Villains A-Z 77%. Known from: The Legend of Perseus Termagant | Bakeneko | these include, ladon and the gorgons. Leviathan | Poltergeists | Crimes Headless Horseman | PHAETHON A child of Helius the sun, who persuaded his father to let him ride the solar chariot, but lost control and was blasted from the sky by Zeus. Peeping Tom | Abaddon | Sciron | Frankenstein's Monster | Dr. Victor Frankenstein| A monstrous creature with the ability to turn to stone any person who gazed upon her face, Medusa remains a popular monster of ancient mythology. From power-hungry tyrants to frightening monsters to murderous women, including Medea, who killed her own children, Greek mythology is still alive with tales of classic villains. Typhon was also a great villain/enemy/evil creature Who is Eric in greek mythology? Sko-Ella | For the people who disagree with many of the storys that is because there are many different storys forn each creature and btw the kracken is NOT a Greek monster but here are some of my favourite Greek creatures When the boy died carrying out one of these, Cycnus was stricken with remorse, faded away and was transformed into a swan. Will O' The Wisp | For more stories of heroes try the Bestiary page and associated entries, which features the fabulous creatures, monsters and giants encountered by heroes of myth. That is how I learned Greek Mythology in my fourth grade year. Chimera | Medusa you.). ZEUS. Malsumis | Put in Cetus, Ladon, the manticore, as well as Gaea and Tartarus. Tadodaho | In particular, Zeus was infamous for his lust, which transcended gender and even species. Mikari Baba | Pesanta | The Fates and drakons should be on there though. Jtunn Nergal | Gargoyles, See Also Otesnek | In He was later elevated to godhood. You don;t have to take my advise, for we have free will, but I suggest this to help ensure that your information is correct. Black Shuck | He should be number one. A prime example was his punishment towards Prometheus for stealing fire from Olympus by having him strapped to a rock while an eagle ate his liver daily, only for the liver to regrow so as to repeat the torture for all of eternity. The goddess set a gadfly to torment her and she wandered all the way to Egypt where she birthed her son. Shadow People | Roc | Skinned Tom | When Hera gave birth to Hephaestus, Zeus threw him off the top of Mount Olympus because of his repulsive appearance. La Tunda | Disclaimer Terms of Publication Privacy Policy and Cookies Sitemap RSS Contact Us, Perhaps the most famous story involving a cyclops involves. Once the unsuspecting youth was fast asleep, the creature would shift to her hideous form and devour the boys flesh and drink his blood for sustenance. Ame-onna | Black Stick Men | Gaia and Ouranos had the titans, Gaia and Tartarus had the giant race. Odysseus offers to Polyphemus wine that the traveler brought along from his ship. ODYSSEUS A hero of the Trojan War, whose fleet was blown off course in a storm on his return. However, it seemed to skip around a lot with certain characters, and I really just did not care for the writing all that much. The Man Upstairs, Cryptids Curse Jar | Gods of Olympus Goliath | Jezebel | Rhea (Kronoss wife) saved Zeus while his sacred sheep raised him. You should add the fates and put them at 2 or 3, and then take the sphinx out. Odysseus and him men then escape from the cave of the monster by harnessing themselves to the under bellies of the numerous sheep that Polyphemus shepherds. What about the heroes though? The Pharisees | Boneless | Grendel | All in all Greek mythology is filled with interesting stories and adventures. The portrayal of heroes and villains in Greek mythology and folklore is similar in the sense that it can be categorized into two broad categories, the early life where the hero enjoys their superior capabilities and villain social acceptance, and the later life stage where the two commonly face a tragic ending. Stolas | was fed the people of crete. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Snallygaster | Mokoi | ho yeah and i like typhon the father of all monsters. Live and learn. ASCLEPIUS (Asklepios) A physician from Thessalian Tricca who was so skilled in the art of medicine that he could restore the dead to life. Ok, first off, all this talk about the Titans and the Primordials is not relative to the subject which this post is about. Disambiguation Pages Kronos, King of the Titans (Poseidons father) 5. Chupacabra | As punishment for the crime he was driven mad, murdering his wife and sons, before killing himself by chopping off his own legs. Zeus transformed her into a tortoise (Chelone in Greek). Thunderbird | Youre wrong, Gaia wasnt a titan, she was a primordial (there are multiple stories though) and she gave birth to the titans. Confronted by: Odysseus, 4. By casting one hundred well aimed thunderbolts to the head of the monster, Typhon was cast down into the pits of Tartarus where he was sealed away for all time. Skll and Hati | 2. Whore of Babylon | He challenged the hero to a wrestling match but was defeated and killed. (Ymir | Jesus Christ | The Empusa is often depicted as a beautiful woman, who transforms into a creature with sharp teeth, flaming hair, and (in some interpretations) bat wings. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Confronted by: Theseus, 2. She fell in love with a bull and by means of a wooden cow, coupled with it and gave birth to the Minotaur. Sluagh | Greek Mythology Monsters. Although many there are many monsters in Greek tales, the top six monsters are Cronos, Medusa, Cerberus, Hydra, Sirens, and the Polyphemus. Cronos- the youngest of his twelve titan siblings and also the king of titans. Titans are giants with supernatural powers because of their god parents. Qallupilluk | Water Horses | Just so we are clear, their are a lot of different ways Greek myths go. Monster of Mount Bandai | MurderIncestAbuse of powerIdentity theftBatteryTortureSexual harassmentSexual assaultRapeBestialityAnimal crueltyEntrapmentDestructionMutilation From power-hungry tyrants to frightening monsters to murderous women, including Medea, who killed own children, Greek mythology is still alive with tales of classic villains. Myling | WebHEROES & VILLIANS Presented here is a small selection of heroes, heroines, kings and villians from Greek mythology. Damballa | Pope Lick Monster | Chaneques | Malawi Terror Beast | Empusa should be spelled Empousi (Plural: Empousai) King Arthur | A great battle. Succubi | ACTAEON (Aktaion) A hunter who spied the goddess Artemis bathing and was transformed into a stag and torn apart by his hounds. (For one tale see the Sphinx.). SCP Foundation Villains | Erymanthian Boar | Gods of Mesopotamia Rain Man | Geb | Giants of Voronezh | Tartarus, Gaya, Kampe, Echidna. The hero and the other Athenians, along with princess Ariadne, escape Minos palace and make a hasty retreat to Athens under the cover of night. Athena seems to be a key player to the backstories of many Greek mythology villains since she was also the reason for why the spider Arachne is evil. Behemoth the Elephant | Kinie Ger | Thardid Jimbo | Is that its derivative? Bean Clan | Powers / Skills Known from: The Odyssey Occupation WebThe stories of Greek mythology are filled with strong, wise, heroic characters and the villains who fought against them. The monster still breathed fire and wailed and screamed in rage, causing volcanic eruptions. Paparrasolla | Let us know whats wrong with this preview of, Published Bunnyman | He went on a quest to find a mystical golden fleece and had some interesting adventures on the way, but thats not all there is to him. Greek Mythology for Kids: Captivating Tales and Myths of Greek Gods, Goddesses, Mythological Creatures, Heroes, Kings, and Villains (Audible Audio Edition): Matt Clayton, Michael Reaves, Matt Clayton: Books Skip to main content .us I didnt know that Charybdis was a monster that caused a whirlpool; I had thought that it was the name of the whirlpool itself. Absalom | Using a mirrored shield that was given to him by Athena, Perseus viewed Medusas reflection so as not to look directly at the monster. Paimon | IO An Argive princess loved by the god Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to hide her from the jealous gaze of Hera. Gomorrahites | He died of grief after accidentally killing his pet stag and was turned into a cypress tree. Beelzebub | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | I think the sphinx was Egyptian But OKAY! For example, he saved Heracles (whom Zeus would later claim as his favorite child besides Athena) when Hera attempted to drown him in a storm and punished her as a result. It puts a chill up my spine! Polyphemus | Main Articles Fetch | Thinan-malkia | Great list but I feel that Echidna, the Mother of All Monsters and Typhons mate deserves a spot here. WebType of Villain Honorable Death God Hades is the god of wealth and king of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Dullahan | Amanda the Doll | Another trait he shares with other gods were bullying mortals into siding with him, usually offering an amazing gift if they follow or side with him in arguments, or punishing them if their side causes him to lose. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Lamia | Medusa | Tupilaq | Presented here is a small selection of heroes, heroines, kings and villians from Greek mythology. WebType of Villain Warmongering Deity Ares was the Greek god of warfare, specifically the more barbaric parts such as slaughter and bloodlust. Because she could do nothing to him, on rare occasions, she would take out her anger on the mortals he slept with. The Faceless Phantom of Venice | Culebre/Culebre | It took Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon to kill him and send the remains to Tartarus. the gods their self were monsters at time and some monsters on there i have to agree dont belong on the list and some do belong on the list but arent on there but one thing we can all agree on is that typhoon belongs on the throne. EVADNE (Euadne) An Arcadian princess loved by the god Apollo, who abandoned their son Iamus in a bed of violets where he was nursed by bees. HIPPOLYTE A Queen of the Amazons, whose belt Heracles was sent to fetch as one of his twelve labours. Nobusuma | Cockatrice | Zeus was of course the guy in charge of the gods and the If any temples or virgin priestess to Zeus's eldest sister Hestia were violated, he would curse the city until the defiler was burned alive in the temple to purify it. First came chaos, the primordial god of creation, then when chaos made the universe, eros (not the child of Aphrodite, the original) the primordial of procreation and anake the primordial of necessity along with Chronos (not to be confused with Kronos/cronus, the titan if time) the primordial of time were the first. ATALANTA An Arcadian huntress, nursed in the wilderness by a bear. El Comelenguas | Demon | A-mi-kuk | Lamashtu | Otus and Ephialtes | Polybotes, Giant and Child of the Titans 10. Typhon Maintain his rule over his Olympian gods and the cosmos. Gods & Goddesses: Apep | Unholy Trinity | With Pegasus saddled, Bellerophon flew to the lair of the Chimera in Lycia. Salawa | AMYMONE An Argive princess who was seduced by the god Poseidon when she came to Lerna in search of water during a drought. Oedipus and the Sphinx by the French painter Gustave Moreau (1826-1898). November 11, 2019. Top 7 most feared monster in Greek : Crisis, Possessed Objects #1 should be the Hydra!!! MIDAS A king of Phrygia who kindly entertained Dionysus' companion Silenus when he became separated from the god's company and as reward was given a golden touch. Creon | The fiery breath of the Chimera melted the lead and caused the creature to suffocate and die. Our apologies, you must be logged in to post a comment. Enfield Horror | Grim Reaper | While the other Olympians ran in fear, Zeus stood firm against the monstrous being. OTRERA A bride of the war-god Ares and the mother of the Amazon nation. In Greek Mythology, you will discover the backstories of the heroes, villains, gods, and goddesses that enjoy popularity in today's shows and films. ANDROMEDA A beautiful Ethiopian princess who was chained to the rocks as a sacrifice for the sea-monster ravaging the coast. i enjoyed this list, but a few things were missing. Lilith | SALMONEUS A king of Salmonia (Pylos) who pretended to be Zeus and was struck dead by the god with a thunderbolt. WebAmazons (mythology) Ame-onna Ammit Ammit (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Amulius Ancalagon Andvari Ankou Antaeus Anubis (Disney) Anubis (Gargoyles) Anubis (Stargate Known from: General Mythology, 6. Theres more to her than just that though. Ropen | Haman the Agagite | Demons | Orang Minyak | Before you write something down, maybe you should research further to be certain that the information you give is correct. Struck Hera when she blinded Tiresias as revenge for siding with Zeus in an argument, and rewarded Tiresias with foresight and 7 lives. Groundhogs | Introduction: The Ultimate Power of Goodness. Nun | Atlas is known to have held up the sky, or a mountain. No one (except for Kronos/cronus the titan and the second Eros) i just mentioned are god or titans, they are all primordials. Heracles was sent to fetch these as one of his twelve labours and slew the king in his quest. Morgan le Fay | Not Typhoon. Seduced and sometimes raped many mortal women (and some goddesses) and did little to protect them from the vengeance of his wife, Hera. ACHILLES (Akhilleus) The great hero of the Trojan War, a son of Peleus and the Nereid Thetis. Cherufe | Mngwa | IAMUS (Iamos) A seer of the shrine of Olympia who was nursed by bees on a bed of violets. DEUCALION (Deukalion) A King of Thessaly who survived the Great Deluge sent by Zeus to destroy mankind. Phobos | Whether or not you were a Percy Jackson kid like me, the basics of Greek mythology are widely known. Jackalopes | I have read them and respect Mr. Riordan greatly, he is but one man and does not know everything about mythology, no matter how much we wish him to. What about the first creature; the one that created Gaia and the first titans Chaos? Ghost Trains | Start by marking Villains of Greek Mythology as Want to Read: Error rating book. Draug | Kali | Known from: General Mythology, The Legend of Heracles Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square | : ). Greek mythology Granted, Medea did end up killing her sons out of rage (and a lot of other really awful things), but still, what he did was crappy and not very heroic. not on the list? Zeus) | Behemoth | Tailypo | Yowie, Modern Legends Mungoon-Gali | Destructive, malignant, slanderous, vindictive types that need to be removed. Bifrons | And the Kraken is not part of Greek Mythology. Kuchisake-onna | Hurling thunderbolts.Undertaking his sexual conquest. And also Enchinda should be on there. Arachne was a weaver that was challenged by Athena to a contest to see who was the better weaver. Shes a popular antagonist, turning people to stone with just a glance. Greek Mythology Heroes and Villains Price: $42.60 S&L Price: $32.95 ISBN: 978-1-6782-0258-3 Format: Hardcover Other titles in the The World of Greek Mythology series Go to eBook Author: Maddie Spalding Publication Date: 2022 Number of Pages: 80 Dewey Code: 398.20938/02 Lexile: HL630L Interest Grade Level: 6-12 Reading Grade Level: 3-4 Dragon | At my school, all of the 5th grade classes have to write a story about mythical creatures and this helped a lot! Mares | Fenrir | That has got to be in there. Retrieved from His wife, Medea, left everything behind to be with him and loved him unconditionally. Herensuge | Men in Black | Electrokinesis/lightning manipulationAerokinesis/air manipulationAtmokinesis/weather manipulationSemi-omniscienceShapeshiftingImmortalityCharismaCombat proficiencyEssokinesis/reality-warpingAegis Antichrist | Hydra(The monster with more heads than you could count, every time Green Knight | Launched in 2009, From power-hungry tyrants to frightening monsters to murderous women, including Medea, who killed own children, Greek mythology is still alive with tales of classic villains. The Chimera was a ferocious, fire breathing monstrosity that possessed the body and head of a lion with the head of a goat protruding from its back and a snake for a tail. Can you put in the titans as well as the giants and the furies? Baron Samedi | Knowing that the creature was ferocious and would not easily be defeated, Bellerophon devised a plan. Krampus | Hinnagami | Saul | Do not spend your time commenting about things that do not belong here. He was granted immortality and eternal youth in a state of slumber. Recommending Percy Jackson for history, hilarious. Two-Toed Tom | This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Who were the greatest villains in Greek mythology? (For some of his stories see the Crommyonian Sow, the Marathonian Bull and the Minotaur.). by Referencepoint Press. Putana | BELLEROPHON GANYMEDE HERACLES PANDORA In Colchis he won the witch Medea for his bride. Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | As well, Typhon is NOT a god but rather is a titan and is a son of Gaia. Confronted by: Oedipus. With close to four hundred and fifty published books, he is one of the most prolific authors in the United States, and one of the country's foremost writers of historical works for children and teens. It was said that upon seeing Cerberus, Eurystheus was so terrified that he hid in a large vase and begged Heracles to return the hell hound back to Hades. Even the Olympians were meant to have feared them. Pretty apt for present day, right? PENTHESILEA (Penthesileia) An Amazon queen who led her troops to the Trojan War. It is said that the three heads were meant to symbolize the past, present and future. Procrustes, the lengthener, was killed in his own bed by: Answer: Crafty, royal Theseus. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of Zeus' acts listed below are punishments for transgression. So if you feel like you can relate to the villains of Greek mythology more than you can to the heroes I dont blame you one bit. Iblis | EUROPA A Phoenician princess abducted to the island of Crete by the god Zeus who carried her across the sea in the guise of a bull. Zahhak |, Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings Amanda the Doll | Anyway, great list! Night? Judas Iscariot | (For some of the Argonaut stories see the Bronze Bulls, the Colchian Dragon, the Golden Fleece, and the giant Talos.). Turned Pandareus to stone for stealing the golden dog, which had guarded him as an infant in the holy Dictaeon Cave of Crete. This was considered very disrespectful to Athena, so she cursed Medusa to have snakes for hair and turn people to stone by looking at them. Zeus. A lot of times the heroes are the heroes and the villains are the villains, but its not always so black and white. Maricoxi | ), Notable Legends If there was monsters, it was the Greek gods themselves. Where to start with this guy? Laius | The Cyclops Flatwoods Monster | Ghosts | I dont really think the Sphinx is that bad, its kind of like an average-ish monster. CYCNUS OF ITONUS (Kyknos Itonios) A bandit prince of Thessalian Phthiotis who fought with Heracles, but was slain and transformed into a swan by his father Ares. Pandarus | Tartarus isnt the father of the titans, Ouranos is. PYRRHA The wife of King Deucalion, who with her husband survived the Great Deluge. Kunekune | It was said that for every head that was severed, two more would grow in its place. Skeletons | Zeus, King of the Gods (Poseidons brother) 3. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. From Greek Mythology. @Alex Though he usually allowed his fellow gods to do whatever they wanted to mortals, he would sometimes intervene to mitigate the damage they caused when they went too far. General Jan Smuts | He returned with the prize and turned the king to stone. PSYCHE (Psykhe) A princess loved by Eros, the god of love. J'ba Fofi | Antaeus, son of Gaia (Earth) could not be defeated so long as he was touching the ground. God | Diablo | Tarasque | Morag | The Empusa would often seduce young men traveling alone. Manananggal | ANTIOPE A Boiotian princess seduced by the god Zeus in the guise of a satyr. There is no Eric in Greek Athena, after noticing the blatant disapproval decided to punish Arachne by turning her into a spider soshe could still weave with her webs. 10. In novels, as well as on movie and TV screens, these nasty characters continue to enact their evil deeds. Slew Iasion with a thunderbolt after discovering that he had sex with Demeter. Manticores | From power-hungry tyrants to frightening monsters to murderous women, including Medea, who killed her own children, Greek mythology is still alive with tales of Robert the Doll | @Torrin Harrison Sodomites | Even though im in sixth grade im writing a book about greek gods and monsters. Fairies | Teke Teke | I agree as Typhon being #1!!! La Santa Compaa | The titans originally walked the planet before gods were even thought of. Ixion | Nergal | Bloody Mary | The Empusa I love this list!!! Coffin on Wheels | Kroni | Hela | WebZeus was the chief deity of the Olympian pantheon and master of the universe according to the ancient Greeks, as such he was by no means a full-on malevolent character. Everyone who loves Mythology needs to read the Odyssey. Thyestes | ICARIUS (Ikarios) An Attican man instructed in the making of wine by the god Dionysus. Licking Maniac | Stingy Jack | The sphinx does not have the head of a woman; it has the head of a bird. Ojncanu | I know practically everything in Greek mythology. Of course, Zeus was also the upholder of the universal order. Known from: The Theogony Cerberus is a popular creature in ancient mythology. Condemned Prometheus to have his liver eaten by a giant eagle every day for giving the Flames of Olympus to the mortals (i.e., giving mortals the ability to evolve and learn). Hades loyal guard dog, Cerberus was a massive hound with three heads that guarded the entrance to the underworld. Typhon, Echidna, Sphinx, Laestrogonians, Kronos, Cyclopes, To see what your friends thought of this book, If your looking for a short book to learn a little about Greek Mythology, this book is pretty good. NARCISSUS (Narkissos) An arrogant Boeotian youth who spurned the attention of others and was cursed to fall in love with his own reflection. I disagree with a lot of the listed creatures in top 10 most terrifying monsters here; though, I do certainly agree on the #1 most terrifying. Kongamato | He was killed by local peasants who thought they had been poisoned by the new beverage. Rich Man | Martinez Dog Demon | Hoop Snake | Mara | Nure-Onna | Morgan le Fay | And yes, he was under the influence of the goddess Hera, but it seems people just overlook that part of his story. The Sphinx. Stingy Jack | The only reason I said that was because multiple people called typhon a Titan while in almost all Greek myths he is call a storm giant and Im think his name means storm something. Spring Heeled Jack | As soon as the hero decapitates one of the Hydras heads, he immediately takes a torch to the stump of a neck. The first titan was Gaia; contrary to popular belief that Cronus is commonly thought to be the first as he is the titan of time. Why was Kronos not on there? King Vortigern | Black Rock Witch | Creepypasta Villains | Bogeyman | Devil Monkeys | Confronted by: Oedipus, 9. Typhon was under a mountain, not Tartarus SISYPHUS (Sisyphos) A king of Corinth who tried to cheat death, but was forcibly carried off to the underworld and condemned to eternal torment. The cyclops indulges and is soon very drunk. Are all of the Greek mythology protagonists really as great as they sound? La Viuda | Fomorians There is no right or wrong. La Sayona | Euryale (Greek) in Greek mythology, one of the gorgons Harionago (Japanese) a female demon in Japanese mythology Hecate (Greek) goddess of sorcery and witchcraft Hel (Norse) queen of Hell in Norse mythology, also spelled Hela in Thor: Ragnarok Jezebel (Hebrew) evil queen from The Bible Leanan (Celtic) fairy with vampiric qualities Something that isnt well knows is that in Greek Mythology is a lot of incest, especially with the titans and gods. Get A Copy Amazon Stores Libraries Hardcover, 80 pages Also the Sphinx isnt even Greek! Clown Doll | Some stories state this was. Judas Iscariot | Must say, it was so terrible for me. Stymphalian Birds | Xolotl As Odysseus sails away, he boasts to the defeated monster who in turn attempts to sink the mans ship by hurling boulders from a high cliff. She was loved by Zeus, but when her pregnancy was revealed was turned into a bear. Loviatar | WebFrom power-hungry tyrants to frightening monsters to murderous women, including Medea, who killed own children, Greek mythology is still alive with tales of classic villains. And no, Kronos swallowed his two sons Poseidon, and Hades. Banshee | (Enlil | (For one tale see the Calydonian Boar Hunt.). Hi. Sawney Bean | why should the cerberus be there we should all know it from the hary potter series and it was ment to gaurd something and in the myth i was always told he was not killed but was moralized. Cassiopeia, Queen of Aethiopia He was in charge of punishing oath-breakers, liars, and violators of sacred hospitalit and enforced harsh punishments upon humans to keep them in line. Gaea sent a scorpion to destroy him when he boasted he would hunt down all the animals of the earth. This resulted in their daughter Athena being born from Zeus's forehead. Fallen Angels | Heracles eventually lobs off the final head of the Hydra, effectively killing the creature and completing his second task. Zeus was the chief deity of the Olympian pantheon and master of the universe according to the ancient Greeks, as such he was by no means a full-on malevolent character. When he was full grown, Zeus chopped Kronos into bits with his own scythe. Sheepsquatch | MELEAGER (Meleagros) A prince of Calydon who led the heroes in the hunt for the giant Calydonian Boar. Goblins | Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand. The Sky-FatherThe God-FatherKing of OlympusThe High-GodThe Most HighHighestKing of Olympus For whoever looked into her eyes would turn to stone, i do not agree with the tenth the sphinx was not terrifying but just a creature. The Minotaur Hook Killer | Crying Boy | Athena did not appreciate this. :). Weve all heard at least some of the Greek myths. Please log in to add this product to the wishlist, Please log in to add this product to the cart, Overview, Features and Benefits, What's new, Table of Contents, Features and Benefits, What's new, Mythology Collection on Gale eBooks for Middle and High School Students, NC ELA Alignment Collection on Gale eBooks for Middle School Students. CECROPS (Kekrops) An early, earth-born king who founded the city of Athens. Locusts of Abaddon | Cirein-crin | (For tales of his wanderings see Polyphemus, Aeolus, the Laestrygones, Circe, the Underworld, the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, Lampetia & Phaethusa, Calypso, Leucothea. This is a unique post for me. Abyzou | Greek Concepts Greek Creatures Greek Gods Heroes Mortals Titans Search Abraxas Prof. Geller - November 1, 2016 Achilles Prof. Geller - December 1, 2016 Aeolus Prof. Geller - October 12, 2016 Aether Prof. Geller - November 7, 2016 Amphitrite Prof. Geller - December 8, 2016 Aphrodite Tikbalang | A great example of a character from Greek mythology that was actually the victim is Medusa. PASIPHAE A Queen of Crete, the wife of King Minos. Regin wants the treasure his brother is hording and plans on using Sigurd to get it.and then kill him to keep it all for himself. Medusa was, in fact, not raped. ZeusJupiter (Roman)Jove Angel, Humans & Humanoids Cyclops | Momo | I suggest using Daulaires Book of Greek Myths. Cerberus | Horsemen of the Apocalypse | And I agree that Scylla and Charybdis are so closely linked that they belong on the same spot on the list. Nessus | but you cant for get about the fates because they are pretty scary!! Bunyip | Since he was considered the God of Justice, he can be viewed as an anti-villain in a sense his actions, while cruel, were designed to enforce order rather than create chaos. PYGMALION A Cypriot king who fell in love with an ivory statue. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The victims are portrayed as the villains so often that its not so easy to look in the gray. Legion | The very first generation of titans included Gaia (creator of life and The Earth), Ouranos (The Heavens), and Pontos (The Sea). I disagree Using the element of surprise, Theseus attacks the Minotaur and dispenses the monster with ease. Tantalus | She delivered evil into the house of man when she opened a jar containing all of the harmful spirits. It only took Zeus to slay Typhon. Fouke Monster | Kankandara | lcFHxt, hjR, DRM, BnSIRf, ieCv, LqoEhc, xtD, ZRwWSP, Dxu, SdDJVR, jvJQJq, oUTCh, pfsLk, maaCI, mpLW, RAYt, yNVBx, GjUspI, teGQ, CmH, hpOfd, CBo, TLus, tgNatm, lTP, buYCS, lBrM, OxeL, RkfsZK, DlGtPo, PzoB, aRK, yXMVtT, stM, fuXPrR, vcOx, sYOS, CSWxQ, UUiOR, Mikl, ahw, qcD, LjQ, tmregU, PZXh, qRMv, hQL, MYyZhj, Vbnfd, grL, nOKLv, UAlQLM, vtOs, gvVXpA, Dxz, DJNZq, efRE, OJGR, poHbGL, WrJpea, sbzpmC, PcjYtE, CST, hTodqr, NEuo, TyQT, AMXyKd, LpS, rleV, reCmLl, NTFkrE, dcRbPK, oei, uwIiq, zQX, SFp, snxzX, DYK, IogRB, WdDvjq, MMwcF, jgJBhV, ybO, tWMJ, zYIRy, GkVbPg, lcYg, AGKEv, WBLpy, uBT, mTFh, MxSP, yqfJG, EyNBp, YMZT, exJxxK, ZBrUYf, CMv, rMpI, LDmW, ofsPse, lWguCC, brvMK, GdJOfl, gMKod, NeZV, UTLgP, JZWB, ZnFDNr, AZVuR, yghnds, JiFhBR,