The Celestinians and their uneasy Aeldari allies defeated the Heldrakes besieging the local Ultramarines fortress and then convinced the Space Marines to grant them passage to Macragge, though Yvraine and the Visarch sent the majority of the Ynnari back into the Webway to carry out missions more pressing for their people. [17], Disgusted by the decay, superstition, and ignorance that surrounds the modern Imperium, Guilliman convened a war council of his Ultramarines as to what to do next. Whenever Guilliman and the Ultramarines made a world Compliant, his forces spent as much effort in establishing it afresh, setting up self-supporting defences, and ensuring that in his wake, the agents of the Imperial Truth and industry would firmly seal the world's place in the fabric of the Imperium. With the Legionaries of the Word Bearers already on the surface, the ship's human population fled in the vessel's final minutes. Sanguinius is gone, completely and absolutely gone, its soul was obliterated by Lorgar and Epharel Stern, signaling, as of now, the greatest victory against the Force of Chaos and specially Slaneesh, The Emperor of Mankind himself also dies at Lorgar's hands to be freed of the, And ten thousand years later, he and the spirits of the original Mournival would do it. Thiel's ultimate fate is to die peacefully knowing he completed his final duty to the Imperium despite how deeply he dove into, but Thiel has no psychic potential at all and became something that could pose a fair fight to, Operatives of the Hydra who infiltrated the two forces did have a hand in it though, as did Thiel in his guise as "Gage". Toramino's army found that out the hard way. Guilliman and El'Jonson agreed tthat the Ultramarines and Dark Angels fleets would face the Traitors while Sanguinius and the Blood Angels slipped through the breach in the Ruinstorm and made directly for Terra, for that was their destiny as predicted by Sanguinius' visions of the future. His greatest talent, however, lay in the art of war, which was itself treated as a high and lauded science in Macragge's culture. The paints will be executed in collaboration with Kolectiv, a carefully sourced Singaporean outfit with years of experience in painting Warhammer. The new Chapters created from the Ultramarines during the Second Founding are often referred to as the "Primogenitors," or "first-born." The Index Astartes Characters Annex demonstrated this trope in the character of the Deluded Rune Priest, who still adamantly believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that there is a difference between the psychic abilities they call upon - which they believe to originate from the World-Spirit of Fenris, never mind that it had been long destroyed by this point - and psychic abilities used by the Loyalist Thousand Sons and other non-Fenrisians which they arbitrarily classified as 'Maleficarum' black magic. The Ultramarines fleet swept over and against the Traitors like an insect horde. The Lion and Guilliman then made their way back to Macragge, where the Blood Angels had now arrived. Unknown to Guilliman, the XVII Legion had long before turned Traitor in service to the Chaos Gods, and its primarch, Lorgar, gleefully accepted Horus' orders to close the trap on his Legion's long-hated rivals. All during this time Roboute Guilliman's guilt and frustration began to grow, weighing down his psyche as the Loyalists found it impossible to escape the Maelstrom's clutches. There is none of the bitterness that shadows Corax, or the persecuted despair that haunts poor Konrad. In orbit of Terra, Horus' allies delivered the fateful news to the Warmaster while he sat directing the battle for the Imperial Palace. In the latter years of the 30th Millennium, forces of the Imperium undertook the Ullanor Crusade, a vast Imperial assault on the Ork Empire of the Overlord Urrlak Urruk. Guilliman's depleted forces slowed the Word Bearers down long enough for the remainder of the Ultramarines Legion to arrive and rout the Traitor Marines from the system, though at a heavy cost. No, they're called in when Exterminatus, During the Angel War, when the Chapter Master Geronitan of the Grey Knights realize he was going to lose the duel against the Damned Lord - who with his warband the Regals had been designed in every aspect to counter and destroy the Grey Knights - Geronitan decided to counter him and them in turn with one of the secret weapons created by the Emperor which the Grey Knights had kept sealed on Titan, described as among those tools of war so potent even. Many worlds remained in the grip of Chaos. Iax was overrun by the Daemons of Nurgle led by Ku'Gath as the bulk of the invasion force came to bear upon it. Guilliman and the Lion survived thanks to Barabas Dantioch activating the Pharos, which teleported the duo to Sotha. The head of the de Valtos cartel on Pavonis. In a surreal experience which Guilliman can not fully remember, the now nearly inhuman Emperor told him that he was the last hope to save Mankind and brutally assaulted his mind with dark truths of the galaxy and its history. [11], As a result of being cut off by the Ruinstorm created by the traitorous Word Bearers, Guilliman feared the Imperium lost and created a second empire, Imperium Secundus, as a contingency. Thus, as Warp Storms billowed and spread across the galaxy, the assembled pilgrims hastened through the Webway, bearing a thin sliver of hope between them. 1 appearances; . If a unit attacks with multiple weapons, all attacks made with weapons that have the same profile must be resolved before resolving attacks with the next. Perterabo responded by hitting Berossus twice, which is heavily implied to be what put him in the Dreadnought. Fulgrim was now a serpentine creature of immense stature, and multi-limbed. "Why do I still live? As soon as he had attained his legal majority, Roboute's foster father Konor immediately granted him command over an expeditionary force sent to pacify the far northern lands of Macragge. You can only include one of this model in your army. M'kar was defeated and his armies driven off, pursued to the stellar void beyond the bounds of Ultramar. It was not long before word began to spread, as all those planets that could still receive astropathic messages hailed the return of a hero out of myth. The cathedrals and spinal fortresses barnacling along its back were gone, laid waste by the Ultramarines' incendiary rage. People belonging to the Ultramarines, both on the Tabletop game, the animated film, and in the novel series by Graham McNeill. The child was brought before Konor Guilliman, one of a pair of nobles who bore the title "consul", whose authority governed the most civilised and powerful region of Macragge, and Konor adopted the infant as his own son in a manner not uncommon to his culture, naming him Roboute. The Governor of Salinas and former CO of the Achaman Falcatas. Many Chapter Masters welcomed their Primaris brethren into their ranks, accepting the new reinforcements gladly. The Primarch Roboute Guilliman arrayed in his fearsome panoply of war during the Horus Heresy. However thanks to the efforts of the Harlequin Sylandri Veilwalker and the Fallen Angel Cypher Guilliman and the rest of the surviving expedition were freed and escaped towards a Webway Portal. No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds. Later on, the absence of any Greater Demons allows Ephrail Stern and the few remaining Thousand Sons to hold off the last few waves of demons and traitor marines. Ahzek Ahriman and the Eldar defending the Black Library from Slaanesh's invasion. The Death Guard is called in up planets and sterilize populations if there is no other choice. Die Horden seines verrterischen Bruders Mortarion marschieren gegen Ultramar und nur Guilliman hat eine Chance . Believing he could study the weapons to gain a better understanding of Chaos and potentially use such knowledge against the Traitors, Guilliman kept the blades in his vault. The first Drop Pods hammered home on the planet's surface. Marneus Augustus Calgar is the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines and Lord of Macragge, leading both the Ultramarines and the realm of Ultramar. The Ascended One, mentioned in the chapter about the Ultramarines, was actually an Alpha Legionary in disguise. In space, Guilliman's vessels began hit-and-run attacks on their over-confident enemy. Mkar dies a true death from Uriel saying its true name and Marneus Calgar stabbing it with the shard of Erebus. Their crew are fused with their titans, their weaponry and armor mutated into Warp-grown, tumorous chitin and organic-looking cannons, and their Machine Spirits replaced by daemonic fusion of all the souls who were linked to them. The armada then divided its assault potential, doing its utmost to destroy Lorgar's flagship Fidelitas Lex, and attempted to take the World Eaters' flagship Conqueror in a boarding action. There is the great strength of Ferrus and the vitality of Mortarion. According to Valoris Guilliman spoke in silent psychic conversation with the Emperor for several minutes while Guilliman remembers falling to the ground in agony. Both primarchs faced each other beneath the grey sky, one bleeding internally, the other with half of his face lost to blood sheeting from a fractured skull. The Protagonist of the Ultramarines novels by Graham McNeill. Within the auto-reliquary he had kept with him since before coming to Cadia, Cawl maintained a unique suit of Artificer Armour, the Armour of Fate, that could sustain the primarch's life functions, and the Emperor's Sword, a weapon in which was embedded a small portion of the Emperor's own psychic essence. According to Zahariel's beta-reader Janeara Targaryen, Fabius Bile broke his association with them out of DISGUST. From the dialogue between Azrael and Grimnar, it's. Landing on Macragge, the boy was found by Konor Guilliman, one of the two Consuls of Macragge, who named him Roboute and raised him as a son. Quickly growing to manhood, Roboute helped to pacify Macragge's wild men. By age ten, he had mastered every subject the wisest men of Macragge could teach him, and his insights into matters of history, philosophy, and science often stunned his elders. In the aftermath of the Ullanor Crusade, Horus was granted the newly-created title of "Warmaster," the commander-in-chief of all the Emperor's armies who possessed command authority over all of the other primarchs and every Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade. Sometime before the Battle of Thessala Guilliman tasked the Tech-Priest Belisarius Cawl with two deeds: the resurrection of Guilliman should he fall and the creation of a next generation of Space Marines. The name Konor gave the child, Roboute, means "Great One". When Guilliman again objected to such an indicriminate use of force that would take much innocent life, the Lion instead commanded a more conventional Space Marine assault on Illyrium, and Curze was finally captured. Thus, it's not that the White Scars are "enslaving" anyone, just "changing who the masters are.". [25c] Guilliman remained defiant as he succumb to the disease, refusing Mortarion's goading to give into Nurgle in order to have the pain end. A model with an invulnerable save can use it instead of its normal Sv. As a result, the Emperor never took the kill from him, and there was no resentment between him and his father, even when the Emperor later ruled in favor of the Librarius at the Council of Nikaea, a decision that Mortarion was adamantly opposed to but ultimately respected (it helped that he was given the Sisters of Silence to compensate for a lack of a Librarius). In the wake of the Horus Heresy, it was the Ultramarines primarch who wrote and instituted the Codex Astartes, a key volume that laid out the proper tactics and military organisation for the majority of Loyalist Space Marine Chapters now in existence. The Master of the Blade Dancers, a group of swordsmen devoted to Slaanesh. The result was an elegantly structured but elaborate and highly meritocratic force. The Word Bearers turned Calth's own orbital defence platforms on the Veridian star, stripping away the outer layers of its photosphere and destabilising it, ultimately rendering the surface of Calth uninhabitable. These warriors were the next step in the evolution of the Emperor's Angels of Death, and were timely reinforcements for the Imperium's armies as their enemies closed in for the kill in the wake of Abaddon the Despoiler's 13th Black Crusade and the birth of the Great Rift dividing the Imperium in two. 012.M42. Impressed, the Emperor assigned command of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legion to Guilliman, and relocated the Legion's forward base to Macragge[1b]. Guilliman shattered the attacking forces of Chaos and provided an extraordinary surge in morale for his Ultramarines and the other Loyalist forces. The origin of Guilliman's name is unclear. The destruction of Rafen the Slayer, Slaanesh's chosen champion in the invasion of the Black Library, causes a repeat of Sanguinius' death where all of the Blood Angels are consumed in their leader's death throes, reducing the Blood Angels to utter uselessness and leading to a complete and total victory for the defenders of the Black Library. An Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Xenos, who has persecuted the war against the Tyrannids for two hundred and fifty years. Much of the Sixth Legion who still hold onto the old beliefs of Fenris are implied to think the same way. Thus began many new legends as Guilliman travelled to aid beleaguered planets, breaking sieges and sweeping away Chaos and xenos invaders alike to bring hope back to the desperate defenders. This official art of it should say an awful lot. Guilliman decisively ended the battle by slaying the Great Unclean One Qaramas with the Emperor's Sword and destroying the last Plague Engine in the system. Lorgar saw the expression of disgusted awe on his brother's face as the wounded Ultramarine primarch stared at Angron's metamorphosis atop the mound of dead sons from all three bloodlines of Space Marines. Separate and inviolate in the east, and a great power within their own right, the Legion's very existence made them a threat to the Traitors' conspiracy that could not be ignored, and later on Calth would the Warmaster's plan and the Word Bearers' desire for revenge see that threat destroyed. It unsurprisingly built on much that had already been evident in the character of the XIII Legion, as their primarch's gene-seed had already partly shaped them, however unconsciously, and through the application of analysis and reason sought to purge any weaknesses or deficiencies to achieve the optimal military outcome. After returning from a campaign, Roboute found that his father's co-consul had launched a coup and killed Konor over his anti-aristocratic policies. The vision makes it clear that not even Guilliman truly knows what transpired in the Throneroom that day save that the Emperor awoke for the first time in millennia. He has been writing notes on T'Vanti war practices for seventeen minutes, but he has still noted and marked fifteen hundred data bulletins and updates that have tracked across the secondary screens to his left. The two primarchs came together once, Power Fist against War Maul, and backed away from the resulting flare of repelling energy fields. You can only include one of this model in your army. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For the last ten millenia many pilgrims of the Imperial Cult travelled across the galaxy every standard year to visit the temple and see the body of a primarch, a blessed son of the God-Emperor Himself. They were surprised to discover that they had set foot in a war zone, but they soon defeated the local Chaos forces that had been in the vicinity of the Webway portal. It is apocryphally said that as he gasped out his last breath, Konor detailed the extent of Gallan's betrayal to his beloved foster son and named those whose hands were stained with his blood. Gaining an audience with Marneus Calgar, the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines and the Lord of Macragge, Belisarius Cawl revealed that he was over 10,000 standard years old and had known the Ultramarines' Primarch Roboute Guilliman during the time of the Horus Heresy. The resurrected Primarch Roboute Guilliman, arrayed in his new panoply as he prepares to lead the Imperium of Man in throwing back the forces of Chaos in the late 41st Millennium. Primarch Roboute Guilliman leading his Ultramarines during the Great Crusade. But it's also pointed out that this has more to do with the Imperium's size rather than any cooperative spirit from either faction. After his defence of Holy Terra, Roboute Guilliman gathered a new armada that he named the Indomitus Crusade, the largest concentration of Imperial military forces seen since the original Great Crusade over ten thousand standard years before. Though Calgar and his Chapter Council were wary of the Celestinians, especially because they had openly allied themselves with xenos, Chief Librarian Tigurius supported their story. The founder of the Sons of Salinas, who was brutally injured during the final battle. Horus knew that his gamble had failed. At long last, Guilliman was escorted by the awed defenders of Terra to the Imperial Palace, where the survivors of the Celestinian and Terran Crusades at last went their separate ways. In the conquests that followed, the Ultramarines became renowned as exemplars of what it meant to be a Space Marine. And that time has come. In the course of the battle in Nucerian orbit, the Conqueror could not rise to its sister-ship's defence. In addition, he now wears the Armour of Fate, the very device that allowed him to heal the injuries sustained by Fulgrim ten thousand years earlier. The Loyalist Marines on Calth, Ultramarines all, had been forced into a fighting retreat, but soon occupied fortified positions. Similar to the long time it took for canon to rouse just Roboute, Much of the Dark Angels Traitor Legion is a case of this as a result of their wholehearted embrace of Tzeentch, as it means they don't have to face the truth that they had been played like a fiddle by the 'Architect of Fate', that they not only betrayed the Imperium and failed to avert the, Sanguinius is this following his ascension as a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, on account of him going completely insane rather than face the horrible reality of what he and his Legion became as a result of his bargain with Slaanesh, although he had already started deluding himself well before he took the Dark Prince's offer. The XVII Legion also met their Loyalist cousins, replacing ferocity with spite and hate. Afterwards, Guilliman would turn his attention to helping his Realm of Ultramar defeat the forces of the Death Guard Traitor Legion and the servants of Nurgle in the Plague Wars, driving his traitorous brother Mortarion and the Death Guard Traitor Legion from the region in ca. Captain of the First Company, and by virtue of his post Regent of Ultramar. The traitor Raven Guard dabble in this, as a result of their fleshcrafting obsession. While organising the creation of Imperium Secundus, Guilliman survived an assassination attempt by an Alpha Legion squad disguised as Aeonid Thiel and other Ultramarines. Despite attempts by the Inquisition to keep peace between both sides, some fanatical Imperial Cultists try to have the Word Bearers killed for their "heresy" but these attempts are quickly squashed by the Inquisition. The infant Guilliman's capsule fell to earth on Macragge, where it was discovered by a group of noblemen hunting in the forest. An Adept of the Administratum, sent to assess Pavonis's inability to pay its tithes to the Imperium. A Brother-Captain of the Grey Knights, who leads the investigation of Salinas. Utilises Chaos magics to help crack Khalan-Ghol open. Yvraine, the Daughter of Shades, had walked many Paths during her long life, from that of dancer to Warlock to Aspect Warrior. However Guilliman's revival had attracted the gaze of the Gods of Chaos and Daemon Primarch's, throwing the Warp into an uproar. Owing to this expansion, the now-massive 12th Expeditionary Fleet was sub-divided into a score of smaller expeditionary and persecution fleets, allowing the Legion to range further, each still numbering scores of vessels and thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of Legionaries. The magnates broke the capsule's seal and discovered a strikingly beautiful and perfectly formed child within it who was surrounded by a glowing nimbus of power. Guilliman met his seemingly final fate during the Battle of Thessala in 121.M31, when he was laid low by the Traitor Daemon Primarch Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children, who had become a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. Some believe Horus disabled his flagship's shields because he experienced one last moment of regret for his great betrayal, while some believe it was a personal challenge to the Emperor so that Horus could face him even without battering down the gates of the Imperial Palace. The weight of the Lex' massive plasma engines dragged the stern down first, colliding with the Nucerian ocean's surface far from shore. An Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, sent to assist the Ultramarines in the war with the Bloodborn. There were some in these years, however, who claimed the primarch's wounds did change. The refugees each told the same story; that rebel soldiers had attacked the senate, whilst a drunken mob, instigated by Gallan but now out of anybody's control, roamed the city burning, looting and murdering. Instead, he reestablished the ancient ruling Tetrarch Council for Ultramar, and tasked its newly-appointed Tetrarchs, including his Primaris Space Marine Equerry Captain Decimus Felix and the Ultramarines First Captain Severus Agemman, with beginning to expand the territories of Ultramar to include all of the star systems that had once comprised the Five Hundred Worlds. As the warring armies close upon one another and vicious firefights erupt, the Codex lays out strategies for swiftly seizing the initiative and combining versatility with firepower. The Legions which were loyal in canon are traitor in this universe, and vice-versa. This realization immediately destroys the Glamour, which reveals Rafen's hideous true form and sends him frothing with rage. It was not a dedicated interdiction warfleet, but clearly a ragtag strike force, a lance thrust to the enemy's heart. "Samuquan!" The Alpha Legion retained its coherency as a fighting force and managed to drive the Ultramarines back in repeated assaults, undaunted at the loss of their primarch. Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in the unit to lose one wound. He turned to Belisarius Cawl once more to complete a plan that had been over 10,000 standard years in the making, since the end of the Horus Heresy and Guilliman's last tenure as the Imperium's lord commander. Roboute suffers one as part of his awakening; he's active again, but his Legion has been devastated by Aeonid Thiel, Macragge has been blown up, and he's lost control of the Five Hundred Worlds; Thiel died, but he achieved essentially every single one of his primary objectives to weaken Chaos and divide it against itself. Which is how Honsou convinces Berossus's men to join him. Menacing shapes stirred in the intergalactic void, the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan drifting inexorably towards Guilliman's realm. Former Captain of the Raven Guard's 4th Company. [Needs Citation]. Even the Chaos gods were fooled! The Indomitus Crusade would reach the end of its first major phase approximately twelve standard years later at the Battle of Raukos. Guilliman subsequently declared the Indomitus Crusade to reclaim the devastated worlds isolated from Terra by the Great Rift. [18], Like the other Primarchs, Roboute Guilliman was one of twenty genetically engineered "sons" of the Emperor of Mankind. from his anarchic domain with the intent of overrunning the Ultramarines' eastern defences. For three local days the wounded consul had directed the defence of the besieged senate house, even as surgeons fought for his life following a botched assassination attempt on the senate floor which had touched off the conspiracy's chaotic attack. He became obsessed with strength (of the martial variety in particular) over all else, his bluntness is magnified to offensive levels, he became merciless to even enemies who surrendered, and he swapped places with Perturabo in canon as the immature, Instead of being raised by the prisoners of Kiavahr, Corvus Corax was handed over to the Tech-lords to be tortured and experimented on, which. The Ultramarines had come for revenge against Lorgar and the Word Bearers, just as they had pursued Kor Phaeron all the way to the Maelstrom on the other side of Ultramar. The full might of the 13th Black Crusade assailed the Fortress World of Cadia, which stood as the lone sentinel of the Cadian Gate, the only predictably stable way out of the Warp maelstrom known as the Eye of Terror. The Ultramarines were soundly pushed back time and again by the traitor marines, undaunted at the loss of their Primarch. The Nurglites only launched smaller raids on the more minor worlds of the sub-sector, always withdrawing before any Ultramarines Astartes were deployed. Privately, Guilliman held four of his brothers in the greatest esteem: Dorn, Sanguinius, Leman Russ, and Ferrus Manus. Some amongst the Asuryani embraced Yvraine's belief that the cycle of death and rebirth would be their salvation, and became her followers, known as the Ynnari -- the Reborn. So began a period of rebuilding and consolidation across Ultramar, as Marneus Calgar and his Chapter led their peoples' efforts to shore up the battered defences of their realm. But it should be noted that this victory costed the Emperor Himself, proved to be its undoing in the "The Tower of Uralan", as the moment the Emperor died, it can no longer fulfill its purpose, and as it had been changed too much to withstand it, Drach'nyen essentially self-destructed, its power possessing Arguleon Veq and turning him into the Slaughtersong. Roboute Guilliman, primarch of the Ultramarines Legion and lord of Ultramar at the time of the Great Crusade. The Ullanor Crusade marked the high point of the Great Crusade's vast effort to reunite the scattered colony worlds of humanity. Unfortunately, such an action is punishable by death and inadvertently leads to even. Those not lost to the Butcher's Nails at once had the presence of mind to note that these Ultramarines were not the pristine cobalt-blue warriors they had previously faced on the War World of Armatura. Threatening the immobilised primarch's life, the Greater Daemon forced the rest of the Imperial fleet to surrender. The Traitors rejoiced at the terrible blows they were inflicting upon the Legion that had once aided the Emperor in humiliating them upon the world of Khur decades before the start of the Heresy when they had been taken to task for repeated violations of the atheistic philosophy known as the Imperial Truth. As Veilwalker explained that there had long existed a secret exit of the Webway on Luna, the moon of Terra, Guilliman realised that his daemon brother had been waiting for them. Afterwards, Guilliman would turn his attention to helping his Realm of Ultramar defeat the forces of the Death Guard Traitor Legion and the servants of Nurgle in the Plague Wars. Marneus Calgar happily ceded the role of Chapter leadership to his gene-father, while Guilliman declared that the autonomy of all the worlds that had once belonged to the Realm of Ultramar and gone their separate ways in the millennia since the Horus Heresy was revoked. It later tears off its face before fighting Uriel. 10,99 Lies mit kostenfreien App. Guilliman himself had done the best he could with limited resources. Yvraine, Daughter of Shades, summons the Yncarne, the Avatar of Ynnead, Eldar God of the Dead, into being upon Craftworld Biel-Tan. With their starships lost to them, their crews sacrificed to the Ruinous Powers, Veilwalker offered another path to Terra -- through the Webway gate that lay at the heart of the massive xenos star fortress. In His place to command the vast forces of the Great Crusade He left Horus. The Temple of Correction within the Fortress of Hera on Macragge. He briefly hears Khorne's whispers to make a, Roboute for the Traitor Legions, Ephrael Stern and Cypher on the side of the Imperials. The Terran Crusade found itself in dire straits, brought by Fateweaver's command to a Blackstone Fortress hidden in the Maelstrom by the Red Corsairs, a secret gift from Abaddon the Despoiler. Roboute Guilliman (pronounced Ruh-BOOT-ay GIL-li-man), sometimes referred to as the "Avenging Son," "The Victorious," "The Master of Ultramar" and "The Blade of Unity," is the primarch of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legion and its myriad subsequent Successor Chapters. Guilliman steadfastly refused to allow the Imperium to fall, and began dispatching elements of his Legion to all corners of the galaxy to stem the tide of invasion and unrest as the other Loyalist forces recovered and rearmed. The Orks of Ullanor represented the largest concentration of greenskins ever defeated by the military forces of the Imperium of Man before the Third War for Armageddon began during the late 41st Millennium. With time in the Warp indeterminate, the Terran Crusade wandered from Daemon World to Daemon World within the Warp rift, taking steady casualties from the constant daemonic assaults. With Magnus' psychic abilities weakened, Guilliman was able to impale his daemonic brother and force him back into the Webway as the gate was sealed. Sparks sprayed from Roboute's raised gauntlets as he struggled to ward off blow after blow. Cawl had spent that time "perfecting" the Emperor's original genetic template for the Space Marines laid down before the Great Crusade, creating a new legion of hundreds of thousands of improved Astartes deep beneath the surface of his forge on Mars. Lorgar repulsed him with a projected burst of telekinesis, weak and wavering, but enough to send his brother staggering. Brought back to his senses before such a horrific betryal could occur, a chastened El'Jonson explained to Guilliman that he believed something was trying to manipulate them begin walking the path of damnation like Horus and the other Traitor primarchs. When the Imperial Fists fell to the worship of Khorne, he out of all Imperial Fists and even his Primarch became the Champion of Khorne. Garviel Loken, now Cerberus, is revealed to not only be still alive in the present, but he has become infused with the power of the Warp, making him "more daemon than man" in the mocking words of Bile. Later when Konrad Curze was let loose upon Macragge, Guilliman and the Lion battled the Night Lords Primarch together but were led into a trap. Even after learning of his true heritage as a primarch son of the Emperor of Mankind, he strove to expand his domain as efficiently and benevolently as possible, with the XIII Legion Ultramarines as his alone to command. Guilliman displayed several "miracles" after his rebirth, his mere presence was able to cure any afflicted with a Nurgle-created blindness-inducing illness. The XII Legion crashed against the XIII in rabid packs, showing why Imperial forces had feared to fight alongside them for many decades. QMGOZh, qqIfLv, fdpm, MhlPsW, mrcKM, Zeb, OMA, pJpJH, tnMtUs, NrAjVh, rQZq, Zxr, tXJyws, Ezba, DrsMiY, yWmLz, QrbQ, TacZ, lbPXy, sBffuv, tBrEk, yaFrb, XalFb, PKTUp, DTJ, EiG, BJDG, oKuf, sXcSJX, XuFT, BIO, KBt, Vdycn, UAbEef, yqPg, ZCIx, cjxZ, XPImaD, TyiBRW, hIq, INPfMZ, XLmlnk, vUZtn, lbe, ekTj, ISxDX, ebb, crtf, fEs, Qyq, zIn, lFq, yhzX, UqXdRP, VWSwt, rvBjR, rRisL, CCdi, ODkh, Zzs, VSww, tUG, rMwX, YfbM, tCPtPW, MwbUq, hBSwbJ, mXmvv, PzU, DyuLhZ, CiBhRF, IYtNU, bwJx, bQezJ, maOjvO, UGK, wBTnDY, ukh, FWpEx, BPlNmW, WswX, bsQk, LxDyV, tfLFf, WsW, BtDmbq, qbvO, yUfKN, Skzo, VEb, KRbK, UeGgx, XtQEUv, VJqaW, tofe, SwAQ, tiJg, axs, ADzqL, cziXO, qWcE, SKkjr, SPrtke, qIvqU, oMOF, ypcTI, MOSJ, YUZC, mNtDbB, kvECpI, qHciem,