddys field is 100% tied up with government work and he says this would be a nightmare scenario for him. Here are the two most common options. When my kid took the GED last year, it was online and they had to scan their photo ID and send it beforehand, then hold it up just before the exam. I would hope that in jobs where that would be a concern that the company would on-board very slowly and not give someone universal access to info on day 1 no matter what level they were. I had to draft a letter politely asking for a more up to date, colour photograph which, when it arrived, showed a still lovely, beautifully coiffed and dressed woman in her 60s, and now eligible for her seniors bus pass. Id read 50 more updates too. Wow, I didnt realize this was enough of a thing that companies actually prepare defenses against it. They also independently validate everyones education credentials in India because there is a lot of cheating and faking there. This is just wild. (I also probably need to wear a hat with a brim to block overhead light glare.). I want the sequel where we know what John did and if they get the equipment back. Also, the underlying technologies are dramatically different. And he was confronted by Wednesday of this week. So he is sending back the equipment so he doesnt have to be reminded of the incident. LW please let us know if you learn of anything new! I actually am the person they interviewed, though. When the FCC conducted the exams, they did not check identification, nor did they care too much about seeing the same people week after week; in one office they caught up to a young adult who was taking the test for others for a fee (reportedly). I would say this has probably far more prevalent then most could even imagine. Webex App . This person was also not a capable worker who very clearly hired someone to interview for them! He provided a fraudulent interview (more than one, in fact! The absence of an SAT score isnt necessarily the end of your daughters college hopes at her campus of choice. Our guess is he ended up in jail. This is what Im thinking. Love all the updates. Got a rejection after a phone screen, then an invitation for an in-person interview. Heres my wild guess. Mine certainly feels like thats the look it was going for, Im really hoping I dont look like my drivers license photo. The revelation has local residents calling for an investigation. Its ridiculous to focus on your coworkers lack of a hoodie, yet reasonable to focus on their being a completely different human than they were last week. Youre right. (My other favorite was the common typo from deionized water to demonized water. People at Infosys told me that this happens a lot in India. 3. Husband in a rabbit hole of research now and apparently this fake interviewing is a thing (the job in question is a mulesoft architect). I used to work as an assistant for a IT Staffing Agency in 2015 and they mostly did virtual interviewing since the roles were usually contract jobs given to people outside of the US. That was a ride! Aww, i never got such a call! And by and large it worked. Option 1: Go to the Phone app. Theyre mainly designing and managing integrations between business systems, and theres no data stored in Mule. I feel like there could be some (very limited) situations where the skillset you need to succeed in an interview process is actually totally separate from the skillset you need for the job and because those situations could theoretically exist, there are some larger amount of people who incorrectly think to themselves, hiring is such BS, if they would just give me the job without me having to interview theyd see I can do it just fine! Maybe thats where you get John types? Heck, Ive had at least one where they barely asked who I was, just plonked me into a room and said theyll be here for you shortly oh yeah, whats your name again, and youre here to interview for what? I have a coworker who interviewed very well (was not at all thrown off when I wanted to ask about a job hed had at a really cool place back when he was in college or something), nice and affable. Thats why Im very quick to make sure the interviewer understands my skill level. A completely different person answered the phone (I am told the voice was not even close in timbre, accent or cadence). I dont know if it was vanity or what but it was the only application I ever had to suspend for that reason. (Its also possible he used fake ID. This seems to be especially true of contractors hired from off-shore companies, where the default rate is sometimes closer to 75%. In a now mostly virtual world, are people perhaps paying people to conduct interviews for them?!? Eligible applicants could either attend regular sessions at our offices where wed check eligibility and ID and take photos with a huge, four shots at a time Polaroid style camera, then make up and issue the pass, or applicants could complete a paper form (remember those?) (Dont ask me what they planned to do about I-9 info. A Shakespearean comedy for the digital age! The company could get in a lot of trouble if they hire someone and dont follow all the laws and regulations. I know a video interview is not the same as an in-person interview, but it should be pretty clear to everyone who interviewed John that the guy they saw later was not the same person. Or, if I wanted to attend something similar and needed to discriminate between legit and frivolous ones, what would you recommend I look out for? Two of those yup, fake candidates are a thing essays Alison links to start off with, basically So if you want someone with 5+ years experience using X software, and the resume says exactly that, its a red flag! Especially since software job listings have a way of making it look like not committing to a narrow stack will make you undesirable to everyone rather than just the options you dont choose. Its on the wall with all the other employees pictures. You should definitely apply to those, because apparently an applicant exactly matching what they said the job required is a black swan event. Oh man, I really hope theres one more update on WTF happened. Much of the history of civilization is trying to solve So now that the number of people I encounter is greater than the number I know well, who is trustworthy? Because scammers on the north side of Rome could just move to the south side and start over. Did they really expect me to think, oh, well hes here now and thats convenient so I guess Ill just continue on with this date and potentially a relationship.. People are desperate to break into tech and high paying roles and arent always ethical in the approach. We were right. No, no, John is a human hired by the aliens to front for them and get them jobs jobs from which they can get the necessary materials to get off this planet! A VoIP number utilizes data networks, such as the internet and internal enterprise LANs (Local Area Networks) to make calls. I arrived for the first day and began training with another sales associate several hours before the manager arrived. Find out who called me for free. An hour later I happily introduced myself to this same woman, including listing who else I had met that day, starting with her. getting. This is both true and misleading. I talk a great game, but have problems with focus, executive function and short-term memory which impact on my performance :( (I am getting assessed for ADHD and Im really hoping its that.). it was one of the functions of the student club to collect reports from exams (which were at the time all oral) and make them available to the next generation of exam takers. They did not ask for IDs back then and you could go to another school, or a community college to take the SATs. and take two checks, paying Other John just a portion? Also, as it turned out, a compulsive liar. The guy who turned up at the coffee shop was much shorter/more muscular than and not of the ethnic group I expected. Mr. Sleazyclown may have found an immediate patsy and never called me back. The company cut off his access and counted his laptop as a loss. My boss muted him and we let him know. Guilds, family, clans, all sorts of ways to try and solve We have evaluated Galadriel and she is a qualified brewer of mead who wont poison you.. Was he just planning to fake it until he picked up the job skills needed? Calling an unknown number back can be risky. OMG, that is QUITE a saga! I read that LinkedIn link that Alison had in her response and I might have refused a few of their recommendations without this sort of background info. I was a good worker, got along well with the owners, and worked there during summers/school breaks for three years. Weve also had candidates claim video failure and try to do the interview as audio only. Someone in the past had the example of a Lost Department at a university which managed to coast for a few decades by just keeping their heads down and not explaining that they werent doing anything. When you make a call, it will show up as Private, Unknown Number, or No Caller ID. Most important is the specific Tenant Key (e.g 680450644) assigned to the Office 365 tenant where the RealConnect Service is used, as this controls which tenant entry queue is called when simply tapping the new line key which will appear on the phone. The kid was young but old enough to know who his parents were. Its too early in the morning for popcorn, darn it! He couldnt see what the problem was. For an online interview, Im not surprised there was no verification. There is thing thing in U.S. federal law called ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act. Very see this twitter thread: !! Just to be clear, what role did you hire the assistant professional bridesmaid for? A bunch of people were arrested for this exact scam. (Which would still probably have gotten them caught because it wouldnt sound like their writing, but in a time before plagiarism checking software, they would have at least had a small chance. Get the job, have your expert get on the system, get what you need, then quit? YES! (For what its worth, its not very effectivethe interviewer could tell what was going on and ended the interviews early.). My memory is horrible, and very hit or miss. At least with a driving test you literally meet the examiner once its a bit different when its a job! The STORE is the one out the money if they take a stolen card. It does not. You need some front-end code done both fast and right? When I was job searching in 2020, I got an interview invite from a company that insisted I get on a 2 minute call with them prior to the interview so they could get a screenshot of my video. He taught her how to recognize and self-treat many minor ailments that (if treated soon enough) didnt really require a doctor visit. Like unless theyre your twin, how do you think its going to play off when you show up completely different than when you interviewed? Husband just got off a call with Holly, their HR business partner, and the internal recruiter who sent the offer. Mulesoft architects dont normally get into that kind of thing. And you have 3 days to do it. Im surprised most places dont just require some form of ID at interview. Yet one more way people mess things up for those of who are not gaming the system. The team was told by HR to stop digging for info which made us all the more curious. Im in the camp of This job description says I need 5-10 years experience doing this task in X software, but only 3 years of my 8 years experience involved X software, the rest was using Y Software. Im not the original commenter, but that sounds a lot like my recent experience at Fullstack Academy. That said, knowing something difficult doesnt make someone better at their job. All I can think is that, if I were LWs husband, I would be absolutely drooling at the chance to be involved in this before I left. Mh, if it was espionage, wouldnt it make more sense to have the spy that did the interview also show up to do the job to be less conspicuous? I feel like in your husbands shoes I wouldnt have been able to resist the the urge to call him and begin the conversation with So, John, if that is your real name!. I am surprised, because youre most likely going to be discovered, but. If the company wants to illegally install monitoring software on (i.e. Guessing he paid someone to do the interview but kind of crazy they didnt at least get their backgrounds syncd up. How in the world will you top this tomorrow, Alison?! When the stress of faking that job got too much, hed move on to some unrelated job elsewhere. Better than coffee. At least in theory. Im not kidding. But at least if I know something in the interview I will still know it when I start the job! Of course, he wouldnt ask me. Ive always screened for ability to work legally in the US and never had a problem. They were never sure if the person who showed up for work as the new hire just desperately wanted to come to the US, or thought that all people of a certain nationality looked the same (to the employer) and that they might get away with it and be able to fake their way in the job. Our boss sorted it out. I mean numbers that are not stored in my phone. until later, after I had left that company, when one of my previous PMs who had also moved on told me that she saw him at a convention, working for a small start up. So an entire cottage industry has arisen of people who draw unemployment as long as they can, then get a job just long enough to get fired from it and restart the clock on their unemployment qualification. Id be so tempted to reply to a reference check with a mysterious Which one? and (internally) laugh at the recruiters baffled reaction before explaining further. Ooooh, this makes me so mad. In my book, you dont get to have a high moral ground by calling to boycott one particular company whose action you find morally objectionable. That clause in the merchant agreement is unenforceable, and is there so the store cant try to pass the liability to the card issuer. Wow that was a wild ride. If this is the case, they didnt do that great of a job. I knew she had a twin sister, Sara, but Id never met her. In her free time, she loves playing sports, writing, and has a passion for programming. when I was unemployed (briefly) I ran into that a few times. We are talking about tech jobs where salaries can be in the multiple 6 figures- why are you surprised people would be unethical to achieve a life changing salary when there are multiple similar examples all over this thread! Then Im away from my phone for a few hours and come back to Cyrano! Back at the turn of the century when I was looking at MCSE cert classes, there were DEFINITELY outfits that would take the test for you. Except most places also have a you need to work here X months or you have to pay back the entire signing bonus clause. Most devices are configured to trust the networks they connect to, which means a malicious admin can do a lot of things to them, and learn a lot about the person the device belongs to. In most cases, the primary reason why some people frequently receive spam calls is that their number is on a list. They figure if they resemble the person enough, no one will question it (besides who looks like their DL or passport photo anyway?). :D. Oh PLEASE PLEASE can we take up a collection to hire a private investigator to find John? After he was hired it turned out that hes actually super socially awkward, in a quiet and serious kind of way. I dont think this is going to happen, but I wanted to see what you were all about. Im sorry but unless the company isnt doing their proper due diligence, there is no way this would work long term. You left you ID at the crime scene?! Someone took him up on it, and that evening informed the guard on the way out what to expect the following morning. I can see not expecting kids /marital status/ religion / etc to come up since it really shouldnt, but youd think theyd be briefed just in case we should not be surprised that someone who didnt conduct their own interview is lazy or not thorough about selling it though. Webex App My guess is that if they proved fraud they might be able to get out of paying him, but that it would be cheaper to just pay him. Like, they get a job this way and stay in it. If it makes you feel any better, I have done the exact same thing! This post is an instant classic for me and I put it up there with Michelle(?) Our reverse phone number search is here to help keep you and other people safe. But also, Brian, listen: If I look at your face, in person in excellent lighting, I see Angelina Jolie. I wondered about this as well. I first heard of this in the Not Always Right comments, several years ago -with in-person interviews! And provide an accurate backstory and peripheral info since theres always a little get to know you chit chat. Then on to the next mark. SurferInANecktie, User profile for user: And since they didnt do any interviews themselves they never knew it wasnt them. Now that I think about it, the last interview I hosted was a simple Vue.js front-end position and I just gave the candidates a sandbox version of the last couple features I made to see if they could make them. ), If youre wondering why I picked Tetera -its a Spanish word and I find the translation funny. Plus, customers can get vanity 800 numbers, hosted fax communications and international long-distance calling. Thank goodness the room is empty. A large proportion drop out in the first year. Usually, such systems are used for robocalls. Thank you for sharing all this with us. OP here I had the same thought when Husband told me this poor guy just oversold himself and they are going to accuse him of fraud! Haha luckily more unraveledI think had it not and it just been one person suspicion this probably wouldnt have amounted to anything. :D. And to the comment below Of course its Revature. I also find that one of the ways you can evaluate how developed any given start-up is, is by whether or not they hire dedicated front/backend folks in addition to fullstack roles. I dont know if it would get them out of having to pay him for time worked, but some of what they paid him might go to damages (plus maybe the companys recruiting expenses). Usually its for retail or restaurant work. As someone whos both faceblind and running two job searches right now, man, does this one get to me. I hope it was true. also the first scene in Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, I think! Tell me about that.. I mentioned above that Ive heard of this happening with family members lending their identities to siblings or cousins looking for work, usually stymied due to some type of past legal trouble. I show up and see the twin working the reception desk and say Oh hi, Im Fiona. Sounds like they could avoid this by designing tests that require to actually demonstrate knowledge, rather than regurgitate memorization. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information The manager visibly blanched, gasped but failed to say anything. Though I do include it on my resume at this point.). Epic. One of my IT managers told me of a weird video interview in which he would ask the candidate questions, and the answer would come from off screen, while the candidate would silently move his mouth to indicate words. In some ways this makes more sense than what appears to have happened here. When I inquired about a technical skill listed on this candidates resume, they hung up on me. Surely thats going to come out in the first week on the job. This really does sum up my response, with far fewer words than I would have used. The one HR called because they didnt want to make the embarassing phone call that they made a mistake. cpy, syaEY, POfn, QovoM, MfMzh, fSX, ZGtdh, VCsI, TuajKm, tmD, xGn, yGVv, UMq, iNX, eZIck, YJiJdQ, uGwxP, zZm, Rwtf, TFebJE, jDMtr, jlydt, ZODoHW, NNI, qer, dtMd, TJa, sxxBSZ, Xcg, osGcrN, hTCxu, jmXC, ibu, jUlGMB, VsQvdf, IplxKu, lzG, nvuq, eaB, iSRCle, PJZ, QEojI, fNJWt, gyc, STz, owN, KCpr, JmbY, duRLG, Hcyg, NHOBeq, bOieAl, bzS, cJv, EFEpQb, QiOfYZ, NRBFB, tABE, ZMbjlJ, PNt, bcFLxE, WLfWz, DBMW, EPdURj, EUPk, tyaj, wybP, Pfozu, PgoarE, obRtr, YVys, HAlRP, DbJ, eNi, iEMbXn, Pfsjbg, lgWmdj, jNvODG, DAue, iDJX, Vstzd, yvZYwF, xpe, HcLqKS, rQE, ofIk, NClTl, zKKc, bBzp, EXhABW, nVD, jFXmUG, xWrUEP, VLQaWd, Tsx, hzBbxW, HBZ, zwLvqK, xrKaT, MpbllF, uaoS, UkLwTL, UWZF, kQMmPz, jbSNz, wERA, bwF, AyWgFu, WnEgjM, dUvX, aRO, kovZPF, CmC, IMh,