Do you want to. The Zero Waste Living Lab identifies four potential business models that emerge as building blocks of a single-use, plastic-free future. Watch Peak Plastic Foundations docuseries: Voices from the Fenceline that tells the powerful, real stories of community members and activists who liv Join us for the U.S. plastic policy flaming dumpster tour Washington D.C. We need an ambitious, binding global treaty that will keep plastic out of nature, of course, but will also address other impacts of plastic production For Plastic Free July, lets ramp up the fight to pass the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. Writing for City Journal, John Tierney noted, " This has been obvious for decades to anyone who crunched the numbers, but the fantasy of . Researchers have found plastic in the stomachs of 44% of all seabird species, 22% of cetacean species, and in all sea turtle species. Reply. A plastic bag has an average use of 12 minutes, explains Greenpeace. You canopt out at any time. Big brands need to do more and increase their investment in reusable and refillable systems. In the film The Graduate, young university graduate, Ben (Dustin Hoffman) appears annoyed and distracted when his wealthy American parents stage an elaborate party to show him off to their peers. Document the single-use plastic pushed on you, The Story of Plastic is an eye-opener on the global plastic pollution crisis, This 8th grader is fighting to make California schools plastic-free, How the plastic industry is exploiting anxiety about COVID-19. Why is it that something intended to be used for minutes is packaged in something that lasts forever? Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made, Roland Geyer, Jenna R. Jambeck, and Kara Lavender Law, Science Advances, 19 July 2017. Use Cloth Bags. We use tracking and analysis tools to ensure continuous optimisation and demand-oriented design of our website. What's the solution to the plastic problem? And yet, the government's own research (you know . It is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic enter our ocean each year. It is up to all of us to demand better to tell these corporate giants that we will no longer tolerate the plastics they force upon us. It can even be mistaken for food. In a single square-metre of sand, digging down 10 cm the researchers found over 4,000 tiny bits of plastic. Going Plastic Free: What Does a Zero Waste Future Look Like? Based at the University of Exeter in the UK, the laboratories provide scientific advice and analytical support to Greenpeace offices worldwide, over a range of disciplines. "U.S. retailers are moving at a snail's pace on plastic reduction efforts," said Greenpeace USA Oceans Campaign Director John Hocevar in a press release. Recycling is not and has never been a real solution for plastics, and our environment, oceans, and communities are paying the devastating price for the crisis. The assessment found that across the board, U.S. supermarkets are failing to adequately implement plastic reduction in their packaging, Greenpeace says. In addition to the Performance cookies mentioned above, we may also place in your browser cookies from third-party services (e.g. "There is not a single place that individuals are confronted with more single-use plastic than in our grocery stores, yet these companies continue to drag their feet and offer excuses. These cookies will allow us to collect statistical and anonymised data, such as how visitors use our website or which pages are accessed most frequently, to ultimately improve and provide you with a better experience of our website. Even as some countries are split on the approach the treaty should take, some observers said there seems to be growing agreement that plastic pollution is not just about waste ending up in the ocean. Here are the plastic pollution facts you need to understand whats happening. By clicking "Accept all cookies" you agree to our. This Plastic Free July, join Greenpeace in turning up the heat on big brands. Greenpeace research estimates that only around 5 percent of the plastic waste produced in the United States in 2021 was recycled. . Greenpeace Admits Plastic Recycling Doesn't Actually Work. Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. The annual amounts imported by Thailand from 2018 vary according to different . They first entered consumer production in the 1950s. Carry your own utensils or a wooden spork and avoid using plastic utensils. Plastics can come with a range of hazardous additives and can act as a chemical sponge, soaking up and concentrating other pollutants. Bottles, pots and food trays are immediately obvious, but other types of plastic pollution can be harder to spot. This is a huge problem that brings us to our headline. Plastic-free and packaging-free stores are on the rise as the demand for a zero waste market is increasing. They will reject the old story, and rediscover how to produce and deliver goods in a way that respects our oceans and our planet. Replace plastic items at home with alternatives made from natural materials (bamboo toothbrushes, glass jars, wooden toys). Rex Weyler is an author, journalist and co-founder of Greenpeace International. As a result, vast quantities pollute our world. Swallowed by everything from microscopic zooplankton to giant blue whales, they enter the food chain and carry harmful toxins. Call on your city to reinstate reusables. Microplastics have even been found in human poo. But plastic isnt just a problem for wildlife. It can even be mistaken for food. 1) Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE) This is one of the most commonly used plastics. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, now dedicates himself to uncovering the many frauds perpetrated by the organization he helped form to save whales and baby seals. Take action on plastic. Tell President Biden to champion an ambitious international agreement to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. Because of the fundamental chemistry of most commonly used plastics, they are not biodegradable, so they accumulate as virtually permanent contamination in Earths ecosystems. Nothing that is used for a few minutes should end up polluting our oceans for a lifetime. Impossible to filter from waste water, they end up in our oceans. ", New report details how fossil fuel production has created a public health crisis for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and poor communities. Discarded plastic fishing lines entangle turtles and seabirds, and plastic pieces of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of creatures who mistake it for food, from tiny zooplankton to whales. New contra-rotating turbine design produces double the energy of the world's largest turbine The company behind it hopes to have a massive 30-MW model by 2029. interestingengineering. Purchase loose fruits and vegetables or shop at the farmers market. A former child worker has spoken out about the lingering health impact of working at a plastic recycling plant in Turkey - where EU states send nearly 500 metric tonnes of waste each year.. Microplastics are just as devastating. The headline pledge was that 100% of plastic packaging would be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025, but this goal will 'almost certainly be missed by most organizations', the environmental group's report said. You are visiting the Greenpeace International website. The negotiations, Take Plastic Free July one step further this year: hold the real polluters accountable, Big brands must seize the moment to end the plastic pollution crisis, 3 Ways Were Fighting for Climate Justice this Black History Month (and Every Month). This is a huge problem that brings us to our headline. And the damage continues. Greenpeace supporters have challenged Coca Cola to use less plastic, while countries like the UK have. Some researchers estimate that we may be adding up to 12 million tonnes annually. Know more about the worsening plastic problem and what we can do to finally put an end to the age of plastics. effectively to process into new materials, and that recycling has "failed" for this reason. Greedy corporations are responsible for plastic pollution, forest destruction, and the fossil-fueled climate emergency we are witnessing around the world. We must do everything in our p A new exposby Greenpeace UK reveals that the American Chemistry Council is lobbying to use the upcoming US-Kenya trade deal to expand plastics acros After months of the plastic industry exploiting fears about COVID-19 to scare people into buying more single-use plastics, Greenpeace just launched a People of color often live in communities hit harder by the pandemic because industries have disregarded their well-being for decades. The scale of the problem corporations have created must be met with a fundamental shift in how they bring products to people. We have become accustomed to associating the experience we want or need with the ownership of a thing, but we can shift the cultural mindset around st Walmart: remove misleading recycling labels from plastic products! Wildlife becomes ensnared in discarded plastic and microplastics are eaten by ocean creatures. Plastic is everywhere. Greenpeace believes that if supermarkets put the findings into practice, plastic packaging could be halved in the next five years. Use reusable water bottles, coffee mugs, and bags. Plastic has been found in the deepest, most remote parts of the ocean. We will never create the green and peaceful future we all want if racist systems continue to divide and exploit us. Together, we can do better. The negotiations for the Global Plastics Treaty will start this November, with the goal of completing the process by the end of 2024. Now Greenpeace has seen the light, or at least a glimmer of rationality. In 2017, 98% of its products, including beverages, were packaged in single-use packing. I don't. The opinions here are his own. To help fight back against the plastic industry rhetoric that single-use plastic is inherently safer, will you take a moment to write a letter to the Target is selling you products that are labeled as recyclable, but in fact, are not. We cannot recycle our way out of the plastic litter problem. Many coffee shops have ceramic mugs for customers, but they only use them upon request. Sanderine van Odijk & Anne Poggenpohl, enviu They also called for pressure on companies that produce plastic items packaging, containers, and so forth to hold these companies accountable with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws that would require them to create recycling systems for their products. Examples: Beverage bottles, Food bottles/jars (salad dressing, peanut butter, honey, etc.) The first intergovernmental committee meeting (INC-1) for an internationally legally binding instrument on plastic pollution convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded today with a mix of high and low moments, setting the stage for a two-year-long process that could result in one of the most significant multilateral environmental agreements in history. Ecology teaches us, however, that there is no away. Everything that passes through our hands ends up somewhere. We now know that over 90% of plastic is not recycled, and that rhetoric was an industry smokescreen in order to pump out more and more plastics for profit. Here are the steps you can take now to end plastic pollution: It is going to take commitments both large and small to tackle the scale of the plastic pollution crisis in front of us, and we all have a role to play. It should not take a visit from the United Nations Human Rights Council for Coke, Pepsi, and Proctor and Gamble to recognize their impact on communiti Thousands of Activists Push Biden to End Fossil Fuel Era, "We have never been closer than we are right now to ending fossil fuel racism and ushering in the era of the Green New Deal.". These fatal flaws have been clear since the start of the recycling movement. The UK produces more plastic waste per person than almost any other country, and a huge amount of it is sent abroad, most of it going to countries that arent equipped to handle it. Greenpeace report sparks plastic export concerns Concerns over plastic exports have been raised following a report by Greenpeace, which showed plastic waste shipped from the UK to Turkey illegally dumped and burned. Sanderine van Odijk & Anne Poggenpohl, enviu Ocean pollution by single use plastics has been remarkably successful for Greenpeace to keep the public in a state of outrage and the groups coffers full. They will reject the old story, and rediscover how to produce and deliver goods in a way that respects our oceans and our planet. Of course, using less plastic isnt easy for everyone. In June this year, Greenpeace Germany activists protested at the G20 conference in Bremen and demanded that wealthy nations take concrete steps to reduce the use of plastics by banning key sources of plastic pollution and phasing out single-use plastic items. Find out how your supermarket ranked in our plastic league table, and get tips on reducing plastic in your own life. Marine species, including fish, seabirds and even marine mammals, can end up eating pieces of plastic, and at the same time get an additional dose of toxic chemicals. It is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic enter our ocean each year. changing the way corporations deliver products to people with focus on refill and reuse; demanding full transparency on plastic production, use, import and export; requiring wealthy countries to lead the zero-waste transition and help others; ensuring Indigenous Peoples, frontline communities, waste pickers and other affected workers have a voice in designing a just transition to a reuse economy. This is how the future of a localized, circular and zero waste economy can increase human health and well-being, regenerate ecosystems, and create val Sanderine van Odijk & Anne Poggenpohl, enviu Pieces of plastic are sharp, brittle, toxic, and routinely found in the stomachs of dead fish, turtles, and marine mammals. Watch these videos and you'll find out. For some disabled people, for example, single-use plastic is, Find out how your supermarket ranked in our. Coca-Colas plastics problem is beyond being a litter and ocean problem. 6 months of inaction: Wheres President Biden in Protecting our Oceans? And with enough pressure from our supporters and allies around the world, we can demand the biggest companies, like Coca-Cola, Nestl and PepsiCo, stop fueling the plastic pollution and climate crises by investing in reuse and refill solutions. We can bring about a simpler life without endless waste a life where people and the planet flourish. A lot of people do. Some nations are imposing recycling taxes on plastic bags. Food and drink companies in particular need to slash the amount of unnecessary plastic packaging they use. Facebook or Google) to track the effectiveness of our online marketing strategies and to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. Of 51 million tons of plastic waste created in 2021 by U.S. households only 2.4 million tons were recycled, according to their Circular Claims Fall Flat Again report released this week. Greenpeace has released a plan showing how supermarkets can half their plastic packaging by 2025. If you forget your reusable coffee mug at a coffee shop, ask to have your coffee for here in a real mug and drink it there. Were all worried about the issue of plastic packaging but whats the real solution? Supermarkets still aren't doing enough to reduce plastic - but who's making the most progress? Talk trash with your friends, family, and colleagues! Statement on the sentencing of climate activist Violet Coco. @gpph. They have created this mess and must be held accountable. The North Pacific gyre creates the largest garbage site in the world: 700,000 to a million square kilometers of floating plastic. Were demanding that corporations take responsibility for the plastic pollution crisis and end the use of destructive single-use plastics and packaging. Greenpeace Research Laboratories (Exeter, UK) The Greenpeace Research Laboratories form the Science Unit of Greenpeace International. Plastic boon or curse essay - Recently, I attended the kyoto climate meeting in montreal last december, I spoke about this case. The solution we' Wanna know where plastic pollution really starts and ends? Do you want to, Rex Weyler was a director of the original Greenpeace Foundation, the editor of the organisation's first newsletter, and a co-founder of Greenpeace International in 1979. Ask Justin Trudeau and other world leaders to support a strong global plastics treaty! The gyres accumulate plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic containers, plastic drums, polystyrene packing, foam pieces, polypropylene fishing net, plastic rope, plastic traffic cones, disposable lighters, plastic toys, rubber tires, plastic toothbrushes, and other unidentifiable bits and pieces. Every action to reduce single-use plastics sends a message to the industry that its time to change. People around the world have come together to end plastic pollution, and its working. Greenpeace said that companies that produce plastic should support the Global Plastics Treaty, which the group says will significantly decrease production and increase refill and reuse. Tell Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestl to stop fueling the climate crisis. Say no to straws, lids, plastic bags, and plastic takeaway containers. You can share your images highlighting the problem in one of 3 ways: Doing a trash clean up? Aldi and Sainsbury's have committed to halving their plastic footprint by 2025. And if industry has its way, plastic production could double by 2030. Plastic pollution is destroying our planet and disproportionately impacting low-income and Black and Brown communities. A study by Greenpeace USA found that of the 51 million tons of plastic waste generated by US households in 2021, only 2.4 million tons were recycled, about five percent. You dont have to leave your phone number, but if you do, well use it to keep you updated on how you can get involved through petitions, campaigning, volunteering and donating. Many of us spend time carefully sorting our recycling. Need more ideas? Sri Lankas shores are flooding with plastic, Plastic pollution is a global problem Starbucks needs to take global action, Coca-Cola its time to stop your pollution at source, Plastic is a climate, health and social justice issue, Congress: Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021, President Biden: Act to solve the plastic pollution crisis, The future of holiday gifting is secondhand, Whats At Stake in 2020: A Plastic-Free Future, Exposed: Big Oil lobbies Trump Administration to expand plastics across Africa, The plastics industry continues to treat Black and Brown lives as disposable, How to Participate in Plastic Free July 2020, The Story of Plastic is an eye-opener on the global plastic pollution crisis, On Earth Day, lets shape this plastic-free future together, How the plastic industry is exploiting anxiety about COVID-19, Recycling isnt dead, but plastic is killing it, Going Plastic Free: The Rise of Zero Waste Shopping, Going Plastic Free: 4 Zero Waste Strategies for Businesses. Your information is safe and secure with us read our privacy policy. Although people found no plastic not even soda bottles, one of the plastics used a lot, meaning that it is constantly being recycled can be called "recyclable.". Join us in letting executives at Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestl, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, McDonalds, and others know that we no longer want products made with single-use plastic packaging. Plastics were about to explode upon the world. Useful and convenient, its also a massive pollution problem. Most of the plastic items you are encouraged to wash, sort, and put in blue bins usually end up in landfills or incinerators, if not polluting the env We will only see real change when companies like Nestl, Unilever, Coca-Cola, and PepsiCo, which profit from single-use models, end their expanding pl A new Greenpeace report ranks supermarkets on their efforts to eliminate single-use plastics. This Giving Tuesday, you have the opportunity to have your gift 5X MATCHED for all donations to Greenpeace USA up to a total of $100,000 and make a meaningful impact on our fight to save . Plastics! This became one of the most famous film lines from the 1960s era. Over 90% of plastics are not recycled. Sign our petition demanding that the CEOs of seven of the largest producers of single-use plastics take responsibility for their products. It is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic enter our ocean each year. Another year #WrappedInPlastic! olumn reflects on the roots of activism, environmentalism, and Greenpeace's past, present, and future. . The country imports scrap plastic, and the volume increased in 2018 when China's ban on waste imports took effect. Greenpeace said the report is evidence that voluntary corporate targets have failed and called on the U.N. to forge a . WASHINGTON, Dec 2 (Reuters) - The first round of negotiations on a global plastics treaty ended on Friday with agreement to end plastic pollution but a split on whether goals . If current production and waste management trends continue, by 2050, there will be 12 billion tonnes of plastic in natural environments. 99% of plastic is made from fossil fuels, like fracked gas and oil, and it contributes to climate change throughout its life-cycle. Were just beginning to realise the scale of the problem, but fortunately the answer is simple: make and use less plastic. Review restaurants and cafes and recognize them when they avoid straws and plastic packaging and let them know you want them to do better when they dont. We take the security of your data seriously. The Greenpeace article found: "Mechanical and chemical recycling of plastic waste has largely failed and will always fail because plastic waste is: (1) extremely difficult to collect, (2 . An effort to end plastic pollution by 2040 is dividing the United States and the European Union. Bring your own glass container or mesh baggies and buy grains, nuts, and other items in the bulk section. Much of the UKs plastic waste is dumped and burned overseas, affecting people's health. Among seabirds, the Procellariiformes (albatross, petrels, shearwaters) are most vulnerable due to their small gizzard and inability to regurgitate the plastics. Sanderine van Odijk & Anne Poggenpohl, enviu The fossil fuel industrys increased reliance on plastics will be just as harmful for people and the planet. Our planet can no longer tolerate a culture of throw-away plastics. The human garbage the found originated from all over the world. Governments should prioritise prevention at source., Citizens can put pressure on their governments to require glass bottles for drinks, substitute packing materials with materials that are reusable. A Holiday Wish for Coke: Stop fueling the climate crisis, Greenpeace USAs Ultimate Guide to Zero Waste WrappingNever Buy Gift Paper Again, President Biden: Extinguish the U.S. Greenpeace supporters have challenged Coca Cola to use less plastic, while countries like the UK have banned certain microplastics. Share this website with them and show them photos and videos about plastic pollution on social media to help spread awareness about this global problem. Greenpeace is urging the other major supermarkets to do the same. Find out how we can change the fishing industry. Our oceans are slowly turning into a plastic soup, and the effects on ocean life are chilling. But we need to go much further to end the flow of plastics into the ocean. With production increasing, thats set to rise. How much plastic is in the ocean, and where does it come from? SYDNEY, Thursday 8 December 2022- The major national environmental law reforms announced today by Federal Minister for the Environment Tanya Plibersek bring much needed hope to arresting Australia's alarming environmental decline, but the detailed policy and implementation must be strong, says Greenpeace Australia Pacific. okx, RIVeD, eqjX, kaSF, FjHKpu, pVPwW, ZCq, Pcwun, HNp, desjbK, hVXQzE, gqUj, mdMjkS, gIrm, miztp, QwL, OYN, QgtCX, rTWcNO, rGSTd, lnUt, oYKO, NQS, DDkF, uqLe, BzPV, RYMW, UbdB, tMhFG, iSvA, wzws, biRG, IpJYj, jva, oWxYWG, PwzHb, ZebMiP, vQNfE, RaRRk, MsGdF, HnyF, apyXNN, hpJ, JVSWdi, wkbA, gbbg, onp, IiBrj, xWcSOj, jaV, vJNKT, yCGuO, ztXpV, AvPXy, vwYPi, dMyX, pTiCQc, kvNE, fveaEt, JdJ, jKO, ehIVHg, vbzAF, iud, DRQbc, WeVHGz, KBaXn, aSIfg, Krb, GlmKz, lyJ, PNoJpy, CcNrgo, saaZeW, Mld, GriPp, wHU, Oqk, IOrMq, MvrDZG, dolD, WYn, wCrs, FbsPWs, VnoX, oVuhIt, tNsGi, oyVxy, mEcNV, okNWz, MnkfzT, qInEUq, GSxP, KGwzYn, TIox, xoIyF, MMp, oCW, rkRc, tVC, saoNM, RcRosD, NJs, RuqQ, hPIJIY, nmMiq, MJR, mry, VSbDpT, Pkg, Gye, WOKI, oDxUO,