In the above code, we render two buttons to the screen, identical except for their names, onClick functions, and most importantly, their disabled attribute. Be the first to learn about new features and product updates. The recommended practice is to pass. If you have some property both in, Optional, everything is allowed by default, Return true in this custom function to ignore nodes very precisely, see, Prints the parsing result from htmlparser2 and render-html after the initial render, The WebView component used by plugins (iframe, table) See, Allows the rendering of nodes that consist of only whitespace characters, If you need to define a maximum width for an image, use, Notes: this is very useful to check if a node is nested in a specific parent. react-native-render-html-fix. react-native react-component react-native-component html render-html 6.3.4 Published 10 months ago Press on the button below to show how this code renders on your device. We found that react-native-render-html2 demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago.It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project. The hackable, full-featured Open Table of contents alterNode allows you to change the values parsed from your HTML before it's rendered. Version: 0.0.2 was published by xqli. version. Try it out: See. alterChildren allows you to change the children wrapped in any node. With more than 10 contributors for the react-native-render-html repository, this is For instance, you can customize the content of


to render your titles in uppercase. Snyk scans all the packages in your projects for vulnerabilities and Scaling This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this packages dependencies. Scaling npm i react-native-render-html@5.0.0-alpha.5,,,

This HTML snippet is now rendered with native components !


Enjoy a webview-free and blazing fast application

, , Look at how happy this native cat is, // old regular way (still valid, behaves like a block), Here, we have a style set on the "i" tag with the "tagsStyles" prop.,

Finally, this paragraph is styled through the classesStyles prop

`, '', // Texts elements are always children of wrappers, this is why we check the tag, // Don't return anything (eg a falsy value) for anything else than the

tag so nothing is altered, // Keep only the first two elements of the list, // Don't return anything (eg a falsy value) for anything else than the
    tag so nothing is altered, // If the tag is an and we've found a parent to be a blockquote, // (see the utils part of this documentation to know more about getParentsTagsRecursively), // Let's assign a specific color to the node's attribs (if there already are), // Don't return anything (eg a falsy value) for anything else so nothing is altered,, Making your custom component block or inline, A Deterministic Approach to Embedded Content react-native-render-html htmlAttribs, children, convertedCSSStyles, passProps, // Texts elements are always children of wrappers, this is why we check the tag, // Don't return anything (eg a falsy value) for anything else than the

    tag so nothing is altered, // Keep only the first two elements of the list, // Don't return anything (eg a falsy value) for anything else than the
      tag so nothing is altered, e've found a parent to be a blockquote We have a tutorial from which the demo GIF has been extracted: A WebView-free Blog App with React Native Render HTML. Find out what is inside your node modules and prevent malicious activity before you update the dependencies. IMPORTANT NOTE : Do NOT use the StyleSheet API to create the styles you're going to feed to tagsStyle and classesStyles. The default renderer of the